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2023-06-19 20:58 作者:錫育軟件  | 我要投稿

TED演講者:Wajahat Ali / 瓦賈哈特·阿里

演講標(biāo)題:3 lessons on hope in challenging times / 絕望時期找到希望的三種方法

內(nèi)容概要:It can be hard to remain hopeful during seemingly hopeless times. Sharing hard-won wisdom on how to not give up when the going gets tough, writer Wajahat Ali talks about the challenges he faced with his daughter's cancer diagnosis and the COVID-19 pandemic, detailing three actionable things we can all do to find the silver linings in our lives -- and invest in hope where we can. (This talk and conversation, hosted by TED current affairs curator Whitney Pennington Rodgers, was part of an exclusive TED Membership event. Visit ted.com/membership to become a TED Member.)



【1】The last time I addressed this august TED crowd was in 2019 from the main stage in Vancouver, where I was giving my first TED Talk on the case for having children.

上一回我在 TED 發(fā)表演說是 2019 年, 在溫哥華的主舞臺上, 那是我初次在 TED 演說, 主題是生孩子。

【2】And that's where I shared the news I had just received earlier in the week that my then two-year-old daughter, Nusayba, was diagnosed with stage IV cancer and needed a full liver transplant.

那時我分享了我當(dāng)周 早些時候接到的消息, 我那時兩歲的女兒紐賽巴 被診斷出癌癥第四期,

【3】So how have your past three years been?


【4】As you can imagine, our last three years have been eventful.

各位可以想像, 我們的過去三年很……多事。

【5】However, they have given me some tough, learned, lived experiences and lessons about this ephemeral thing we call hope.

然而,這三年給了我一些艱難的、 記取的,親身體會到的經(jīng)驗與教訓(xùn), 讓我了解了所謂的「希望」, 這個轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝的東西。

【6】And apparently, there is a huge demand for hope right now.


【7】In 2022, we're all dealing with multiple crises.

2022 年, 我們大家都要面對多重危機。

【8】A pandemic has killed 900,000 Americans, there's a partial lockdown, there's disinformation, there's income inequality, the rise of white supremacy, people telling people like me, "Go back to where you came from."

已經(jīng)造成九十萬美國人死亡的疫情, 有部分地區(qū)封城,有假消息, 所得不均,白人優(yōu)越主義興起, 有人會對像我這樣的人說: 「滾回你的老家去?!?/p>

【9】We have to learn new Greek letters every few months, and oh, yeah, there's climate change.

每幾個月我們就得學(xué)新的希臘字母, 喔,對,還有氣候變遷。

【10】But other than that, things are pretty peachy.


【11】And with all of that, you might be asking, "Well, then, why should we be hopeful in such hopeless times, Wajahat?"

在這樣的情況下,你可能會問: 「 那,為什么我們應(yīng)該要在這么無望的時代 保有希望,瓦賈哈特?」

【12】And that is a very valid question.


【13】And it's a perfectly fair question.


【14】But hope is what allowed me to believe that my daughter would somehow survive.


【15】And she did.


【16】And so if I may, allow me to share briefly three pieces of advice or lessons or things that we can do that gave me hope in hopeless times and that I hope can help you.

可以的話,請容我簡短分享 三項建議或經(jīng)驗之談, 或我們能做的事, 在無望的時期,它們給了我希望, 我希望也能幫到各位。

【17】Number one.


【18】Tie your camel first.


【19】There's a great saying in Islam, many Muslims know this, that, have faith in God, but tie your camel first.

伊斯蘭有一句金句, 許多穆斯林都聽過, 對上帝要有信心, 但先綁好你的駱駝。

【20】As a dad, I felt utterly hopeless with Nusayba's cancer.

身為爸爸,我覺得 我對紐賽巴的癌癥完全感到無望。

【21】I'm the dad, I'm supposed to fix things.


【22】But I couldn't fix cancer.


【23】Cancer plays for all the marbles.


【24】It's a relentless, brutal, remorseless killing machine.

它是無情、殘酷、 毫無慈悲的殺人機器。

【25】It does not care about your vacation plans.


