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【零基礎(chǔ)學(xué)英語(yǔ)5.5】最容易堅(jiān)持學(xué)習(xí)的零基礎(chǔ)英語(yǔ)課程 | 學(xué)英語(yǔ)初級(jí) | ...

2023-09-05 17:26 作者:Hy化月  | 我要投稿





例如:I can do it

I should be here

You should eat the food

He will ask me a question

這三個(gè)詞的否定形式也很簡(jiǎn)單,直接在他們后面加not,變成can not, should not, will not,簡(jiǎn)稱can't ,shouldn' t ,won't后面還是加上去掉to的動(dòng)作小組合,以及時(shí)間詞和地點(diǎn)詞就可以了

我I 需要need 做這件事情to do it

我需要做這件事I need to do it


我需要現(xiàn)在做這件事I need to do it now


他是重要的It is important


它是非常重要的it is very important


因?yàn)樗欠浅V匾腷ecause it is very important


I need to do it now because it is very important


對(duì)我來說for me

它是非常重要的對(duì)我來說It is very important for me

做這件事to do it

我必須做這件事I have to do it

每天every day

我必須每天做這件事I have to do it every day


它是非常重要的對(duì)我來說所以我必須每天做這件事It is very important for me So I have to do it every day


它是不重要的it is not important

他是不重要的對(duì)我來說It is not important for me

做這件事to do it

我必須做這件事I have to do it

我不必做這件事I don' t have to do it

我不必現(xiàn)在做這件事I don' t have to do it now

它是不重要的對(duì)我來說所以我不必現(xiàn)在做這件事It is not important for me so I don 't have to do it now

想要want 知道to know

我想要知道I want to know


它是可能的it is possible

做這件事to do it

做這件事(它)是可能的It is possible to do it


今天做這件事(它)是可能的It is possible to do it today

我想要知道是否今天做這件事(它)是可能的I want to know if it is possible to do it today

說話to talk 和我with me

和我說話To talk with me

你可以you can

你可以和我說話You can talk with me

我想要知道I want to know

我想要知道是否你可以和我說話I want to know if you can talk with me


我想要知道是否你今晚可以和我說話I want to know if you can talk with me tonight

它是重要的it is important

非常very 對(duì)我來說for me

它是非常重要的對(duì)我來 It is very important for me


我想要知道是否你今晚可以和我說話因?yàn)樗欠浅V匾膶?duì)我來說I want to know if you can talk with me tonight Because it is very important for me

你you 告訴你to tell you

我必須告訴你I have to tell you

某件事情something 重要的important

重要的某件事Something important

我必須告訴你重要的某件事情I have to tell you something important


我必須現(xiàn)在告訴你重要的某件事情I have to tell you something important now


它是緊急的it is urgent

它是非常緊急的it is very urgent

我必須現(xiàn)在告訴你重要的某件事情因?yàn)樗欠浅>o急的I have to tell you something important now because it is very urgent

這個(gè)食物the food 我喜歡I like

我喜歡這個(gè)食物I like the food

我不喜歡這個(gè)食物l don 't like the food

我想要I want 在這里to be here

我想要在這里I want to be here

我不想在這里l don' t want to be here

一整天all the day

我不想一整天在這里l don' t want to be here all the day


我不喜歡這個(gè)食物,而且我不想一整天在這里l don' t like the food and l don' t want to be here all the day

幫助to help 幫助我to help me

你必須幫助我you have to help me

你必須現(xiàn)在幫助我you have to help me now

非常重要very important

它是非常重要的it is very important

它是非常重要的對(duì)我來說It is very important for me

它是非常重要的對(duì)我來說所以你必須現(xiàn)在幫助我It is very important for me so you have to help me now

做這件事情to do it

我必須做這件事I have to do it

我必須現(xiàn)在做這件事I have to do it now

它是非常重要的對(duì)我來說所以我必須現(xiàn)在做這件事It is very important for me so l have to do it now

告訴我to tell me 你需要告訴我you need to tell me 事實(shí)the truth

你需要告訴我事實(shí)You need to tell me the truth

你需要告訴我事實(shí)因?yàn)樗欠浅V匾膶?duì)我來說You need to tell me the truth because it is very important for me

