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2012-05-23 14:13 作者:頑童不老草青青  | 3條評論 相關文章 | 我要投稿


I found Jameson breakfasting on the terrace.He said that Theresa had left early to go to the market in Adrano.Pouring himself a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice,he suddenly asked,‘What do you know about the Triads?'

‘Not a lot,'I told him.I knew that they were the Chinese Mafia.I also knew that they were behind most of the crime in San Francisco's Chinatown.

‘The word is,'said Jameson,‘that the Triads would like a slice of the drug traffic that comes through this island.There have been a lot of arrests lately and the Sicilian drugs operation has taken a knocking.The Triads would like to get things reorganised.It would help their operation and mean more money for the Sicilian Mafia.'

He filled his glass again.

‘Lippari,or Don Alberto as he prefers to be called,is the last of the old gang bosses.His money comes from diluted wine and the construction industry.He doesn't like the drugs or Triads.The rest of the Mafia bosses are young men who draw the line at nothing if it makes money.They 'd like to see Lippari out of the way,but they wouldn't dare to move openly against him.He is the unofficial“godfather” to half the poor on the island.That's why it figures that somebody's hired an outside assassin.'( 文章閱讀網(wǎng):www.sanwen.net )

Jameson must have realised that while this was interesting it didn't help my situation.

‘You 've got a couple of choices,'he went on.‘I can get you in to see Lippari.He should be grateful to know what's going on;and he's got the means to help you.Lippari has eyes and ears in every corner of Sicily.'

‘You said“two choices”,'I interrupted.

‘The other is that I get you off the island.I have friends.A trip on a fishing boat···you're put on board a Corsican ship, and you land in Marsseilles.Money and papers I can give you.After Marsseilles,you make your own way back to the States.'

The choice was clear enough,I only had to make it!Lippari(25),or Marseilles(24).


1,Pouring himself =As he is pouring himself ;pour:傾倒,灌,注。

2,freshly squeezed :新鮮榨出的。

3,the Triads:三合會,現(xiàn)在一般用來泛指由華人組成的黑社會犯罪組織。

4,they were behind most of the crime in San Francisco's Chinatown. 在舊金山的中國城,多數(shù)犯罪活動都脫不了三合會的干系。behind:responsible for or the cause of,幕后主使或是起因。Chinatown:中國城,唐人街。

5,The word is that the Triads would like a slice of the drug traffic that comes through this island.:傳言說,三合會想要在這個島上的毒品生意中分得一杯羹。第一個that到句末是這個句子的表語從句;第二個that到句末是drug traffic的定語從句,that在從句中作主語。word :消息,謠言,傳說;a slice of:一份;traffic:非法交易;come through:通過,經(jīng)過,成功實現(xiàn)。

6,drugs operation:毒品交易活動。take a knocking:受挫。

7,get things reorganised:重整旗鼓。

8,Don Alberto as he prefers to be called:他更愿意別人稱呼他唐·阿爾貝托。Don:先生,閣下,原本是西班牙語中對貴族的尊稱。as he prefers to be called是Don Alberto的定語從句,關系代詞在從句中作called的賓語。

9,gang:(猶指罪犯)幫,伙。dilute wine:勾兌葡萄酒;construction industry:建筑業(yè)。

10,young men who draw the line at nothing if it makes money:只要能賺錢就不擇手段的年輕人。who到句末是young men的定語從句。draw the line at nothing :沒有底線,不擇手段。

11,out of the way:不要擋道,讓開道路。move :采取行動;提議。


13,That's why it figures that somebody's hired an outside assassin:有人雇傭了黑手黨圈外的職業(yè)殺手去暗殺他——我之所以認為很有可能,原因正在于此。that到句末是it的具體內(nèi)容。hire:雇傭;assassin:職業(yè)殺手。

14,get you in to see Lippari:安排你去見李普利。what's going on:所發(fā)生的一切。means:手段,方式。


16,get you off the island:把你弄出這個島。


18,land in Marsseilles:在馬賽(法國港市)上岸。papers:身份證件。

19,make your own way:獨自前往; the States:美國。

20,make it:達到預定目標。Lippari,or Marseilles:不是去見李帕利,就是到馬賽。
















3,科西嘉島:地中海第四大島。位于法蘭西共和國大陸東南,南隔博尼法喬海峽與意大利撒丁島相望。島長 185公里,最寬85公里,面積8,680平方公里。人口23萬(1982)。山地為主,1/2以上面積在海拔396米以上,海拔1980米以上山峰有20座,最高點欽托峰海拔2710米。



【驚險懸疑小說】紅玫瑰追殺令27的評論 (共 3 條)

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