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隨筆9 (接上回)

2023-09-04 22:08 作者:Nicholas冰原貴公子  | 我要投稿

Never did I know?that since when I had become so taciturn and insouciant and what had rendered me so. The teenage sitting next to me stood up as she must be going to buy the snacks at the main counter but unluckily, I happened to block her way like an unpleasant rock which was old but just seemed young. She stooped down slightly to be nearer to me?without addressing anything or giving a particular motion to me but as I had foreseen her intention based on her talk with her fellow teenager, I stood up to give way to her who nodded her head slightly at my proactive response and returned a few moments later with two plastic cups of ice-cream with a chic and glamorous appearance which hardly could young people resist and even ten steps away from her, I managed to well scent the cheap but seductive fragrance created by modern industry. Be it one decade ago, I would have consumed two cups of the goddamned stuff for I was even weaker in resistance to the artificial smell than they, which was exuded from a type of junk snack which could be to?detriment of health and by eating a particular quantity of which, people could possibly get a very high risk of contracting leukemia, especially in the course of all the days of the Perfect Time. A conceived film was formed up in no time in my mind's eye that right before their doomsday, they, scrawny to the bone, kept groaning and wailing on their deathbed, so forlorn in despair as they had been abandoned by the whole world, waiting for nothing but the doom. At the sight of the scene that both of the teenagers were about to relish the ice-cream which could be their favorite, I screwed up my courage to dissuade them from eating the food but when the words were at the tip of my tongue, they eluded me uncannily and meantime, a familiar voice in my heart prevailed upon me not to say those words as teenagers of this like were too young to be sophisticated enough and if they were from households of low society and thus devoid of knowledge of food safety, being undiscerning, they would probably deem?my words nothing but grandiloquence and taunt me for my being nosiness. What was more terrible was that as they were young females, possibilities could not be zero that they would slander me deliberately that I had harassed them with insensible words whereas I had actually no intention of doing this.?To avoid any possible trouble, I turned?resolved to?be?reticent as I usually seemed.

隨筆9 (接上回)的評論 (共 條)

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