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【CMO中英文對照翻譯】無懼英語 手把手帶你玩全英指揮現(xiàn)代行動:09對地靶場

2023-03-13 20:14 作者:火箭彈查理  | 我要投稿

對地教程第一課 對地靶場


This scenario is designed to help new players understand the methods and nuances of Air-to-Ground bombing.?


Bombing in today’s air forces doesn’t carry the same glamour as the Air-to-Air (A2A) missions, but once the ‘Glamour Jockeys’ get off their shining white chargers and realize that the world does not revolve around White Knights rescuing damsels in distress anymore, they recognise delivering ordinance to surface targets is why they exist.?

在今日的時代背景中,空軍轟炸任務(wù)并沒有空對空(A2A)任務(wù)那樣有魅力,但一旦“魅力騎師”們從他們的白色戰(zhàn)馬上下來,意識到世界并不圍繞著拯救遇險少女的白騎士而轉(zhuǎn),他們才會意識到,向地面目標(biāo)給予打擊才是他們存在的意義。(譯者注:‘delivering ordinance’應(yīng)該是指空軍通過對地打擊,迫使敵方改變既定部署,原作者經(jīng)常采用類似的修辭手法。另外,譯者僅進(jìn)行翻譯,對原作者一切觀點(diǎn)持保留態(tài)度,如對文中觀點(diǎn)感到不適,請聯(lián)系原作者Gunner98。)

Disparagingly called ‘Air to Mud’ or ‘Farming’, Air-to-Ground targeting is generally of two types: Close Air Support (CAS), where ground troops are involved, or strike, where targets are located and destroyed independent of ground forces.

空對地攻擊通常被稱為“空對地(Air to Mud)”或“犁地(Farming)”,攻擊通常被分為兩種類型:一是近距離空中支援(CAS),這種類型的攻擊任務(wù)中,地面部隊會參與攻擊。二是打擊(strike),是摧毀地面部隊活動范圍之外的目標(biāo)。

There are several sub classes of each type but we will focus on simple Strike missions with one aircraft each.


Most modern fighters are called ‘multi-role’, indicating that they can do both the Air-to-Air role in an effort to gain air superiority and the Air-to-Ground role to strike ground targets.?


Some aircraft, such as the F-15C or the MiG-31 are strictly A2A.


While some other aircraft are strictly Air-to-Ground, such as the A-10 or the Su-25, these ‘flying tanks’ are largely focused on CAS with troops in close contact.


Today, we will use the F-16, one of the most prolific and versatile modern aircraft in use today.


?One could make a serious study of the various types of F-16 out there, but it is not important to this tutorial.?


The model chosen has the ability to use a wide range of munitions to demonstrate the game functions needed.


If you wish to know more, you can always go here.

如果你想了解更多,你可以隨時到“這里”(譯者注:“這里”是一個超鏈接,指向F-16.net - The ultimate F-16, F-22, F-35 reference ,這是一個F-16專項論壇,毫無疑問是全英文的,如果您對F-16有充足的愛,可以去挑戰(zhàn)一下)。

Don’t worry, in future tutorials we will use other aircraft of Russian, European or Chinese manufacture so you can get used to these as well,


So enter the game and look around.? You have an air base in Mali, and some targets all nicely lined up for you.


There are no defences arrayed against you in this scenario so you are free to play around without getting shot at.?



Enjoy learning this impressive game.


Note: This tutorial should take about 30-40 min to complete




Blue Player


Good morning Colonel.


?You are the Squadron Commander of Blue Strike Squadron and your job today is to learn how to use your assets in strike missions.?


Remember - CMO is not a flight simulator, it is a "tactical/operational command" simulator that replicates that tactical employment of modern air and naval forces – so you don’t actually ‘fly’ the aircraft.?


You’re the boss, you tell the pilot what to do and s/he goes off and does what you tell them.


Unless something goes wrong or the situations changes of course -? then they have this desire for self preservation! What is this world coming to!