【26】It does not care about your bucket list.


【27】It does not care about your Netflix queue.

它不在乎你的 Netflix Queue 分享空間。

【28】It comes for everything.


【29】Then, coronavirus.




【31】How do I defeat coronavirus? A 41-year-old, middle-aged, slightly overweight male with flat foot.

我要怎么打敗新冠肺炎病毒? 我只是個四十一歲、

【32】It's easy to feel helpless, out of control, adrift.

很容易就會感到無助、 失控、茫然無所依。

【33】But at the end of the day, try letting go of what you can't control and just focus on what you can control.

但,到頭來, 試著放掉你無法控制的, 專注在你能控制的。

【34】The simple stuff.


【35】Wear a mask.


【36】Get vaccinated.


【37】Take care of your daily chores.


【38】Something that makes you feel that you have some control, some agency in this world.

讓你覺得你在這個世界上 多少有些控制權(quán)、能動性,

【39】When it came to Nusayba, that meant as a dad, just to be present, you know, building her her Lego Friends set when she asked me to build it.

就紐賽巴的事來說, 意思就是,我這個爸爸 要陪在她旁邊, 當(dāng)她要我組裝樂高好朋友系列 玩具組時,就幫她組裝。

【40】Watching "Frozen" 39 times, then followed by "Zootopia" 46 times, then followed by "Moana" 56 times.

看了《冰雪奇緣》三十九次, 接著看《動物方程式》四十六次, 接著再看《海洋奇緣》五十六次。

【41】Getting her the tasty frozen yogurt from the hospital vending machine that she loved.


【42】Do what you can the best you can.


【43】Have hope, but tie your camel first.


【44】And then be like Elsa from "Frozen"


【45】and let the rest go.


【46】Number two: invest in joy.

第二: 投資喜悅。

【47】Make the intention to actively invest in this thing called joy every day.


【48】Almost like a workout. You have to commit to it.

幾乎就像是運動鍛煉, 你得承諾投入。

【49】It has to be a discipline.


【50】Build and flex that muscle.


【51】The world does not need more masochists or martyrs.


【52】It does not need more overworked, overstressed burnouts.


【53】New rule for 2022.

2022 年的新規(guī)則。

【54】You deserve to have moments of joy, even if they are fleeting, every day that you are alive.

你活著的每一天都應(yīng)該 擁有喜悅的時刻, 即使它們稍縱即逝。

【55】And you have to take those moments, you have to grab them, you have to seize them.

你得去抓住那些時刻, 你得抓牢它們、緊握它們。

【56】I love food, so I learned how to cook Pakistani food, took my mom's recipes during lockdown.

我愛食物, 所以封城期間,我用媽媽的食譜, 學(xué)會如何做巴基斯坦菜。

【57】My kids love Lego, so that means now I love Lego.

我的孩子喜歡樂高, 那就表示現(xiàn)在我也喜歡樂高。

【58】I love drinking chai. I make a cup of chai every day, it makes me happy.

我喜歡喝香料奶茶。每天 泡杯茶就會讓我覺得很開心。

【59】No matter how much stress or pain or misery I was going through, I made sure to invest time every day, to invest in things and people and experiences that gave me joy.

不論我經(jīng)歷到多少壓力、痛苦或不幸, 我都會確保每天投資一些時間, 投資在讓我感到喜悅的 人事物及體驗上。

【60】And finally, number three.


【61】I would recommend, humbly, invest in the narrative of hope because the alternative is apathy and cynicism.

我會虛心地建議, 因為其他可供選擇的 就是漠視和憤世嫉俗了。

【62】Investing in hope is painful.


【63】It means opening yourself up to the possibility of pain, betrayal and disappointment.

那意味著要把你自己打開, 接受痛苦、背叛以及失望的可能性。

【64】It's easier to court cynicism, right?


【65】You expect nothing, so you lose nothing.


【66】But it also means you have resigned yourself to the cheap seats.


【67】You are a spectator who yells out "Boo,"


【68】instead of being a participant in the ring where your nose could get bloody, but at least you're pushing the ball forward.

