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2023-09-09 10:58 作者:R洛拂煙  | 我要投稿

The energies of these cards represent

the doors that are opening

New Moon in Aries



This card heralds good news: opportunities abound

and the outlook is positive.Go through the doors

that are opening up to you! There's every reason

to believe you'll create what you wanteven if you

feel a long way from your goal. Keep going,and

be courageous. Chase your dreams with childlike

enthusiasm and expect your desires to be satisfied.

Don't sit around making plans.Do take action-this

is crucial.Chase your goal. Believe in Divine timing

In love, make the first move,if you dareFinancially

be proactive.

Manifesting focus

This card is an especially good sign if you need

more courage or determination,or if you're chasing

someone or something

Manifesting mindset

Be driven,determined. Take action.Ditch


Manifesting tips for boosting courage

·Call in Archangel Ariel, who is associated with

spring and is wonderful to appeal to when you

need courage.

·Call in the energy of the planet Mars,which

guides the sign of Aries.

.To boost your courage, light a candle (ideally a

red one and ask Ariel and Mars for assistance.

Hold this card to your Heart chakra and breathe

in courage. If you can do this ritual outdoors, so

much the better.

Your manifestation affirmation

'I?am on the right track-soon I will...

When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the

Moon is in Aries, on a Tuesday(Marsdayor during

Mars' hour (see p.16).

The New Moon in Aries takes place when the Sun and

the Moon are on the same zodiac degree ofAries.It's

full offire and childlike trust that everything is do-able

New Moon in Taurus


You're on the right track, but you need to go

steadily. Knowing that you're worthy of your desires

is crucial here.Opportunities open up when you

believe in yourself.Dig deep and move past negative

comments from others.No matter what happened

in the past, if youre aiming to manifest somethingfor

the good ofeveryone concerned, you can do it.Good

self-esteem will also boost your manifesting powers

so love yourself more. Know your own worth and

others will too. Be true to your values.

Manifesting focus

This card is an especially good sign for matters

related to propertypossessionssensuality love

self-beliefand self-worth.

Manifesting mindset

Acknowledge and make a list of your best traits.If

you find that hard to do, ask a friend to tell you

what's great about you.

Manifesting tips for boosting self-worth

·Call in Archangel Chamuel, who helps you

to find anything you need, and brings spiritua


* Connect to Venus, the planet of love and

abundance that guides Taurus.

ePlace a picture of Aphrodite on your altar to

draw in Venus energy. Hold this card to your

Heart chakra and feel Aphrodite's beautiful and

loving energy.

Your manifestation afirmation

'I deserve to manifest...

When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the

Moon is in Tauruson a Friday(Venusdayor during

Venus hour see p.16).

The New Moon in Taurus takes place when the Sun

and the Moon are on the same degree in Taurus and

the energy is about moving steadily towards your goals.

New Moon in Gemini

THink it through

A positive outcome lies ahead. However to take this

opportunity from the ethers and make it real,you

need a positive mindset.On somelevelyoualready

know how to get what you want. Use your smarts.

Think it through. Look for the signposts about what

to do next.Ask: 'What amIexpecting?Focus on

positive expectations. Expectations attract.If you're

having doubts, talk to someoneMake a list of your

goals. There's a way through. Use your mind and

your words to help others see things your way

Manifesting focus

This card is an especially good sign for matters

related to a flirtatious situation,anything written,an

upset you've had or a relationship that feels blocked.

Manifesting mindset

Expressing whatever is on your mind is always a

good idea, but this card also suggests you need to

do some inner work and trust your intuition.

Manifesting tips for boosting your intuition

·Call in Archangel Zadkiel, who is associated with

compassion and forgivenessto help you cleara

past hurt that could otherwise block you.

· Call in the energy of the planet Mercurywhich

guides Gemini.

*Close your eyes and meditate on your desire

for at least five minutes.What comes up?Write

it down.

Your manifestation affirmation

'Knowledge is powerful, and I am powerful.

When to manifest your magic

The ideal time to work your magic is when the

Moon is in Gemini, on aWednesday(Mercurys

day) or during Mercury's hour (see p.16).

The New Moon in Gemini takes place when the Sun

and the Moon are on the same degree in Gemini...

and knows that it's good to talk.