You have a squadron of 12 F-16s, very handy little aircraft indeed.


If you’re interested in facts and figures that’s about $2 Billion US worth of airframes at about 165 Million, each.


And don’t forget that you will be spending $34,000 per aircraft flight hour. The munitions you’re dropping range in price from about $2000 for a Mk 82 dumb bomb to about 1.5 million for a JASSM.

對了,別忘了,每飛行一小時都將再花費(fèi)34000美元。你投放的彈藥價格從2000美元(Mk 82無指導(dǎo)炸彈)到150萬美元(JASSM)不等。

Open the game and review your forces.?


Each of your F-16s is loaded with a different loadout, we will practice with most of the available loadouts to give you a feel for which ones to chose in a real game.?


Munitions selection is one of the most important decisions a player will make, and it is expensive in time if you get it wrong.


?Hopefully this tutorial will help you with that.?


We will not be using the A2A loadouts as there are other tutorials covering that aspect - we’re doing real work in this tutorial.


Also we are limiting ourselves to ground targets, although ‘surface’ also includes ships, that will be the subject of another tutorial.?


And finally we will not be conducting SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defence) which is a specialized skill set and will also be covered later.


A message will appear in about 15 seconds with instructions for your first strike.


Oh: one more note – modern aircraft generally don’t fly alone – they like the company of a wingman.

? 哦:還有一點(diǎn)要注意,現(xiàn)代飛機(jī)一般不會單獨(dú)飛行——他們通常會有一個僚機(jī)陪伴。This goes to that very inefficient principle of self-preservation again!



?Anyway, in this tutorial we will be flying single aircraft ‘One Ship’, where most missions you conduct in the game will be in ‘2 ship’ or even ‘4 ship’ formation.


?Don’t ask me why they call them ships – something to do with that knight on a white charger thing I’m sure





Let’s Check out your first strike Aircraft.? (Strike #1) Select the ‘Blue Base’ and either hit the ‘F6’ key or push the Aircraft Operations button on the Unit Status window.

讓我們看看你的第一架飛機(jī)。(Strike #1)選擇“藍(lán)方基地”,按下“F6”鍵或按下“機(jī)組狀態(tài)”窗口上的“飛機(jī)操作”按鈕。

Strike #1 is an F-16 loaded with 6x Mk82 LDGP (Low Drag General Purpose).? If you delve into the Database, you will note that this bomb was first put into action in 1954 – a lot has changed in bomb design since then.

Strike #1是一架F-16,裝有6x Mk82 LDGP(低阻力通用型)。如果你深入研究數(shù)據(jù)庫,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)這枚炸彈于1954年首次投入使用——從那時到現(xiàn)在,炸彈設(shè)計已經(jīng)發(fā)生了很大的變化。

You will also note that:


·???????? Range against Anti-surf(surface) targets is 1nm or 1 Nautical Mile – that is right on top of the target


·???????? Launch Altitude is anywhere between 800ft AGL (Above Ground Level) and 65000ft AGL – quite flexible


·???????? This is a 500-pound(241Kg) GPB (General Purpose Bomb)

· 這是一枚500磅(241Kg)GPB(通用炸彈)

·???????? Surface PoH (Probability of Hit) is 99% - that is good so it will probably hit the ground – not necessarily the target!


·???????? The CEP (Circular Error Probability) means that it will likely hit within 50 Meters of where it is aimed. But you’re aiming it with the entire aircraft – it is not a precision weapon.


·???????? If you hit your target you will do 130.5 DP (Damage Points).? DP is a game abstract to measure a targets ability to absorbed damage verses a weapons ability to deliver that damage.