而不是拳擊場上可能 被打到流鼻血的參與者, 但至少參與者還有在做點什么。

【69】It means choosing apathy and nihilism, which is comforting and easy, but also lazy and destructive.

那就意味著選擇漠視和虛無主義, 但也很懶惰且消極。

【70】During Nusayba's cancer, I used to sit up every night after my family went to sleep and I stayed up till, like, three or four am, I couldn't sleep.

紐賽巴得癌癥時,每晚 在家人入睡后我都會坐起來, 我睡不著,到三、四點還醒著。

【71】And instead I imagined, like Doctor Strange in "Avengers: Endgame,"

我反而學(xué)《復(fù)仇者聯(lián)盟: 終局之戰(zhàn)》的奇異博士去想像,

【72】with the time stone, every possible scenario and outcome, just to prepare myself as a father.

他有時間寶石,就能 看到每種情況和結(jié)果,

【73】I had to emotionally prepare for every outcome.


【74】So I used to imagine Nusayba dying.


【75】I imagined burying her with my own hands.


【76】I imagined making the phone call to her grandparents, explaining that she had died, listening to them cry.

我會想像打電話給她的祖父母, 解釋她過世了,聽他們哭泣。

【77】I imagined living the rest of my life like a shell of a man, but pretending to put a smile on my face because I had a son to raise and now a daughter.

我會想像在我接下來的人生里 我是一具戴上笑臉的行尸走肉, 因為我還有兒子要養(yǎng), 現(xiàn)在還多了個女兒。

【78】My wife, badass that she is, was also pregnant during Nusayba's cancer.

我那個壞壞的老婆, 在紐賽巴得癌癥時也懷孕了。

【79】I had to be prepared.


【80】But I also chose to invest in a narrative in which Nusayba lived.

但,我也選擇投資在紐賽巴 會活下來的那個可能情境上。

【81】And I imagined seeing her alive with a liver transplant, smiling, regaining her hair, full of joy and life.

我想像能看到她活著, 得到肝臟移植,滿面笑容, 開始重新長出頭發(fā), 滿是喜悅和生氣。

【82】I preferred that story.


【83】That's the story I invested in, even as we were sitting on the edge of what seemed like a falling cliff,

我投資在那個故事上, 即使當(dāng)我們已經(jīng)坐在 懸崖邊緣快要掉下去時,

【84】I decided I would put out the lawn chair and at least enjoy the scenery.


【85】Over 500 people, mostly strangers, chose to sign up to be donors for Nusayba, even people who told me they hated me for my politics.

超過五百人,大部分是陌生人, 選擇登記成為紐賽巴的捐贈者, 甚至包括討厭我的政治觀點的人。

【86】They were moved by her story.


【87】Sometimes some people can change.


【88】Sometimes some people can choose to do and be good.


【89】An anonymous donor, Shawn Zahir, decided to give a piece of his liver to a girl he never met just so she could live.

匿名捐贈者尚恩?札希爾決定 將自己的部分肝臟捐贈給 他從未見過的女孩, 只為了讓她活下來。

【90】I'm not Pollyanna.


【91】I'm not a foolish, wide-eyed, naive optimist.

我不是愚蠢、天真、 幼稚的樂觀主義者。

【92】I'm a pragmatist, fully aware of the many challenges and horrors we are facing.

我是務(wù)實主義者, 非常清楚知道我們要面臨 許多挑戰(zhàn)和可怕的事。

【93】But through my own personal experience, if it is at all helpful, I can assure you that walking through this forest of horrors, going on this journey, wherever it may lead, if you choose to invest in hope, it at least makes the ride a bit sweeter and easier.

但,根據(jù)我個人經(jīng)驗, 如果有一點幫助的話, 我可以向你保證, 穿越這恐怖的森林, 踏上這段旅程,不論它會通往何處, 如果你選擇投資在希望上, 至少會讓這段旅程稍微 甜蜜、輕鬆一點點。

【94】And as the wise ram tells Po in "Kung Fu Panda 2,"

如同《功夫熊貓 2》中 羊仙姑告訴阿波的話:

【95】'"Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that does not make you who you are.

