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2014-01-24 13:14 作者:斌深失馨  | 13條評論 相關(guān)文章 | 我要投稿






所以說,為失戀而痛苦不堪的人,必須學會自我調(diào)節(jié),自我拯救。雖然愛情不在,可還有親情友情相伴,這段感情你是失敗了,但只有放手了,你才能擁有下一段感情,既然流水無情,你又何必牢牢抓著不放,讓自己痛苦.( 文章閱讀網(wǎng):www.sanwen.net )


Happy to let it go, to meet the next stop

It is said that two of the most romantic feelings in the world, is a kind of is happy love to let go, another is still in love with hate.

Gently, soft, picked up a gold autumn leaves the balm, frivolous no weight, only wipes greeted Mr Huang, let it clear context and contrasting with the palms of tangled curve, rectifying entwine, you couldn't see, also don't escape from the fetters. As people's feelings, rectifying entangled bound, is little not fetter and damage.

I always think, we often go to no man or woman is worth tears, because is worth us to tears always won't us to cry, let alone often let us to weep. So, if you can, don't use hate to end a period of love, please try, please learn to forget. Because I always think only happy to let it go, to better to meet the people who love you, don't cry because it is a star, reach and give up the whole sky.

There is no denying the fact that love really bring people a lot of pain and the worry, that kind of frustration like dynamite can't let you in a short period of time. Has nothing, running water ruthless, short-term pain and sorrow is understandable, but if has been precipitated in the pain and unable to extricate themselves, it would be unwise. Although he (she) has already gone, but life is still to continue, isn't it? If because of lost love, and his own school, work, life is lost, also lost self, what can you do that?

He (she) leave, not because you is not good enough, just not suitable for you, and he (she) leave your side a do not love you, but he (she) side less a man really love him, for he is his loss, isn't it?

So painful for the lovelorn people, must learn to self adjusting, self rescue. Although not love, but also by the family love and friendship, the relationship you are failed, but only to let go, you can have a relationship, since water ruthless, firmly holding, you why let his pain.

Instead of holding in your hand to let each other pain, be inferior to choose to let go, happy to meet the next stop, and only so that you will encounter a love you of person, can we...


開心放手,迎接下一站的評論 (共 13 條)

  • 婉約
  • 曉曉
  • 荷塘月色
  • 春暖花開
  • 劍客
  • 雨袂獨舞
  • 雨兒的世界
  • 書芳
  • 木棉花開在晴空
    木棉花開在晴空 審核通過并說 世上最浪漫的兩種情感。莫過于一種是愛到開心放手。另一種便是恨了依然愛著。。。
  • 海虹
    海虹 審核通過并說 欣賞!歡迎朋友在新的一年中到我那兒多踩踩! 新的一年孕育著新的希望,新的一年將展開新的篇章。 愿新年的鐘聲帶給我們吉祥如意,愿馬年的祥瑞帶給我們幸福平安, 在這里給朋友拜個早年! 祝朋友馬年大吉,闔家歡樂,心想事成!讓我們明年再會!
  • 詩題紅葉


  • 斌深失馨


  • 斌深失馨


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