·如果你命中目標(biāo),你將造成130.5 DP(傷害點(diǎn)數(shù))。DP是一個游戲抽象概念,用來衡量目標(biāo)吸收傷害的能力與武器釋放傷害的能力。


Your target – Target 1 – is a guard post – no problem. Checking the Database, you will note:

你的目標(biāo)是Target 1——這是一個崗哨——沒什么別的問題。檢查數(shù)據(jù)庫時,您會注意到:


·???????? This is a building – OK



·???????? It has 25 DP – so if you hit it you should kill it with your bombs which do 130 DP each

·它有25 DP,所以如果你擊中它,那炸彈足以消滅它,每個炸彈有130 DP


·???????? It has light armor, which should not be a problem for your bombs



·???????? It is a 20x20 Meter target giving a target area of about 400 Square Meters



Launch Strike #1 by either right clicking on the aircraft and selecting Launch individually from the drop down menu or by clicking the Launch individually from the options along the bottom of the Air Operations box

通過右鍵單擊飛機(jī)并從下拉菜單中選擇單獨(dú)發(fā)射,或通過從空中作戰(zhàn)框底部的選項中單擊單獨(dú)起飛Strike #1


Once Strike #1 is in the air, you can get him targeted quite easily.

一旦Strike #1在空中,你就可以很容易地將他作為目標(biāo)。

·???????? Select the Aircraft Strike #1

·選擇飛機(jī)Strike #1

·???????? Hit the F1 key


·???????? Select Target 1

·選擇Target 1


You can do this through the Unit Orders Menu as well:

您也可以通過“Unit Orders”菜單執(zhí)行此操作:


·???????? Select the Aircraft Strike #1

·Strike #1

·???????? Unit Orders/Attack Options/Engage Targets (Auto)


·???????? Select Target 1


The rest is in the hands of the pilot, he will proceed directly to the target, adopt a suitable attack profile and drop the bombs.? He should get there in about 15 min of game time so you can speed up time with the ‘+’ key, remembering to slow it down as he approaches the target ‘-‘ key or drop it to 1:1 time compression with the ‘Enter’ key.? You can always hit the ‘Space Bar’ to pause and restart the timer.




Well if you were lucky, you killed Target 1 – but there is a good chance you missed with your bombs – that’s what Korean War era weaponry is like.? When you bomb with LDGPs – use lots of them.

如果你足夠幸運(yùn),Target 1已經(jīng)被消滅了——當(dāng)然你也很有可能沒能命中——這畢竟是朝鮮戰(zhàn)爭時期的武器。當(dāng)你用LDGP轟炸時,請使用大量LDGP。

One thing to consider when using ‘dumb bombs’ is your attack altitude. Many Cold War Era Fighter Bombers were designed for the ‘Fast & Low’ approach.? Low because the geometry of a low release altitude keeps the bombs close to the target and reduces the ‘miss distance’, whereas a high level release increases the likely area the bomb will drop exponentially, plus the added time in the air allows wind and many other ballistic factors to affect the bombs more dramatically.? The ‘Fast’ part of this delivery method is needed – because it is not healthy for a multi-million-dollar aircraft to be dragging its tail down where everything from tree branches, to shrapnel from its own bombs and small arms fire can damage it – not to mention anti-aircraft guns and missiles.


Your next strike will be a bit different, you will step forward about 50 years and use some modern JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition) weapons. In reality this is simply a guidance kit strapped on to the old 1950’s era weapons family you dropped in Strike 1.? But it makes a difference.


First a little bit on weapon names: We will consider Warsaw Pact and other bombs in further tutorials but in this instance - the standard bomb in NATO is the American Mark-80 series:



·???????? Mark 81 – nominal weight 250 pounds (113 kg)


·???????? Mark 82 – nominal weight 500 pounds (227 kg)


·???????? Mark 83 – nominal weight 1,000 pounds (454 kg)


·???????? Mark 84 – nominal weight 2,000 pounds (907 kg)


The Mk 81 (Firecracker) was used in Viet Nam but not much after that and is no longer produced.