New Moon in Cancer


This card holds Divine Feminine energyand drawing

it strongly suggests that Goddess energyis on your

side. Relax -you and your loved ones are being

looked afterWhatever your heart holds dearest is

safe and well. This may not be the time to charge

at what you want so think about whether you can

approach it from another angle.lf someone in your

life needs younurture them. Nurture and be gentle

with yourselftoo. Your diet may need improvingfor

your own wellbeing

Manifesting focus

This card is a good omen for family issues, house

moves, sales and/or purchases or someone or

something that needs protection.

Manifesting mindset

Spend time with people you love and who love you.

Develop a thicker skin.Cherish what you have and

you'll have more to cherish.

Manifesting tips for connecting with nurturing?energy

.Call in Archangel Gabriel, who can help you to

nurture your own inner child.

· Draw down the energy of the Moon and call in

the Goddess Selene.

. Find photos of you with family or the people

you love, and place them on your altar if you

have one. Light a candle(a silver one would be

perfect) and bless your family and friends.

Your manifestation affirmation

'When I nurture myself life nurtures me back.

When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the

Moon is in Canceron a Monday(the Moon's day

or during Cancer's hour(see p.16).

The New Moon in Cancer takes place when the Sun

and the Moon are on the same degree in Cancer and

knows that good nurturing breeds better manifesting

New Moon in Leo


A new day is dawning. You're moving from darker

times to light, and are well on your way to your

desired outcome Be proud ofwho you areYour

self-confidence has got you this far so keep on

believing in yourself. Sometimes we have to fake it

until we make it,and that's okay too! You're on the

right track and the future is bright. In relationships,

carry yourself with respect and others will respect

you. Whatever challenges you're facingconsider

taking a more creative approach.

Manifesting focus

This card is an especially good sign for matters

related to romance,creativitychildren(your own or

someone else'sor a situation requiring confidence.

Manifesting mindset

Love yourself and step into centre stageBe

generous with others, but also be a little bit selfish if

you need to be.

Manifesting tips for maintaining positivity

·Call in Archangel Razielwhose technicolour aura

turns heads. Raziel is a healer and the wizard of

the angels.

·Call in the powerful energy of the giver of life in

our world,the Sun, which guides Leo.

·Close your eyes and imagine yourselfsurrounded

by a technicolour light with golden tinges and

sparkles, then bring to mind the people and

situations you're grateful for.

Your manifestation affirmation

'I am magnificent! I love me!

When to manifest your magic

The best time to workyour magic is when the Moon

is in Leo, on a Sunday(the Sun's day) or during the

Sun's hour (see p.16).

The New Moon in Leo takes place when the Sun and

the Moon are on the same degree in Leo and knows

that everything is amazing

New Moon in Virgo


Sometimes wewanteverythingto happenyesterday

but Divine timing is a real thing. Sometimes we need

more pieces of a ligsaw to fall into place before we

can get what we want. Slowing down now is the

key for you to get what you wantso take your time

and allow events to unfold. See what you can do

for others as a really quick and easy way both to

distract yourself and to boost your good karma

while you wait for your dreams to manifestTheres

a reason why you pulled this card so make sure you

pay attention!

Manifesting focus

This card is an especially good sign for matters

related to a job or health situation.

Manifesting mindset

Go out of your way to help someone;helping

boosts karma. Be reliable. Don't overthink things

Be modest.

Manifesting tips for stepping into Divine timing

·Call in Archangel Metatronwho works to clear

away and heal any lower energies that might

make you feel rushed. Ask him to clear your

energy and the energy of wherever you are.

·Call in the planet Mercury, which guides Virgo

and ask for help with reasoning and accepting

Divine timing.

Your manifestation affirmation

'I help others and others help me.

When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the

Moon is in Virgo, on a Wednesday(Mercury's day)

or during Mercury's hour(see p.16).

The New Moon in Virgo takes place when the Sun

and the Moon are on the same degree in Gemini and

knows that what goes around comes around.

New Moon in Libra


There's new or renewed love energy around you,

be it familial, platonic romantic or otherwise.

Whether you're single or attached, a new personal

or professional relationship cycle is starting for you.

