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【David Tennant】2019提提March4Women朗讀證詞 ...

2023-09-08 08:36 作者:又斬了些無聊的單詞  | 我要投稿


the testimony of John Clough

約翰· 克拉夫的證詞

I never wanted to be anything other than a good husband, a earing dad and to give mt family the best I could. I never wanted to be associated with campaigns for victims of domestic violence.


But on the 25th of july 2010, my life changed forever. My beautiful, loving, intelligent daughter was brutally murdered by her ex-partner, in the grounds of the place she worked as a nurse, Blackpool Victoria Hospital.


My daughter's name was Jean Clough. Jane was our second child of three. she was an A-grade student at school, then an exemplary nurse, taking after her mum.


She never forgot a birthday or anniversary. She had many friends and she loved a party. She was quite a karaoke star. She had a full life.


She loved and was loved by so many people, and how she loved her daughter. The bond was so special to see.


But then afterwards, the most painful thing was to see my granddaughter waiting for her mom to come home. She was just 9 months old. Every time the door opened, she would look for mum. This went on for weeks. Then one day she stopped looking.


We live with the horror of the trauma yet to come, when the truth has to be revealed to her. Unless you have experienced the type of loss, you can never and never well understand the pain, anguish and grief we have experienced as Jean's family.


Jane's life was ended by someone who once professed to love her, but he was an abuser and controller. His love was a deception, and the justice system in this country failed to protect her from him.


They failed to protect her from a violent man who had been charged with nine counts of rape, and four counts of assault, including sexual assault, because, despite objections from the police, and the Crown Prosecution Service, despite facing all these charges, this man was released on bail. And he went on to brutally murder Jane.

He wanted to prevent her from testifying at his trial. On the day of sentencing, this murderer was given a life sentence, with a minimum term of 30 years. The existing rape and assault charges were ordered to be placed on file and not pursued. Those charges were described as insignificant, that statement was like a knife through my heart.

【David Tennant】2019提提March4Women朗讀證詞 ...的評論 (共 條)

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