Mk 81曾在越南使用,但之后不久就不再生產(chǎn)了。

The Mk 82 the most popular of this series due to its small size allowing more to be carried by many different aircraft types and the low blast radius which keeps a limit on collateral damage, critical in many modern operations

Mk 82是該系列中最受歡迎的型號,因為它的尺寸小,可以讓很多不同類型的飛機(jī)攜帶更多的武器,而且爆炸半徑小,可以限制附帶損害,這在許多現(xiàn)代作戰(zhàn)中都是至關(guān)重要的

The Mk 83, although regularly used by the US Navy, is not popular with most other forces.? It doesn’t have the striking power of the Mk 84, but causes more unintentional damage than the Mk 82.

Mk 83雖然經(jīng)常被美國海軍使用,但不受大多數(shù)其他部隊的歡迎。它沒有Mk 84的打擊力,還比Mk 82造成更多的附帶損傷。

The Mk 84, when you need to hit something hard you use this bomb.

Mk 84,當(dāng)你需要猛烈打擊時,你可以使用這個炸彈。

Added to all of these bombs are guidance kits, either laser, GPS or both, and/or delivery systems that either slow the bomb down, allowing a lower altitude delivery (Snakeye) or a penetration capability (BLU109).


For this mission you have one F-16 with two GBU31(V)3/B JDAM (BLU-109/B) with a Sniper XR Pod[FLIR] and an AN/ALQ-184 Pod as well. Let’s break all that down:

在本次任務(wù)中,您有一架F-16,攜帶兩枚GBU31(V)3/B JDAM(BLU-109/B),一個Sniper XR吊艙[FLIR]和一個AN/ALQ-184吊艙。讓我們把這一切分解:

·???????? GBU: Guided Bomb Unit


·???????? 31: for a Mk 84

·31:裝載Mk 84炸彈

·???????? (V)3/B: guidance kit version


·???????? JDAM: GPS Guided - For more detail go here.

·JDAM:GPS引導(dǎo)-更多詳情請點(diǎn)擊此處(譯者注:此處為超鏈接,指向http://www.designationsystems.net/dusrm/app5/jdam.html ,是關(guān)于JDAM各種詳細(xì)介紹,全英)。


·???????? BLU-109/B – Penetrator fuse


·???????? Sniper XR Pod[FLIR]: Targeting pod [Forward Looking Infra Red] – detail here

·Sniper XR吊艙[FLIR]:瞄準(zhǔn)吊艙[前視紅外]-此處詳細(xì)信息(譯者注:此處為超鏈接,指向https://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed/data/mfc/photo/sniper-pod/feature/mfc-sniper-product-card.pdf 應(yīng)該是洛克希德·馬丁公司的狙擊手吊艙產(chǎn)品介紹頁,但截至翻譯時該網(wǎng)頁已404,當(dāng)前關(guān)于狙擊手吊艙產(chǎn)品介紹的網(wǎng)址為https://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed-martin/mfc/pc/sniper-pod/mfc-sniper-atp-pc-01.pdf)

·???????? AN/ALQ-184 Pod: An Electronic Countermeasures Pod (ECM)


?Now as far as targets you have two ‘Hardened Aircraft Shelters’ – the perfect target for a 2000lb penetrator: They were almost made for each other!


Launch your second strike jet and move it towards the target please.




Now in this strike your going to be a little more precise with the targeting.


·???????? Select the aircraft Strike #2.


·???????? Hit ‘Shift+F1’.


·???????? Drag-select both targets labelled Target 2.

·選擇標(biāo)記為“Target 2”的兩個目標(biāo)。

·???????? The Weapon Allocation dialog appears. It has four main areas:


o?? The top of the left column lists your attacking units.


o?? The bottom of the left column lists your targets.


o?? The centre column are the suitable weapons.


o?? The right column is for confirmation (and some other stuff we will get to later).


·???????? Select the unit (Strike #2) in the upper left column.


·???????? Select one of the targets in the lower left column.


·???????? Select the GBU-31 in the Centre column (we will strafe with guns later).