Open your heart and be loving. The trick is to get

involved with people you like-oreven love(be

that on a personal or platonic level). If you want a

new friend, you're on the right track.For a work or

money question, a new start is highly likely. In love,

the sky is the limit now, if you react with love!

Manifesting focus

This card is an especially good sign for matters

related to a romance a job interview or any

important relationship.

Manifesting mindset

Consider the other person in your situation.What

are their needs and worries? Get out and meet

new people.

Manifesting tips for calling in love

·Call in Archangel Jophiel, whose beauty who

reminds us that beautiful thoughts attract

beautiful experiences.

·Call in the energy of the loving and abundant

planet Venus, which guides the sign of Libra.

· lmagine your perfect day. What would happen

and whom would you be with? Really delve

into it. (Note that if you're manifesting a new

relationship, it's crucial that you never attempt to

interfere with anyone else's free will.)

Your manifestation affirmation

Love makes my world go round.

When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the

Moon is in Libra,on a Friday(Venusday)or during

Venus hour (see p.16).

The New Moon in Libra takes place when the Sun and

the Moon are on the same degree in Libra. It knows

that all good manifesting comes from the heart.

New Moon in Scorpio


You're regaining control of a situation that cut deep.

You've moved through your fears and can now see

where this issue has come from. Now isn't the time

to gloss over the facts. Rather its time for you to

face your darkest concerns... and go deeper.Your

situation may need to crumble before it can be

renewed. Magic is called for It’s crucial to stay strong

now. Sexually, it's time to reach fortruecommunion

with your partnerFinancially this is a blessed time

to work with someone on a ointventurelt's time

to release a grudge

Manifesting focus

This card is an especially good sign for matters

related to sex money or an obsession you've been

grappling with.

Manifesting mindset

Know that you're magic. Clear out negativity to

supercharge your manifesting powers.

Manifesting tips for cutting through fears

·Call in Archangel Jeremielthe angel who helps

us to review our lives.

·Channel the energy of Pluto, the planet that

guides the sign of Scorpio and likes to go under

the radar.

·Light a candle and ask Archangel Jeremiel to help

you see whatever you need to acknowledge and

break through in your life right now.

Your manifestation affirmation

'Life goes in cycles and my life

is now regenerating.

When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the

Moon is in Scorpio, on a Tuesday(Marsday)or

during Mars hour (see p.16).

The New Moon in Scorpio takes place when the Sun

and the Moon are on the same degree in Scorpio.It

knows that life's most precious treasures lie beneath

the surface.

New Moon in Sagittarius


The way is clear. All you have to do is make sure

you enjoy the ride.That should be easy enough as

long as you stop worrying and start believing in your

own good luck. It's true that life goes in cycles, and

this card shows that you're moving into a good luck

phase.As Abraham-Hicks saythink about what you

do want, not about what you don't want.Focus on

the positive now. Your manifesting is definitely on

track and the more you can master the art of feeling

good, the longer it'll stay that way!

Manifesting focus

This card is an especially good sign for matters

related to study travel/adventure and the cosmic

quest to understand life.

Manifesting mindset

Look back, see how far you've come and count

your blessings.

Manifesting tips for celebrating joy!

.Call in Archangel Raguel, who is the most

sociable of the angels and helps us to find peace

and harmony.

.Channel the optimistic and adventurous energy

ofJupiter which guides the sign of Sagittarius.

· Take a moment to write a list headed'Five

reasons to be cheerful.Hold your list and

this card to your Heart chakra and express

your gratitude.

Your manifestation affirmation

'I'm one lucky so and so!

When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the

Moon is in Sagittarius, on a Thursday (jupiter's day)

or during jupiter's hour (see p.16).

The New Moon in Sagittarius takes place when the Sun

and the Moon are on the same degree in Sagittarius.It

knows that we create our own good luck!

New Moon in Capricorn


The good news is that you know what you want

and, on some level, you know how to get it.Step

up and know that you're the boss of your own life.

A new, more disciplined approach is needed or a

new plan. Strategy is called for This card reminds

you that ambition isn't a dirtywordwhatever you

want to create in your life.There's no such thing

as too big a goal, but break your plans into smaller

achievable pieces. Slow and steady wins the race.

