Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards
Welcome to the Moonology Manifestation
You have in your hands a guidebook to a magical
tool that can help you to create your own reality
and change your life in amazing ways.These cards
will show you the power you already have to manifest
your dreams.
Maybe you already know intuitively that manifesting
and the Moon go hand in hand-it's almost as if
they were made for each otherThe Moon is the
magical queen of our skies and,in astrology of our
emotions. And what do we manifest with?Our
emotions! So the energies of the Moon are the
perfect conduit for our magical manifestations.
Indeed, manifesting with the Moon-consciously
creating in tune with the magical lunar cycle-is
something ancient magical women and men have
done for millennia. Now it's your turn.
In fact we're all creating our lives anyway consciously
or unconsciously; we're constantly creating our
reality with our feelings,thoughts and actions.These
cards will show you how to do that more consciously
If the idea that we're creating our lives with our
feelings, thoughts and actions is new to you your
first question might be: 'So if I'm creating my life
why do i sometimes create things Im not happy
with?! This is a complexquestion, but the simple
answer is that it often happens when we havent
processed our worries. As a result, fear overtakes
us, and because what we focus on is what we get
we sometimes end up attracting or creating the last
thing we want!
The antidote is to focus on what we do wantrather
than thinking about what we don't want.These
cards will help you to do that.
As you work with the cards, sometimes youll
be delighted with the messages you receive and
sometimes the cards will give you pause for thought
or a gentle prod in a new direction, reminding you
that you still have work to do.
The Moonology Manifestation Oracle will give you
support and guidance as you continue to manifest.
Each card interpretation in this guidebook will:
·Help you to understand what you're currently
bringing into your life. Is the outlook encouraging
or challenging?
. Explain the best mindset to get into when you
draw a particular card, how to harness its energy
and when and how to boost your manifesting
powers for the best possible outcome.
. Reveal what the card means in an astrological
sense, for anyone who wants to deepen their
astrological and Moonological understanding
I hope you enjoy learning how to work with
the Moon as a cosmic timer to create the life of
your dreams!
The Moon unites us all over the world. She's
I been spinning around us here on planet Earth
as we spin around the Sun for what feels like forever
She's our closest heavenly body She's free to all to
see, as well. In astrologyand Moonologythe Moon
represents the Goddess. Even now as man plans
to land on the Moon again and even create a base
on Her, the Moon is sacred.Men and women have
been watching Her waxing and waning through the
night sky for millennia. Indeed, archaeologists have
discovered cave markings showing that the different
phases of the Moon were being noted as far back
as 15,000 years ago. Of course,back then,people
lived mostly outdoors and were entirely connected
to nature so it was natural that they tuned in to
these cycles.
The magical Moon circles the Earth every 29 days
As She moves through the sky She creates angles
to the Sun which create the eight main phases we
work with today:
·New Moon: when we make restarts and also
plant the seeds of our intentions and desires.
.Crescent Moon: when we should work hard to
manifest our goals.
·First Quarter Moon: when mini-crises and
obstacles emerge.
.Gibbous Moon: when we feel fit to burst.
·Full Moon: when we see how our manifesting as
worked and we release.
·Disseminating Moon: when we share what
we've learned.
·Last Quarter Moon: when a mini-crisis might
prompt more release work.
·Balsamic Moon (taking in the DarkMoon):when
we can heal and feel soothed.
In this oracle, we'll work with just four of these
phases: the New Moon,the First Quarter Moon,
the Full Moon and the Last Quarter Moon.
New Moon
The New Moon is invisible to us.This phase marks
the start of the waxing cycle of the Moon,which
lasts around two weeks from the NewMoon tothe
Full Moon. This is the time to make your wishes and
plant your intentions deep into Her dark skies, like
pushing a seed into the dark of the earth.
First Quarter Moon
The First Quarter Moon occurs 7-10 days after the
New Moon and is when(somewhat paradoxically)
She looks like a half-Moon. In the northern
hemisphere She looks like a D-shape while Down
Under in the southern hemisphere She has a
C-shape.During this phasechallenges and obstacles
may arise.
Full Moon
The Full Moon occurs 15-18 days after the New
Moon and She brings a climax, sometimes an
emotional explosion and a chance to see what
you've manifested before we move into Her
waning cycle, which runs from Full Moon back to
New Moon.
Last Quarter Moon
The Last Quarter Moon occurs 7-10 days after
the Full Moon and is the time to let go,release
and surrender anything that didn't work out,and
even hibernate.