·???????? At the bottom of the centre column are three bars, the top one ‘Allocate weapons to selected Target(s)’ is the one we want – put a ‘1’ in the selector window.


·???????? Press the button bar in the previous step.


·???????? Both sections of the right-hand column should indicate that 1xGBU-31 is allocated to the target.


·???????? Select the second target in the lower left column.


·???????? You should have one bomb left, allocate it to this target.


·???????? If something has gone wrong, you can de-allocate your weapons and go back to the start of the process.


·???????? Close the box with the ‘X’ in the upper right corner.


That’s it. Now you can watch to see what happens as your pilot earns his paycheck for the day.



By now you should note a couple of things:


·???????? Strike #1, once his ammunition was expended automatically returned to base (RTB), you can change this behavior through the doctrine interface but for now we will leave it alone. And

·Strike #1的彈藥耗盡后會自動返回基地(RTB),你可以通過條令界面改變這種行為,但現(xiàn)在我們將不做任何改變。


·?? Strike #2 has two circles around it: a red circle representing its Air to Air weapons range and a brown one representing its Air to surface weapons range.? Strike #1 had these as well but you probably only noticed the red A2A circle.? Since your current load of JDAMs has a 12nm range the circle is apparent and useful.? We are not going to be bothered by enemy aircraft lets turn the A2A circle off.

·Strike #2會顯示兩個環(huán):紅色環(huán)代表其空對空武器射程,棕色環(huán)代表其空對地武器射程。Strike #1也有這些,但你可能只注意到紅色A2A環(huán)。由于您當(dāng)前的JDAM負(fù)載范圍為12nm,因此圓圈非常明顯,對您非常有用。這里我們不會被敵機(jī)打擾,因此可以關(guān)閉A2A環(huán)顯示。

Go to the Map Settings menu and uncheck ‘Air Weapons’.? The red circle disappears. You will note that you can turn on or off any one of the range circles – these are for you to use as you need or wish, feel free to experiment with whatever helps you with your battle. The Sensor ranges won’t appear unless you turn your radars on (F9, unit menu or sensor button on the right). You don’t have sonar on an F-16 so I wouldn’t sweat that one.




OK, modern weapons are so much easer to use.? Now it is unlikely you killed both targets but you should have at least hit both. So each of the JDAMs have a damage ability of 363 DP, and each of the HAS have 350 DP, so in theory one bomb per target – right? Wrong! Well sort of.?



To achieve the maximum effect depends on a large number of factors which are modeled in the game through a series of factors and dice roles.? The message log will help give you clues: In one example:



7:40:05 AM - 7:40:05 AM - 37% penetration achieved


7:40:05 AM-7:40:05 AM-37%的侵徹率


7:40:05 AM - 7:40:05 AM - Weapon: GBU-31(V)3/B JDAM [BLU-109/B] #56 has impacted Target 2.


7:40:05AM-上午7:40:55-武器:GBU-31V3/B JDAM[BLU-109/B]#56已經(jīng)攻擊Target 2


7:39:49 AM - 7:39:49 AM - Weapon: GBU-31(V)3/B JDAM [BLU-109/B] #55 missed Target 2 by 75ft


上午7:39:49-上午7:39:39-武器:GBU-31V3/B JDAM[BLU-109/B]#55偏離Target 2 75英尺


So one of my JDAMs missed by a massive 75ft (about 10% of the miss distance in Strike #1), who knows why – a gust of wind, problem with the GPS, hit a bird! That HAS survived with light damage, good chance that the HAS did its job and protected any aircraft inside.

因此,我的一枚JDAM75英尺(約為Strike #1誤差距離的10%)的大距離脫靶,誰知道為什么——可能是一陣風(fēng),也可能是GPS出了問題,甚至可能是擊中了一只鳥!機(jī)堡中的這架飛機(jī)幸存下來,只有一點(diǎn)受損,大概是HAS完成了任務(wù),保護(hù)了里面的飛機(jī)。


The other JDAM hit the target and penetrated (37%). That HAS, is on fire and has heavy damage.? Chances are any aircraft inside would be destroyed or at least damaged.



