The Visual MBA - 01
Leadership is more than management. It’s about inspiring change and
improving results through who you are and how you motivate others.
When people see you, what do they think/feel about you? That’s your brand.
--5 STEPS to building a brand that GETS RESULTS--
1) Nail down the results you want to achieve over the next 12 months
Make sure to consider the interests of your customers, investors, employees,
and the organization as a whole.
2) Decide what you want to be known for
Looking at your results, how do you want to be perceived? Pick six
descriptors that you want to be known for. Example: Humble, Optimistic,
Dedicated, etc.
3) Combine to define
Combine your six descriptors into three two-word phrases. Example: Humbly
Optimistic, Selflessly Dedicated, etc.
4) Create your leadership brand statement & test it
I want to be known for being (three phrases) so that I can deliver ———.
Then ask, “Does this best represent me?” “Does it create value for my
stakeholders?” “Are there any risks?”
5) Make it real
Share your brand with others and ask if they feel it aligns with how you truly
behave. Make adjustments. Most importantly, your brand is a promise—so
make it real and DELIVER.
If you want to be happy in your job you need to hit the sweet spot.?
You need a balance of competence (really good at something),?
passion (need I say more?), and opportunity (there is a market need).
Accounting is the language of business. Unless you are keeping?
track of how your company is doing, you won’t know how to?
improve it. Everything in this course revolves around these?
three financial statements:
1.Income statement.
2.Balance sheet.
3.Statement of cash flows.