Release any blocks to success.

Manifesting focus

This card is an especially good sign for matters

related to your professional life,life goals and

ambitions,or a work colleague.

Manifesting mindset

Think about where you want to be in a year-

consciously visualize it.Write a 2-month plan

detailing how you're going to get there.

Manifesting tips for releasing blocks

eCall in Archangel Michael, the protector, and

Archangel Azrael who helps us to process grief

.Call in the strong energies of Saturn, which

guides the sign of Capricorn.

· Breathe gently. Ask Archangel Azrael for help

with releasing grief or past upset that's standing

in the way of your success.Ask Michael to guide

you. Ask Saturn for strength.

Your manifestation affirmation

'The harder I work, the luckier I get.

When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the

Moon is in Capricorn, on a Saturday(Saturn's day)

or during Saturn's hour (see p.16).

The New Moon in Capricorn takes place when the Sun

and the Moon are on the same degree in Capricorn.

It knows that often we come with a plan or leave

in defeat.

New Moon in Aquarius


Big changes are forecast,but you need to let events

unfold with as little steering as possible from you.

Sometimes you just need to take a bit ofspacefrom

a person or a situation If you know you've been

too emotional about someone orsomethingthis

card offers you the chance to cool things down.

A rational, even slightly aloof assessment of your

current circumstances is called for. Allow for things

to develop. Try to think of your situation from a

different angle.

Manifesting focus

This card is an especially good sign for matters

related to friends, networks a wish coming true

science, tech or online dating.

Manifesting mindset

Be yourself; independence doesn't have to mean

loneliness. A group of people, rather than one

person, may be the ones to help you.

Manifesting tips for detachment

eCall in Archangel Uriel, the most cerebral


·Call in energy from the planet Uranus,which

guides the sign of Aquarius and is all about

independence and revolution.

eLight a candle (preferably silver and ask Uriel

for his help with viewing life compassionately but

also dispassionately so that you can stay cool

under any pressure.

Your manifestation affirmation

'There is only one me it's safe

to be me and i love me!

When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the

Moon is in Aquariuson a Saturday(Saturn's dayor

during Saturn's hour (see p.16).

The New Moon in Aquarius takes place when the Sun

and the Moon are on the same degree in Aquarius.lt

knows that humanity is worth saving!

New Moon in Pisces


You have the opportunity to slip into the flow of

life now. When that happens you want what is

happening and what is happening is what you want.

Your manifesting is working perfectly Just make

sure that you stay attuned to your Higher Self

and you'll be well on your way to feeling blissfully

happy and in tune with your dreams.Meditation is

the best way to connect with your Higher Self,so

practise it if you know how, or try learning from an

online instructional video.Above all elsebe kind to

yourself and others.

Manifesting focus

This card is an especially good sign for matters

related to spirituality contacting other realms,

taking some time out or dealing with a fear.

Manifesting mindset

The more you can believe that all is well, the more

all will be well for you...

Manifesting tips for creating flow

·Call in Archangel Sandalphonwho slips between

this world and the next.

·Call in the energy ofthe planet Neptunewhich

guides Pisces.

e Tonight, before you go to sleepaskSandalphon

to guide you towards Neptunian energy in

your dreams so that you can connect with

the numinous.

Your manifestation affirmation

My conscious dreams create my reality!

When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the

Moon is in Pisces, on a Thursday(Jupiter's day)or

during Jupiter's hour (see p.16).

The New Moon in Pisces takes place when the Sun and

the Moon are on the same degree in Pisces. It knows

that our daydreams manifest our lives.

NEW MOON Cards的評論 (共 條)

永州市| 耒阳市| 栖霞市| 日喀则市| 纳雍县| 乡城县| 邛崃市| 宜丰县| 沁水县| 安国市| 江西省| 淮北市| 邛崃市| 广昌县| 武平县| 迭部县| 宁河县| 民和| 营口市| 霍邱县| 靖安县| 博白县| 池州市| 庆安县| 临武县| 西华县| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 敖汉旗| 桓台县| 山东省| 和静县| 临城县| 正镶白旗| 大足县| 马尔康县| 漳平市| 商丘市| 华亭县| 镇原县| 连城县| 馆陶县|