【C貓】How long(同人英文短文故事)
"How long does?he stay there?" a child ask.
"I don't know." I answer.
The boy who is stay there called Badcen.Maybe he has sat?there?for a week,or a month.I remember that the scene of I meeting him?for the first time.
"What did you do?" I asked politely.
He glanced?at me,but?did not say anything.I sat next to him,and said:
"If you dont talk anything to me,I will not force you."
But he continued sitting here,and still silent.He and I both only sat here without talking.
"OK." I said."Maybe you dont want to tell anything…but…"
He looked at me,with a hint of curiousity.I take a deep breath,said:
"Could you tell me if you are waiting for someone?"
He nodded his head.
"I see."
“The girl,or the boy,which you are waiting for,is?on?that side of the sea,isnt it? And,if you want,can you tell me what her or his name??”
I said gently because I did not want he so embarrassed.But he said,very gently like me:
I was silent.If he had not told me,I might have gone.
"What a beautiful name."
He repeated it:
"Yes,what a beautiful name.But I cannot see her again."
When I was curious about it,he said sadly:
"She?has stayed in the other world."
I silent again.
I went back home without talking.