Thankfully there were no malfunctions and both bombs worked. The lesson is that in precision strikes one bomb for one target is no guarantee of a kill.



Moving on to Strike #3



This strike is something a bit different, you’re going to use ‘Cluster Munitions’ or CBU-105, WCMD specifically (Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser). These are designed for top attack on tanks and other armoured vehicles.

這次打擊有點(diǎn)不同,你將使用集束彈藥CBU-105(注:此處原文有超鏈接,指向https://defencyclopedia.com/2015/06/12/cbu-105-sensor-fuzed-weapon-usafs-ultimate-tank-buster/ ?),特別是WCMD(風(fēng)力修正彈藥布撒器)。這些是為坦克和其他裝甲車輛的頂部攻擊而設(shè)計的。


You may have read or heard that cluster munitions are ‘outlawed’ by the Geneva Convention.? That is not specifically true, you can read the detail here. The focus of the ban is to eliminate munitions that leave the equivalent of Anti-personal mines on the battlefield, such as many early generation munitions with high dud rates did.? Many modern CBUs comply with paragraph 2.c and are specifically targeted, have self destruct or deactivation mechanisms or are generally much more reliable then older munitions.

你可能已經(jīng)讀到或聽說過《日內(nèi)瓦公約》規(guī)定集束彈藥為非法。這不完全正確,您可以在這里(譯者注:此處原文有超鏈接,應(yīng)該是集束彈藥公約官網(wǎng)中公約適用范圍的英文原文,原網(wǎng)址為http://www.clusterconvention.org/files/2011/01/Convention-ENG.pdf 截至翻譯時該網(wǎng)址已失效,當(dāng)前網(wǎng)址應(yīng)為https://www.clusterconvention.org/files/convention_text/Convention-ENG.pdf#page=4 在當(dāng)前版本公約正文第4頁頁首,有下文中提到的公約2.c款相關(guān)內(nèi)容。)閱讀詳細(xì)信息。禁令的重點(diǎn)是消除那些在戰(zhàn)場上留下大量未爆彈,讓區(qū)域內(nèi)充滿不止何時引爆的地雷的那些集束彈藥,例如許多啞彈率高的早期彈藥。許多現(xiàn)代CBU符合第2.c款的規(guī)定,并且是專門針對性的,具有電子自毀或自行失效機(jī)制,或者至少比老式彈藥更可靠。


So you have an Anti-Tank cluster munition, and you have two lonely tank troops as a target – Launch please and get Strike 3 moving towards the target.

所以放心吧,你現(xiàn)在可以使用反坦克集束彈藥,而且有兩個相互獨(dú)立的坦克部隊作為你的目標(biāo)——請起飛Strike #3,讓其向目標(biāo)移動。



OK, now that Strike #3 is airborne, lets adjust our doctrine a little bit.

好的,現(xiàn)在Strike #3已經(jīng)升空,讓我們稍微調(diào)整一下我們的作戰(zhàn)條令。


·???????? Game Menu/Side Doctrine


o?? Right column under Air Operations, most of the way down ‘A/G strafing (gun)’ - change to ‘Yes’.

o“空中作戰(zhàn)下的右欄,將 “A/G strafing (gun)的下拉欄-改為“Yes”。


o?? Close the Doctrine window



·???????? Select Strike #3

·選擇Strike #3

·???????? Hit ‘F1’ and drag-select the two Tank troops marked Target 3

·點(diǎn)擊“F1”并選擇標(biāo)記為Target 3的兩個坦克部隊


You may have noticed that the tank units (you can tell that they’re tank units by the little ‘Tank Track’ symbol if you’re using NTDS symbols) have the number ‘3’ next to their upper left side.? This represents the number of actual tanks that the unit contains. When you fire a weapon at the unit, a ‘1’ will appear in the lower left side to represent the number of weapons that unit has allocated to it.