「你的故事可能沒有快樂的開頭, 但這無法形塑你會是什么樣的人,

【96】It is the rest of it, who you choose to be."

而是在接下來的故事里, 你選擇要成為什么樣的人。」

【97】Right now, survival is victory in this story that we are living.

現(xiàn)在, 在我們所處的故事中, 所謂的勝利就是活下來。

【98】We are alive during a pandemic.


【99】We are winning.


【100】And just for that, we should be grateful.


【101】And I hope the choices we make in these challenging times will, Inshallah, God willing, lead to a better story for all of us.

我希望,在這些困難 時期中我們所做的決策, 愿真主愿意,愿上帝愿意, 帶我們所有人走向更好的故事。

【102】And I believe that begins with choosing to invest in hope during hopeless times.

而我相信,起點就是要在無望的時期 選擇投資希望。

【103】Whitney Pennigton Rogers: Thanks so much for that.

惠妮?潘尼頓?羅杰斯:非常 謝謝,

【104】It was really wonderful to hear, and I think we may even hear Nusayba in the background, which is, I think, exciting.

能聽到這些真的很棒。 我們好像可以聽到 背景有紐賽巴的聲音, 很讓人興奮。

【105】WA: I'm sorry, that's her, it's virtual school, I'm doing the best I can.

瓦:抱歉,是她在上 虛擬學(xué)校, 我盡力了。

【106】The wildlings are right there.


【107】What's keeping us from the wildlings is a very thin wall, so let's pray.

只和我們隔了一道 非常薄的墻,咱們禱告吧。

【108】WPR: I think we talked about this before we started, that we're all at home right now.

惠:在開始之前我們有談到, 我們現(xiàn)在都在家里,

【109】That's the thing I think we all know.


【110】So that's what it is.


【111】I think before we dive into just talking more about what you've suggested around growing hope, I'd love to start by talking a little bit about your book

我想,在我們更深入討論你剛才對于發(fā)展希望的建議之前, 我一開始想先談?wù)勀愕臅?

【112】'"Go Back to Where You Came From," because I think that it will provide a nice foundation for, sort of, understanding your thinking around this and sort of how you've come to really embrace this.

《滾回你的老家》,因為 我想這會是個很好的基礎(chǔ), 協(xié)助了解你在這方面的想法, 以及你如何漸漸能夠擁抱這一切。

【113】So I guess maybe you could start first by talking about the title of the book.


【114】You know, it's part memoir, part historical analysis, part how-to guide on being inclusive and creating a place of belonging.

它算是部分回憶錄, 部分指南,說明要如何

【115】How did you come up with the title?


【116】Why did you choose this for the title of your book?


【117】WA: So the title is "Go Back to Where You Came From: And Other Helpful Recommendations on How to Become American."

瓦:書名是《滾回你的老家: 及其他關(guān)于如何成為 美國人的實用建議》。

【118】Very deliberate tongue in cheek, both ugly and funny, right?


【119】Because I believe that's the lived experience of life.


【120】But that's the lived experience of many Americans who are still trying to love a country that doesn't love us back.

但,那是許多像我這樣的 美國人之親身體驗, 仍不斷嘗試去愛一個 不用愛來回應(yīng)我們的國家。

【121】And so how do you respond to that pain?


【122】And some people cry, as you can tell, I laugh.

有些人用哭泣回應(yīng), 你可以看得出來,我用的是笑。

【123】And so this book is also an elegy for the rest of us who are still striving to be co-protagonists of this American narrative.

所以這本書也是種哀歌, 獻給我們其他人, 還努力想要在這美國故事當(dāng)中 爭取第二主角的其他人。

【124】And the book tries to expand and stretch this country to accommodate all of us to become the multiracial democracy it has to become.

這本書試圖擴展延伸這個國家, 來容納我們所有人, 成為它必須要成為的 多種族民主國家。

【125】Or else I believe it'll all fail.


【126】And it's done with a lot of humor and hope, and throughout the journey, you read the book, you know, I talk about Nusayba's cancer, but there's lots of interesting things that happen to me.

