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2023-09-20 18:07 作者:龍騰洞觀  | 我要投稿


How many Indian drug companies are exporting to the USA?



Christopher VanLang
Why is the Indian pharmaceutical company Ranbaxy still allowed to do business in the United States?
I'm actually of the opinion that this whole disaster is very good for the future of the Indian Pharmaceutical industry.
From the sounds of what happen, the scandal is a product of what happens when a dirty company tries to go legitimate not unlike when a mobster tries to get clean. The US knows that Ranbaxy was a mobster and has a dirty past but it also knows that it's trying really really hard to clean itself up and do things right. The FDA has also been under significant pressure to make sure that there aren't drug shortages which is happening more and more since many of the plants in the US get shutdown shortly after patent expirations.


This is how generic drugs get made in countries like India. 5-8 years before the US patent expiration, organic chemists are figuring out how to synthesize the drug and break the US process patents. It takes another 2-3 years to scale-up and build a plant. This means that a generic company will probably be able to produce and sell a drug in countries with weak patent laws 2-3 years before the US patent expiry and set a world-wide generic price. This means that upon expiration, the drug essentially has to be supplied by a generic company.
I can tell you that the US pharmaceutical industry doesn't think very highly of Indian and Chinese manufacturers and it isn't because they do things inexpensively. It's because they do things cheaply. When you cut corners and brag about how you were successful in cutting corners, no is going to trust you in a highly regulated R&D business.


However, I recognize that companies like Ranbaxy need to exist since the US and the rest of the world does need generic drugs and places like Teva Pharmaceuticals aren''t going to be enough to provide Africa with drugs. For that to happen, you need to have whistleblowers making companies scared and freaking out to go legitimate and changing their company culture to do things correctly. I bet that Cipla and Dr. Reddy''s Laboratories (company) are currently going through their ranks and digging through their files. American-trained Indian scientists will be quickly replacing most of the upper management. The Department of Pharmaceuticals will be ramping up their inspections and coordinating with the FDA and EMA.
Those silly US evergreening patents that India seemingly is willing to ignore? They exist for a reason and most of them are trivial patents like "how to purify a compound" and "how to make a drug that meets FDA standards".
So why drugs from Ranbaxy and India? Frankly it''s still better than the alternatives. The European countries are only interested in the high-end generics. Japanese and Singaporean manufacturing facilities are already at capacity for brand name drugs. ?The US''s only hope for cheap drugs is India .


Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Why doesn't the Indian government fund pharmaceutical companies in their own R&D? Is just claiming India as the biggest exporter of medicines enough?
Funding Pharma Research is the highest risk.
You could spend Billions on a potential drug and suddenly have to yank it off due to complications and side effects.
R & D for Biosciences and Pharma in US is funded mainly by the Private Sector (85%) and Grants and Trusts (10.5%) with barely 4.5% coming from the Federal Govt
US Pharma companies spend $ 87 Billion a year on R & D and an average of 19.32% of their Revenue on R&D.
Now Indian Pharma spend Rs. 317 Crore or $ 423 Million a year on R&D with 68.3% being Government Funded and only 31.7% or Rs. 105 Crore a year being Privately Funded.
US pays an average researcher with 10 yrs an average of $ 187,717 a year , India pays Rs. 4,66,208 a year
Plus there is a misuse of budget for R and D. Out of say Rs. 10 Crore a year for research for a new vaccine, only Rs. 5.8 Crore is available. The rest goes into miscellaneous.
Conclusion is We dont have Money for that sort of research and our developments are Shoddy and Shortcuts aiming for headlines for 10 days than a solution for 10 years.
Rather than investing profits into R & D , our Pharma companies prefer eating the profits and wealth.


Why doesn't the Indian government fund pharmaceutical companies in their own R&D? Is just claiming India as the biggest exporter of medicines enough?
Indian govt. wants results and huge taxes without doing any hard work or planning so we cannot expect anything from them as their only focus is privatising everything and huge collection of taxes for their own luxuries, they make policies for corpoarates and rich people and nnot concerned about sufferings of common man.


【龍騰網(wǎng)】有多少印度制藥公司向美國出口藥品?的評(píng)論 (共 條)

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