By the way – when using NTDS symbols, infantry is represented by a large ‘X’ depicting the crossed belts of a Napoleonic soldier and artillery is represented by a dot to represent a cannon ball.




Strike 4

Strike 4 will be using a very modern version of a bomb: The SDB Small Diameter Bomb first fielded in 2006, is truly a weapon designed for the ‘current fight’ or Counter Insurgency Operations COIN.? It is smaller than the defunct Mk 81 at only 200lbs, but it has a range of 60nm and is very accurate.

Strike 4將使用一種非?,F(xiàn)代的炸彈:SDB小直徑炸彈。它于2006年首次亮相,是真正為現(xiàn)代戰(zhàn)斗反叛亂行動(COIN設(shè)計的武器。它比鐵炸彈Mk 81還要小,只有200磅,但它有60海里的射程而且非常精確。


You have 8 x GBU-39/B SDBs and 6 small buildings to destroy.? Use your munitions frugally to destroy all buildings

你有8GBU-39/B SDB6個小型建筑要摧毀。節(jié)約使用彈藥試著摧毀所有建筑物。



So your attack order gave the pilot two targets, and he followed his Weapons Release Authority (WRA) and released both CBUs on one tank troop, which has a ‘Missile Defence estimate’ of 4 (see DB). So once you watch the cool CBU graphics destroy one of the tank units, you are left with one tank unit alive and well.? Time to strafe him.



·???????? Select the aircraft Strike #3

·選擇飛機(jī) Strike #3


·???????? Hit the ‘U’ key.? He was in an RTB state so you have just unassigned him from that order



·???????? Hit ‘Shift+F1’ and select the remaining tank unit



·???????? Strike #3 should already be selected, as is the only target.? Click on the 20mm/85 Vulcan Burst in the suitable weapons column

· Strike #3 應(yīng)該已經(jīng)被選中了,現(xiàn)在也只有他了。點(diǎn)擊武器欄中的20mm/85火神炮


·???????? Click on the bottom bar ‘Allocate all weapons of this type’

·單擊底部欄Allocate all weapons of this type’(分配所有此類武器)


·???????? Double check that all 5 available bursts (500 rounds of Vulcan cannon) are allocated and close the box.



·???????? Sit back and watch as the aircraft adopts the appropriate altitude and begins to engage



Mobile targets are the next task.? Older JDAMs, many guided weapons and certainly dumb bombs have a hard time striking these targets.? Fortunately, the F-16 has the ability to use AGM-65 (Air Ground Munition), the Maverick missile.? This is based on a 1970’s design but has gone through significant improvement, details here, , it is good for much more than moving targets but it is one of the few pre 2000 weapons that can reliably hit movers.



You have two moving cars to strike and 2 missiles to do it with.? Engage.



Now might be a good time to check how your doing.? Don’t worry, this is a basic tutorial and you will win, but it is always nice to know how the fight is going. In COMMAND, scenario designers have complete latitude in how they score a scenario, which is fantastic – but it does take awhile for a player to get used to.? In some of my scenarios the player is likely to get his/her butt kicked, so I adjust the scores so you can measure how well you are losing – if that makes any sense at all.



So in this scenario you get 10 Victory Points (VP) for every target you destroy and you achieve a Triumph by destroying 15 of them. Sometimes you get points for achieving missions, preventing the opposing force from doing something or preserving your assets.? Totally up to the designer.? Some players don’t really pay attention to point scores, neither do some designers, in this case if it feels good – you’ve won.