會用許多幽默和希望來談, 整本書的過程都是如此, 我會談到紐賽巴的癌癥, 但我身上還發(fā)生了很多有趣的事。

【127】WPR: To put it mildly.


【128】WA: Yeah, my life is like a telenovela, like a Mexican soap opera for better and for worse.

瓦:我的人生就像 電視連續(xù)劇,墨西哥 肥皂劇,不論是好是壞。

【129】And so I hope that when you get to the end part, where I talk about "invest in hope, but tie your camel first,"

我希望,當(dāng)你看到最后一部分時, 我會談到「投資希望, 但先綁好你的駱駝」,

【130】the hope that I give the audience for the future, I don't want it to make it a hallmarky, fake, saccharine, Hollywood ending.

我給予讀者的未來希望, 我不想寫一個正字標(biāo)記認證、 虛假、故作多情的好萊塢結(jié)尾。

【131】I want you to really, like, I want it to be earned.


【132】And you know, the way to earn it is to confront the horrors, confront the challenges, name it, own it.

至于要怎么掙, 就是要面對恐懼, 面對挑戰(zhàn),把它點出來, 處理它,談?wù)撃切┩纯?

【133】Talk about the pain, wear the mileage and the scars.


【134】But despite all of that, you still persist, right?

盡管這么辛苦, 你仍然堅持著,對吧?

【135】And because I agree, I mean, what I said in the speech, the five-minute talk that I just gave you, I believe in it.

因為我認同,我的意思是, 我在剛才的五分鐘演說中所說的, 我深信不疑。

【136】I've been on all the sides in moments of deep despair.


【137】I've been there, of darkness of pain, and I realize if you tap out, it's over.

我走過痛苦的黑暗, 我了解到,如果你 棄械投降就結(jié)束了。

【138】If you tap out, it's done.


【139】And what I've seen, and we'll probably talk about it because you read the book, in those moments in my life where you feel like it's over, it's done,

而我所見到的, 我們可以 談?wù)勔驗槟阕x過這本書了, 在我人生中的那些時刻,

【140】I'm at the edge of the cliff and I'm about to fall, there's been a plot twist.

我在懸崖的邊緣,我就要掉下去了, 劇情卻出現(xiàn)了轉(zhuǎn)折。

【141】Like, the the page turns, and with it comes, like, a better story.

好像翻到了下一頁, 翻到了一個更好的故事。

【142】And so in the book I mention there was a time where I was completely broke, homeless, my parents were in jail, I was taking care of my grandparents.

所以,在書中,我提到 有段時間我完全破產(chǎn)了, 無家可歸 我的父母親在監(jiān)獄里, 我要照顧我的祖母和外婆。

【143】And I'm like, there's no way, I couldn't even imagine my future.


【144】I couldn't imagine living to the age of 40.


【145】I thought I would be dead by 35. I'm being honest with anyone who's listening.


【146】My timeline, you know, I imagine a lot, like I said, like Doctor Strange, it ended at 35, I just couldn't imagine it. And I just knew that I would die.

如我剛才所言,我像奇異博士, 有很多想像,而我的時間表 只到三十五歲就結(jié)束了, 我無法想像后續(xù),我知道我會死,

【147】It'd be over, and I almost did die.


【148】But here I am, sitting in my home, married to a woman who's way better than me, I married way up.

但我現(xiàn)在坐在我家里, 娶了一個比我好太多的女人, 癩蛤蟆娶到天鵝。

【149】Like, hotter than me, smarter than me, like, it's ridiculous, not even cool.

她比我更性感、更聰明, 很荒謬,一點也不 OK。

【150】And then I got three kids and then Nusayba, who was supposed to die, that's what they told me, she wouldn't make it.

接著,我有了三個孩子,接著 是本來應(yīng)該不在世的紐賽巴, 他們告訴我她無法活下來。

【151】They said every complication against this girl is happening, you could just hear her chirping right now,

他們說,對這女孩不利的 所有併發(fā)癥都發(fā)生了, 你現(xiàn)在聽到嘰嘰喳喳的

【152】I'm sure you guys can hear her chirping, that's Nusayba.


