As above so below,
as within so without.
To know moderation
is to live without doubt.
Mind meets a body
to know power and grace
just as Heaven meets Earth
through both time and space.
Fact is one thing
and fiction quite another,
but the “truth" is yet different
made by and for each other.
Temperance is about balance,
moderation, and patience. She is
depicted with wings to illustrate her
elevated intellect as well as the body ofa
tiger, demonstrating the strength in
restraint and moderation.While
Temperance understands that there is
more than what lies in the physical
realm, corporeal reality and logical
pragmatism are not to be discounted.
The shadow of Temperance is
imbalance and excess,trading instant
gratification for lasting happiness.
Upright: moderation·testing the
·understanding·accepting other
·thoughtless action·antagonism