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暗黑地牢DLC 屠夫競技場 文本整理

2022-11-03 13:17 作者:讓讓子  | 我要投稿

你選擇了這個敵人,不要失望哦! You have chosen this foe, do not disappoint! 近之則不遜...不容有失。 Familiarity breeds contempt... and does not forgive failure. 該戰(zhàn)役需延后。請先完成當(dāng)前殺戮。 The campaign can wait. For now, carnage calls. 機(jī)會稍縱即逝... Chance is a fickle thing... 你勝券在握了! The advantage is yours! 比賽開始了! The contest begins! 出手吧! Unsheathe your blades! 動手吧! Act now! 加入狂歡! The reveling throng demands its portion! 哈哈! Hahaha! 哈哈! Ha! 暈菜了吧! The buffoon is flummoxed! 暈菜了吧! Well well well, it would appear the buffoon is flummoxed! 優(yōu)柔寡斷比利刃更致命。請運籌帷幄。 Indecision kills more swiftly than steel.?Be more prepared. 傻瓜才會束手無策! The fool has no plan, no strategy! 繼續(xù)戰(zhàn)斗——弱者會被群起而攻之! Fight on - the mob rallies to the underdog! 我們終會孤寂而終。 In the end, we all die alone. 人聲鼎沸,勝利近在眼前! The maniacal cheering swells, victory is at hand! 不是你死,就是我亡。 One. Must. Fall. 烏合之眾因你徒勞一場,平添挫敗感... You deny the rabble their sport, and fuel their frustration... 敵方人心渙散!你贏了! Their resolve is broken!?You have won! 圍觀人群為血腥的戰(zhàn)斗場面歡呼雀躍! The rabble thrills to the spilling of blood! 斗技場大師需要一個挑戰(zhàn)者! The Ringmaster demands a challenger! 斗技場上的新面孔。 New blood in the ring. 你戰(zhàn)勝了這群烏合之眾,快去尋覓更強(qiáng)悍的敵手吧! You've bested the rabble - now for something tougher! 一系列新角逐需要兼具實力和謀略。 A new bracket of competition demands strength and guile in equal measure. 當(dāng)心,聲望提升...會拉響勁敵的警鐘。 Beware your rising prestige...it is a siren's call to those who would be your undoing. 只有最兇猛的對手才配參加晚間特別較量! Only the fiercest of opponents are worthy of the evening's feature match! 擦干血,撿起牙。你會重整旗鼓嗎? Mop the blood and collect the teeth. Will you muster the mettle to return? 新聯(lián)賽迎來新一群弱雞敵手。 A new League, a new crop of craven adversaries. 斗技場大師心情好! The Ringmaster is pleased! 飾品和獎杯等你領(lǐng)取。 Trinkets and trophies are yours to claim. 這一次...你的勝利無人不知。萬物皆有定數(shù)。 All will hear of your victories... for a time. All things have their season. 名利雙收之際,切勿掉以輕心。 Your trophies mount and word travels. Let it not precede collapse. 歡騰的嗜血喧囂。值得贊美! A cacophony of bloodthirsty delight. Praise well-earned! 暴力和虛榮如影隨形。 Violence and vanity, debased lovers locked in an eternal embrace. 一場狂歡之行,一場恣意的生死角逐——盡在驚喜連連的The Butcher's Circus。 A traveling bacchanal, a debauched contest of survival - the Butcher's Circus is all these things, and more. 尋找對手,揮出一記鐵拳打個招呼! Seek out your rivals and greet them - with an iron glove! 切勿草率出戰(zhàn)——成敗在此一舉。 Do not be hasty in the assemblage of your contestants - victory and defeat can be decided here. 領(lǐng)取來之不易的戰(zhàn)利品,放手者休想惦記。 Claim your spoils - they are hard earned, and the previous owner will not miss them. 浴血奮戰(zhàn),勇往直前是力爭上游的唯一途徑。 On this list, blood and courage are the only means to ascension. 對手正在等你一決高下! Your opponent is waiting for you to fight!

暗黑地牢DLC 屠夫競技場 文本整理的評論 (共 條)

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