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2023-08-25 15:33 作者:guwaaj  | 我要投稿

Fear is caused by?blockages in the flow of your energy. When your energy is blocked, it can come up and feed your heart. Therefore, your heart becomes weak. When?your heart is weak it becomes susceptible to lower vibrations, and one of the lowest of all vibrations is fear. Fear is the cause of every problem.


Let's say you feel a?little?jealousy or a little fear. If you focus on it, it grows in importance?and demands more of your attention. Then, because your attention feeds?it, it becomes infused with even more energy and draws more attention.?That's how the cycle?goes. Eventually, what started as a passing thought?or?emotion can become the center of your entire life. If you don't let go, it?can get completely out of control.


If?you close and protect yourself, you are locking this scared, insecure?person within your heart. You will never be free that way.?Ultimately, if you protect yourself perfectly, you will never grow.


Unless you're fully?seated in witness consciousness, you're not back there being aware that?you’re the one watching all this. That is what it means to be lost.?The lost soul is the consciousness that has dropped into the place?where one human's thoughts, emotions, and sensory perceptions of sight,?sound, taste, touch, and smell are all synchronized.


You will see events that took place when you were ten years old?that?you're still holding onto. You will see that you're literally taking all?your memories, pulling them together in an orderly fashion, and saying?that's who you are. But you are not the events; you're the one who experienced the events. How can you define yourself?as the things that happened?to you?


You literally define yourself based on what you believe: “I believe in God or I don't believe in God. I believe in peace?and nonviolence, or I believe in survival of the fittest.?I believe in capitalism, or I believe in neo-socialism.”?You take a set of thoughts in the mind?and you hold onto them. You make a highly complex relational structure?out of them, and then present that package as who you are. But it is not?who you are. It is just the thoughts you have pulled around yourself in and attempt to define yourself. You do this because you are lost inside.

Basically, you attempt to create a sense of stability and steadiness?inside. This generates a false, but welcomed, sense of security. You also?want the people around you to have done the same thing, You want people?to be steady enough so that you can predict their behavior. If they aren't, it disturbs you. This is because you have made your predictions of their?behavior part of your inner model.

By having preconceived notions about other?people's?behavior, you feel safer and more in control. Imagine the fear you?would?feel if you let the entire wall down. Who have you ever allowed?directly?into your true inner self without the protection of your mental buffer: Nobody, not even yourself.


You notice this most when things start to fall apart outside. Your psyche goes into turmoil, and you have to struggle to hold your inner?world together. But what exactly are you trying to hold onto? The only?things in there are your thoughts, emotions, and movements of energy.

Have you ever built your whole?world on a model of life predicated upon another person's behavior or?the permanence of a relationship? If so, have you ever had that foundation pulled out from under you? Somebody leaves you. Somebody dies. Something goes wrong. Something shakes your model to the core. When?this happens, your entire view of who you believe you are, including your?relationship to everyone and everything around you, begins to fall apart. You panic and do everything you can to?hold it together. ?


It's one thing if the disturbance?is going on inside of you. But the moment you allow it to express itself,?the moment you let that energy move your body, you have descended to?another level. Now it's almost impossible to let go. If you start yelling at?somebody, if you actually tell someone how you feel about them from?this state of nonclarity, you have involved that person's heart and mind?in?your stuff. Now both of your egos are involved.

Now even more forces are keeping you down. First you fall into the?darkness, and then you manifest that darkness.


For example, if you feel loneliness and insufficiency within?your heart, it’s not because you haven't found a special relationship. That?did not cause the problem. That relationship is your attempt to solve the?problem. All you're doing is trying to see if a relationship will appease?your inner disturbance. If it doesn't, you'll try something else.

The fact is, however, external changes are not going to solve your?problem because they don't address the root of your problem.

The root?problem is that you don't feel whole and complete within yourself. If you?don't identify the root properly, you will seek someone or something to?cover it up. You will hide behind finances, people, fame, and adoration. If?you try to find the perfect person to love and adore you, and you manage?to succeed, then you have actually failed. You did not solve your problem.?All you did was involve that person in your problem. That is why people?have so much trouble with relationships. You began with a problem inside?yourself, and you tried to solve it by getting involved with somebody else. That relationship will have problems because your problems are what?caused the relationship.

《不羈的靈魂》讀書(shū)筆記的評(píng)論 (共 條)

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