48 cards that draw in the magical energies of the
The Moonology Manifestation Oracle is made up of
four main phases of the lunar cycle and the 12 signs
of the zodiac. Each card carries its own frequency
and reveals what you're currently manifesting and
how to steer and boost your manifesting powers for
the best possible outcome.
New Moon cards
These cards herald opportunities. They represent
doors that are opening up. Here you'll find
suggestions for Archangels to call on and work
with to boost your manifesting potential as well as
insights about the planetary energies that guide the
zodiac sign of each particular card.
When you draw a New Moon card,it suggests that
a situation is still unfolding for you and may be a
sign that you have a way to go before all is said and
done.Overall New Moon cards are very positive.
They suggest a situation is unfolding in your favour
and it's not too late to influence a positive outcome.
First Quarter Moon cards
These cards reveal how you're being challenged.
Looking at the zodiac sign on each card helps us
to understand the dynamics and find solutions.The
card interpretations in this guidebook will explain
how to use the obstacles arising as springboards
to get where you want to be.Drawing a First
Quarter Moon card suggests that the way forward
is possible, if not clear.
Each of these cards carries the energy of one of
the seven chakras. The chakras are energy centres
in our body, which we can work with to increase
balance,harmony and wellbeingTheyrun in a single
column from the top of the head to the base of
your spine, and connect your physical self with your
energetic body and the higher realms.When our
chakras are balanced and in good shape so are we.
·The Root chakra (Muladhara is red and is
located at the base of your spineIt's concerned
with survival and basic needs.
·The Sacral chakra(Svadhisthana) is orange and
is located just below your navel.It's concerned
largely with sexual energy, creativity and food.
.The Solar Plexus chakra(Manipuraisyellow
and is found just above your navel.This is your
power centre.
·The Heart chakra(Anahata) is a beautiful
emerald green and is located between youn
breasts. it's all about love.
·The Throat chakra(Vishudha and is bright blue
and is located at the base of your throat.It's all
about communication and will.
· The Third Eye chakra(Ajna) is indigo and is
found in the centre of your foreheadjust above
your eyebrows. It's concerned with inner sight.
·The Crown chakra(Sahasrara is a majestic
violet and is found on the top of your headit
helps with direction and connection to the
celestial realms
If you choose to perform a ritual to push past your
challenges, you'll be asked to work with the colour
of the chakra that aligns with the energies of the
zodiac sign of that particular card.
Full Moon cards
These cards are all about climaxes.The energies
are peaking when one ofthese cards comes up.For
better or worse (though always for your highest
good), you're getting to a pinnacle in your situation.
The cards show you how to handle the energies.
In my spiritual life and experiencethe FullMoon
very much represents the Goddess so the Full
Moon cards all carry Goddess energy.This
guidebook reveals which Goddess to call in and
work with to boost your manifesting powers at
each Full Moon,from the Goddess Athena-who
doesn't shy away from a battle-on the Full Moon
in Aries card,to Kuan Yin-the Chinese Goddess of
compassion-who'srepresented on the Full Moon
in Pisces card. I've also suggested essential oils to
add to your diffuser at each of the 12 FullMoons.
Last Quarter Moon cards
Lastly, these cards signify a conclusion of one kind
or another. The energy of these cards is clearing
They're all about sweeping out leftover energetic
debris that needs to bereleased ahead ofthe New
Moon, which heralds the start of a new lunar cycle.
Last Quarter Moon cards help you to make way for
the new when it comeswhich could be soonerthan
you expect.
These cards carry healing crystalline energy, and
later in this guidebook I've included a selection of
crystals to work with at each Last Quarter Moon.
You can choose one to hold while you meditate,
or keep it close by as you go about your day
Alternatively, you can use five or six crystals to
make a grid.
The elements
In astrology and Moonology the 12 zodiac signs
are ruled by the four elements-fireearth, air and
water-which are reflected in the design and colour
palette of the cards:
·Fire rules Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.These cards
show vibrant, fiery red, orange and gold tones.
· Earth rules TaurusVirgo and Capricorn. Earth
cards reflect the grounding and stabilizing greens
and tones of nature.
·Air rules Gemini,Libra and Aquarius. These
cards feature the uplifting lilacs and silvers
associated with intellect and logic.
.Water rules Cancer Scorpio and Pisces.Water
cards show blues and aquas to reflect the gentle
ebb and flow ofemotions.
Learning to 'feelthe different elements as you
work with the oracle will help to deepen your
understanding of the cards and the phases of
the Moon.
Planetary days and hours
Within the card interpretations in this guidebook
you'll find references to planetary days and hours
For example, the New Moon in Aries card states
that: 'The best time to work your magic is when the
Moon is in Aries, on a Tuesday(Marsday)or during
Mars hourThis is because, while any time truly is a
good time for manifestingthere are said to be extra
powerful times to perform rituals.