So to check how you’re doing as measured against the designer’s idea of how the scenario should unfold, go to Game Menu/Scoring:

因此,要根據(jù)設(shè)計師關(guān)于場景應(yīng)該如何展開的想法來檢查你的表現(xiàn),請轉(zhuǎn)到Game Menu/Scoring


·???????? The first tab is the ‘Evaluation’ which goes from Disaster to Triumph, here you are Average because the point score is ‘0’;



·???????? The next tab is the ‘Losses and Expenditures’ readout which shows what you have expended in munitions and what you have killed.? And the same for each side in the game, and there could be many sides depending on how complex the scenario is.? Be advised that there is a bit of a ‘spoiler’ or ‘cheat’ on this tab – it will show exactly what you have killed, even though you may not have received accurate BDA (Bomb Damage Assessment) on your strikes. So if you don’t want to bend the rules of physics, don’t look at this page until the end of the game. If you want to learn effects of munitions or what the heck has been giving you all those problems, take a look – its your game. You can also get to this screen directly from the Game menu.

·下一個標(biāo)簽是Losses and Expenditures讀數(shù),顯示你在彈藥上花費(fèi)了什么以及你殺死了什么。游戲中的每一方都是一樣的,可能會有很多方,這取決于場景的復(fù)雜程度。請注意,此選項卡上有一點(diǎn)劇透欺騙”——它將準(zhǔn)確顯示您所殺的東西,即使您可能沒有收到準(zhǔn)確的BDA(炸彈傷害評估)。所以,如果你不想違背物理學(xué)的規(guī)則,在游戲結(jié)束之前不要看這一頁。如果你想了解彈藥的效果,或者這些問題到底給你帶來了什么,看看吧——這就是你的游戲結(jié)果。您也可以直接從游戲菜單進(jìn)入此屏幕。


·???????? Finally; the ‘Scoring Log’ will give you an event by event countdown of how you gained and lost points.

最后;Scoring Log將為您提供一個事件記錄,記錄您的得分和失分情況。


Ever used the saying “I feel like a million bucks!”?? Well at $1.5 Million each the JASSM (Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile), is a truly capable munition, just don’t expect too many of them. The AGM-158 has a range of 215nm so is certainly a standoff weapon, it has a sub-sonic terrain following cruise and a double warhead – one to penetrate and one to destroy.



For this one fly towards the target, out past Target 2 and you will get another message outlining what you should do for the attack.




OK now follow this procedure:



·???????? Select the aircraft Strike #6

·選擇飛機(jī)Strike #6


·???????? Hit ‘Shift+F1’, drag select the two targets to bring up the Weapons Allocation dialogue



·???????? Assign one JASSM to each target


·???????? Now in the lower right box, select the JASSM that is assigned to one of the targets



·???????? The ‘Plot course’ option becomes available, press this button

·“Plot course(繪制航路點(diǎn))選項變?yōu)榭捎?,按下此按鈕


·???????? Your now on the map screen and each cursor click becomes a waypoint, maximum 10 and you cannot exceed the range of the weapon



·???????? Plot a course and do the same for the second weapon. If you don’t like your course, click on clear course and do it again.



·???????? Once you’re happy close the box and watch them fly.? This is a great way of getting around defences.



This is not really a strike but once you launch your aircraft (Strike #7) fly it toward the target and when you get a few miles out of the base, hit ‘Cntl+F1’ this is a Bering only Launch and you should launch your MALD (Miniature Air-Launched Decoy), anywhere you would like. This is another useful technique you will need to penetrate heavily defended areas.

接下來的不是真正的對地打擊,您可以發(fā)射您的飛機(jī)(Strike #7),將其飛向您指定的目的地,當(dāng)它離開基地幾英里時,按下“Cntl+F1”,這是MALD(小型空射誘餌)唯一的發(fā)射方式,你可以在任何你想要發(fā)射的地方發(fā)射它。當(dāng)你需要穿透防守嚴(yán)密的區(qū)域時,這是一種相當(dāng)有用的技術(shù)裝備。


After this you have several aircraft about to be ready so you should feel free to play around with the different weapons on board to destroy any targets on the range



You’re are now qualified to Bomb stuff!



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