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2023-06-23 10:21 作者:R洛拂煙  | 我要投稿


There is only one truth,

one law, and one way.

Make justice supreme

and let come what may.

Within us lies a truth

that all of us hear.

And within us its killer:

corruption and fear.

From the righteous path

we must never stray

else our future and our soul

may be cast away.

Justice is a woman crossed with an

ostrich, an allusion to the Egyptian god

Anubis who would weigh a person's

soul against an ostrich feather before

deciding their fate.This card represents

virtue, law, order,and righteousness.

Good or bad, you will get what you


Reversed, Justice may be distorted,

biased, or potentially corrupt. Her

verdicts may be unfair, and the

judgment hastily made.


innocent verdict·equality·truth

·fairness·intellectual honesty

·integrity·life lessons·law·legal

disputes·self-awarenessstanding up

for what is right·clear-sightedness

Reversed: injustice·guilt/a guilty


·retribution·dishonesty ·lack of

accountability·avoidance·lies to

yourselfand to others·short-


Justice的評論 (共 條)

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