【153】So you never know, you never know.

所以,你永遠不會知道, 你永遠不會知道。

【154】WPR: We have a question that came in from Darcy, where Darcy asked, "The idea of investing in hope is a great one.

惠:我們收到了達西的問題, 達西問:「投資希望的 想法是很棒的想法。

【155】But how can we make it tangible?


【156】You mentioned visualization or avoiding complaining, but how else can we actually bring this to life?"

你提到視覺化想像或避免抱怨, 但還有什么其他方式可以實現(xiàn)它?

【157】WA: It's a very good question, and that's where I say, tie your camel first.

瓦:很好的問題, 這時候我就要說,先綁好你的駱駝。

【158】You have to exhaust yourself of every possibility within your control.

你必須要把你能掌控的 所有可能性都嘗試過。

【159】You know, and after that, you have to let go.


【160】I'll give you an example, I mention it in the book.


【161】There was a moment, my parents were in jail.


【162】I'm taking care of my grandparents, my grandmothers, who used to live with me.

我要照顧祖母和外婆, 她們以前和我同住, 我是唯一的孩子。

【163】I'm an only child.


【164】I have to care of the family business, I have to pay the lawyer.

我得處理家里的事業(yè), 我得付律師費,

【165】It's post-9/11, my community turns vicious and cruel.

那時是九一一事件之后, 我的社區(qū)變得很惡毒和殘酷。

【166】Bad news travels fast, ladies and gentlemen, bad news travels fast.


【167】I'm surgical with my budget.


【168】I have an Excel sheet.

我有張 Excel 試算表。

【169】I've got to pay all the bills.


【170】According to my Excel sheet, after I withdrew the 20 dollars from Wells Fargo on the corner of Warm Springs and Mission,

根據(jù)我的試算表, 在我從暖泉大道及傳教大道 路口的富國銀行提取 二十美金之后,

【171】I was supposed to have 71 dollars left.


【172】I go to the ATM of Wells Fargo.


【173】I take out the 20 bucks, I get the receipt.


【174】I look at the bottom, instead of 71 dollars, it was 00.03.

我看向收據(jù)最下方, 不是七十一美金, 是 00.03 美金。

【175】I had 20 dollars, 00.03, I had to pay the bills, pay the lawyer, take care of my family.

我有二十美金, 我得付帳單、付律師費, 照顧我的家人。

【176】And I swear to you, at that time ...


【177】I mean, honestly, I said: "I have done everything in my power.


【178】I am exhausted.


【179】What can I do with three cents?"


【180】I didn't even get angry, I didn't get upset.

我甚至沒有生氣, 沒有沮喪,我記憶猶新,

【181】I remember this vividly, it was a beautiful Bay Area day, anyone who lives there knows, 4pm, little bit of a windy breeze.

那天的灣區(qū)天氣很好, 那里的人都知道, 下午四點,有點微風(fēng)。

【182】The sun was still there, it was just idyllic.


【183】And I remember I started laughing, look at the receipt, and a couple of people behind me were trying to figure out what's wrong with this guy.

我記得我看著收據(jù),開始大笑, 我后面的幾個人都 搞不懂這家伙是有什么問題。 因為我不知道該怎么辦, 我就咯咯地笑了起來,

【184】Because I didn't know what to do, I just chuckled, I had three cents left.


【185】So this is what I did.


【186】I took the 20 dollars, went across the street and decided to splurge.


【187】I went to Subway and had a Subway supersized meal, foot-long tuna sandwich with all the workings and avocado.

我進了 Subway, 吃了一頓 Subway 的超大特餐, 一呎長的鮪魚三明治,加了 酪梨和所有能加的東西。

【188】And then I decided to have two chocolate chip cookies.

接著,我決定要點 兩塊巧克力餅干。

【189】Then I went next door and had -- what is a Venti?


【190】What's the largest one at Starbucks?


【191】WPR: I think Venti, I don't drink coffee.


【192】WA: Venti caramel frappe with extra caramel drizzle, right?

