You think you own
what's before your eyes.
You think you're too pure
for greed and lies.
So now laugh and drink
you're sure to be merry,
the weight of your sins
you're later to carry.
Falling further you ll think
your splendor sublime
while I wait in the shadows
just biding my time.
The Devil card is about sin, the path of
least resistance negative life cycles, and
addiction or self-bondage.The figures
below the dragon are in chains, but they
are loose around their bodies, suggesting
they are willingly imprisoned.This is
because The Devil is about being
intensely bound to something or to
someone for better or worse.
The Devil's shadow is quite conversely
about liberation-especially sexual
liberation. It can also be a sign that you
need to give in and live a little.
Upright: sin·addiction·self-
indulgence·destructive habitsdenial
bondage·health issues·depression
assertiveness*overcoming addiction
·facing your demonsneed to indulge