Planetary days
This idea of doing rituals on a particular day draws
on an ancient system used to attribute planetary
energies to different days. Here are the traditional
· Sunday is associated with the Sunwhich guides
the sign of Leo.
·Monday is associated with the Moon,which
guides the sign of Cancer.
· Tuesday is associated with Mars which guides
the signs of Aries and Scorpio.
.Wednesday is associated with Mercury, which
guides the signs of Gemini and Virgo.
·Thursday is associated withjupiterwhich guides
the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces.
Friday is associated with Venuswhich guides the
signs of Taurus and Libra.
·Saturday is associated with Saturnwhich guides
the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius.
Note that in this system, we use only the classica
planets (those that can be seen by the naked eye
since this system was devised before theinvention
of the telescope)-the Sun,the Moon,Mercury
Venus, Mars, jupiter and Saturn.
Planetary hours
You can go beyond planetary days and work with
planetary hoursthe system in which everymoment
ofthe day is ruled or governed by a particular planet
To work out the planetary hours for any given day
you need to calculate the length of time between
sunrise and sunset.Turn that number into minutes
and then divide it by 12.This is the length of each
daytime planetary hour on that day(note theyre
not always 60-minute hours). To calculate night-time
planetary hours, repeat this process using the time
between sunset and sunrise.
The planet ruling the day of the week also rules the
first 'hour of daylight on any given dayThe planetary
hours then cycle through in this(Chaldean)order:
Saturn, jupiter,Mars the SunVenusMercuryand
the Moon, until the next day's sunrise.Then it all
begins over again, starting with the planet that rules
that day.
As this is quite complex I've created a tutorial
about using planetary hours for anyone who
wants to delve deeper You can find this at www. are
also multiple web resources available to help you
work out the planetary hours for any given day(just
search for 'planetary hours calculator').
As I said previously, any time is a good time to start
manifesting, but if a matter is really important to
you, you may want to boost your magical powers by
manifesting on the 'right day or at the righttime.
Blessing the cards
It's also extremely important to bless the cards
before you start to use them(though nothing bad
will happen if you've already used them before
reading this guidebook!).We need to dedicate
them to the highest good so take a moment now
to bless your cards.
I like to do this in a particular way and recommend
you do too:
· Take the cards from the box and remove the
strip of paper that holds them together(when
you're opening them for the first time).
.Hold the cards, face down in both handsand
then raise them to your Heart chakra, which is in
the centre of your chest.
· Breathe gently and easily, and just feel the love
and light emanating from the cards.
· Know that in your hands you're holding an
oracle blessed with Divine energy and untold
ancient wisdom, which should be used wisely
and connect with your higher self and with
the Divine.
·Hold the deck in one handstill face down,and
with your other hand move each card-slowly
methodically and with devotion-from the deck
to your lap or a table.The aim here is to touch
every single card so you transfer your energy
onto them, and they get to know you and
your energy.
e Turn over the cards so that the images are facing
you. The cards just got to knowyouand now
you can get to know the cards.
e Hold the cards in one hand and use your other
hand to slowly peel off one card after another
Take the time to look at each card. Really take
it in. Read the words on the card and start
to get acquainted with the beautiful imagery
Remember that we're all connected to all life
everywhere, and so on one level you already
know these cards and they already know you.
This really is a moment of reconnection.
Getting to know any new deck of cards should
be a sacred moment. Don't rush it. Take your
time to look at each card.I think of it as getting to
know your new'friends,which are actually Divine
messengers.Consider how you feel as you read
each card message and gaze at each picture.You're
being given an idea ofthe potential of the cards
and the answers they'll be able to give you now
and in the future.
. Hold the cards to your chest again so that images
connect with your Heart chakra and say this
dedication (or use your own words):
I dedicate these beautiful cards to the highest
good. i ask that all the readingsgive with
these cards will be for my highest good and
the highest good ofanyone I'm reading for.
Beautiful cards,thank you for leading me
in the direction I need to go.Thank you for
showing me what I'm currently manifesting
and what action I should take to support that
and for the highest good. Thank you for always
showing me gently what I need to know.l
put my trust in you and so it is, so be it!
Some people are very protective of their cards
refusing to allow anyone else to touch them.Im
fine with other people touching my cards; however
afterwards, I'll always hold the deck in one hand
and with the other hand I'll make a fist and give the
cards a good rap -like rapping on a door-to bang
out any one else's energy.