瓦:特大杯焦糖星冰樂 再額外淋上焦糖。

【193】And I had now 20 dollars became 10 dollars.


【194】I went home, and I told my grandmother, I said, "I've done everything I possibly could.

我回到家,我跟祖母說: 「我已經(jīng)盡力而為。

【195】There's nothing else I can do.


【196】We have 10 bucks left, I'm sorry."


【197】I had some Dal Chawal that night watched a Netflix movie.


【198】And I remember, I said this in the book, I let go.


【199】There's nothing else I could do.


【200】I completely let go.

我說,阿拉,不論發(fā)生什么事, 若真主愿意,就都交給你了。

【201】I said, Allah, whatever happens, Inshallah, I leave it up to you.

我說,阿拉,不論發(fā)生什么事, 若真主愿意,就都交給你了。

【202】I've done everything within my powers, like, everything I could possibly think of, I've done.

我盡力而為了, 我能 想出來的我都做了。

【203】This is it, like, you want to save me, save me, you don't want to save me, whatever, I enjoyed my Subway meal.

就這樣,想救我就救我, 不想就拉倒,我要享受我的潛艇堡。

【204】And I remember, this is really interesting, I had the best night's sleep that night that I have ever had in my life.

我記得,這很有趣, 那晚是我這輩子睡得最好的一晚。

【205】I remember that sleep to this day.


【206】I have prayed for that sleep.


【207】I felt like I was a baby in my mother's womb.


【208】I tried to wonder why.


【209】It's because I knew that I did everything within my powers, I exhausted myself, and I let it go.

那是因為,我知道 我已經(jīng)盡力而為了, 我已竭盡所能,我就放手了。

【210】And then what happened, somehow, I got a loan and 2,500 bucks came.

接下來發(fā)生的是,我拿到了 兩千五百美金的貸款。

【211】And the story continued.


【212】And so when you're saying about doing something tangible, it's not just me saying that like, you have to have some feeling of control and autonomy in what is a world where you feel adrift and the ground is shifting beneath your feet.

所以,說實際上要如何做, 并不只是我說…… 你得感覺自己有控制權(quán)和自主權(quán), 即使在這個世界上, 你覺得茫然無所依, 當(dāng)下的處境是如何地變動。

【213】Those small chores that you take for granted, they'll give you order, some discipline.

那些被你視為理所當(dāng)然的日常小事, 能夠給予你秩序,一些紀(jì)律。

【214】I'm making that chai. I'm painting this.


【215】I'm feeding my children. I took out the trash.


【216】I did some work today.


【217】I can control this. I did this with my hands.


【218】I'm still alive, right?


【219】And then you plot and you do the best you can, and then you let go.

接著,策劃并全力以赴, 然后就放手吧。

【220】And I think those daily chores, that daily routine, that you establish gives you a sense of rhythm, at the very least, says, "The world can take everything, but it won't take this.

我想,那些日常家務(wù),你所建立的 能給你節(jié)奏感,最少最少,你能說: 「世界可以奪走一切,

【221】It won't take my delicious cup of chai that I made with my own hands.


【222】It won't take this little plant I plotted outside.


【223】It won't take my love for my kids.


【224】It won't take that from me.


【225】Not today, death, not today."


【226】So I hope for whoever asked that question, I hope that was hopeful.

不論是誰問的問題,我希望 這些能幫助你保持希望。

【TED演講稿】絕望時期找到希望的三種方法的評論 (共 條)

盐池县| 罗平县| 金沙县| 德格县| 江西省| 合川市| 天祝| 耒阳市| 莱阳市| 元江| 信丰县| 乌什县| 梧州市| 湖南省| 重庆市| 宣威市| 涪陵区| 公安县| 广宁县| 江陵县| 扶余县| 当涂县| 绥德县| 澄迈县| 昌平区| 红安县| 阳高县| 会东县| 宾阳县| 呈贡县| 宿州市| 黔西县| 子洲县| 梧州市| 怀仁县| 枝江市| 双牌县| 屏东县| 左贡县| 侯马市| 江城|