解釋to explain 原因the reason

解釋原因to explain the reason

她想要she wants

他想要解釋原因she wants the explain the reason

吃這個(gè)食物to eat the food

現(xiàn)在吃這個(gè)食物to eat the food now

她需要she needs

他現(xiàn)在需要吃這個(gè)食物she needs to eat the food now


她想要解釋原因?yàn)槭裁此枰F(xiàn)在吃這個(gè)食物She wants to explain the reason why she needs to eat the food now

飛翔to fly 天空sky

在天空中in the sky

在天空中飛翔他to fly in the sky

這個(gè)小鳥the bird

這個(gè)小鳥想要The bird wants

這個(gè)小鳥想要在天空中飛翔The bird wants to fly in the sky

星榮想要xingrong wants

星榮想要在天空中飛翔Xingrong wants to fly in the sky

但是but 不可能的impossible

它是不可能的it is impossible

星榮想要在天空中飛翔但是這件事是不可能的Xingrong wants to fly in the sky but it is impossible

告訴to tell 事實(shí)the truth

告訴我事實(shí)to tell me the truth

他必須告訴我事實(shí)he has to tell me the truth

它是非常重要的對(duì)我來說It is very Important for me


他必須告訴我事實(shí)因?yàn)樗欠浅V匾膶?duì)我來說he has to tell me the truth because it is very important for me

我需要I need 知道這件事to know it

我需要知道這件事I need to know it


他必須告訴我事實(shí)因?yàn)樗欠浅V匾膶?duì)我來說而且我需要知道這件事He has to tell me the truth because it is very important for me and I need to know it

她想要she wants 見到to see

她想要見到我she wants to see me

在這里to be here

我必須在這里I have to be here

我今天必須在這里I have to be here today


她想要見到我所以我今天必須在這里she wants to see me so I have to be here today

解釋to explain 原因the reason

解釋原因to explain the reason

她必須解釋原因she has to explain the reason

在家里閱讀to read at home

她喜歡she likes

她喜歡在家里閱讀she likes to read at home


她必須解釋原因?yàn)槭裁此矚g在家里閱讀She has to explain the reason why she likes to read at home



它是非常重要的it is very important


她必須解釋原因?yàn)槭裁此矚g在家里閱讀因?yàn)樗欠浅V匾膕he has to explain the reason why she likes to read at home because it is very important

他想要he wants

做這件事to do it

他想要做這件事he wants to do it


他想要現(xiàn)在做這件事he wants to do it now

我不想現(xiàn)在做這件事He doesn't want to do it now


它是緊急的it is urgent

它是不緊急的It is not urgent


他不想現(xiàn)在做這件事因?yàn)樗遣痪o急的He doesn't want to do it now because it is not urgent

可以can 我可以l can做 這件事to do it

我可以做這件事I can do it

單獨(dú)alone 因?yàn)閎ecause

我可以單獨(dú)做這件事I can do it alone

我不可以單獨(dú)做這件事I can not do it alone

你必須幫助我you have to help me

你必須幫助我因?yàn)槲也豢梢詥为?dú)做這件事You have to help me because l can not do it alone

告訴你tell you 事實(shí)the truth

告訴你事實(shí)tell you the truth

我將會(huì)告訴你事實(shí)I will tell you the truth

我將不會(huì)告訴你事實(shí)I will not tell you the truth

未來to future在 未來in the future

我將會(huì)在未來告訴你事實(shí)I will tell you the truth in the future

我將不會(huì)在未來告訴你事實(shí)I will not tell you the truth in the future


他是不重要的it is not important


它是不重要的所以我將會(huì)在未來告訴你事實(shí)It is not important so I will tell you the truth in the future

她可以she can 解釋explain

原因the reson

解釋原因explain the reason

她可以解釋原因she can explain the reason

她不可以解釋原因she can not explain the reason

為什么why 和我說話talk with me


他今晚可以和我說話he can talk with me tonight

他今晚不可以和我說話he can not talk with me tonight

她可以解釋原因?yàn)槭裁此裢聿豢梢院臀艺f話She can explain the reason why he can not talk with me tonight

【零基礎(chǔ)學(xué)英語(yǔ)5.5】最容易堅(jiān)持學(xué)習(xí)的零基礎(chǔ)英語(yǔ)課程 | 學(xué)英語(yǔ)初級(jí) | ...的評(píng)論 (共 條)

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