We the People
Hope: You're here. The Congress is still **in session**. George Washington and his **militia** have fired on French troops under Ju-u-ville. The French are calling it an **act of war**.
Shay: George Washington. You mean Lawrence's younger brother?
Liam: Yeah, it's the same... Speaking of Lawrence Washington, since you eliminated him, James Wardrop has **moved up in ranks**. All the Templar resources are **at his disposal** now.
Shay: What about the Manuscript?
Hope: My **sources** in New York confirm that Wardrop has it. I also learned that he is here, at the Congress, **under heavy guard**.
Liam: Shay, find Wardrop, get that Manuscript.
Hope: This place is **thick with** Templar troops... Liam and I will make sure he doesn't escape.
?`"in session" typically refers to a meeting, gathering, or event that is currently taking place or actively in progress.`?
?`"at his disposal" means that someone has full control, authority, or access to something or someone.`?
?`A source is a person or book that provides information for a news story or for a piece of research.`
?`Abundance or density: When something is described as being "thick with" something else, it means that there is a large amount, concentration, or density of that particular thing`
Shay: Ah... That must be the Templar William Johnson. Perhaps he has the Manuscript, or knows where it is.
Franklin: As I have stated previously, I believe we need a national union, granted by an act of **Parliament** but bringing greater independence to our colonies. The French are an **immediate threat** and we are **ill-prepared** to face them. **To put it bluntly**, the colonies must join, or die.
`The phrase "to put it bluntly" is used when someone wants to express a statement or opinion in a direct, straightforward, and often unvarnished manner.`?
Johnson: A **rousing** speech, Master Franklin. But do you truly believe Great Britain will grant her colonies autonomy?
Franklin: They have little choice, Master Johnson. You know the **remoteness** of this frontier better than most.
Johnson: Yes... But let us leave politics for another day. I wanted to thank you for your research-
Franklin: Of course, of course! In the brief time I could examine that box, I could tell it was something unique. From Ancient Egypt, **you said**? Well, as I mentioned in my letter, I am quite ready to **electrify** it...
Johnson: Excellent. We will have the box delivered shortly. As for the manuscript... Captain!
Captain: I apologize, sir, but Master Wardrop refused to hand it over. He said the risks were too great.
Johnson: The risks!? Ah... I apologize. You will have the manuscript and the box **in the briefest of delays.**
Johnson: You **mangy** excuse for a uniform! Run to Fort Frederick and tell Master Wardrop he had better **cough up** that manuscript **post-haste**! Else I will have him **scalped**!
`remoteness:the state of being distant from something else, in particular from the main centers of population.`
`the phrase "you said?" is used to confirm or seek validation of information that was previously mentioned or stated by someone else.`
?`"cough up" is an idiomatic expression that means to pay or give something reluctantly or under pressure`
?`If you go somewhere or do something post-haste, you go there or do it as quickly as you can.`
?`to cut or tear the scalp from`
Shay: I'll take that, you Templar dog.
Wardrop: No! You have no idea what you are doing, fool.
Shay: Keeping the people free from your control.
Wardrop: How free will you be when the French undermine these **squabbling** colonies?
Shay: These colonies would be far better off without the Templars **pulling the strings.**
Wardrop: **We bring order from chaos**. If everything is permitted, no one is safe.
Shay: Even the devil can quote scripture to **suit his own purposes.**