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2015-05-15 10:48 作者:Mr. X  | 7條評論 相關(guān)文章 | 我要投稿

I wonder how many secrets man need to hide in their heart just for their artful lives;

On this holly plateau, we nearly step up to the heaven within just two or three steps.

However,there are still so many people could hardly move their feet cause of their

worries in the heart.——Cangyang Jiacuo.


《Close-To-God》的評論 (共 7 條)

  • 心靜如水
  • 曉曉
  • 絕響
  • 草木白雪(李淑芳)
  • 荷塘月色
  • 天鵝湖
  • 艾葭兒
绍兴市| 沂源县| 保康县| 长葛市| 翼城县| 稷山县| 平陆县| 岑溪市| 繁昌县| 额济纳旗| 元江| 东台市| 高雄县| 民权县| 加查县| 尼木县| 莒南县| 博白县| 辽中县| 沐川县| 开平市| 旺苍县| 毕节市| 杨浦区| 仁怀市| 宝应县| 大足县| 巴林右旗| 女性| 嘉义县| 西昌市| 兴隆县| 晴隆县| 濉溪县| 常宁市| 曲沃县| 忻城县| 南和县| 五常市| 观塘区| 上饶县|