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2023-08-31 12:23 作者:今天下雨了_1  | 我要投稿


I think everything is a learning lesson. Like I don’t have time to flip-flop. I’ve learned sometimes I’ve spoken out. And I’m like, why did I say that that I gave that so much more attention than it needed to have. And then sometimes it’s just you wanna stick up for yourself.?

Flip-flop 改變觀點,改變決定

They could flip-flop between perspective. 他們可能會在不同的觀點之間搖擺不定。

Stick up for somebody 維護某人

I want to stick up for the underdog. 我想要維護弱者。

如何聽懂美國人正常說話語速?看完你就會明白(第178期)的評論 (共 條)

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