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patch clamp assay|herg patch clamp assay|herg ic50 interpretatio

2023-08-21 14:02 作者:小愛說藥  | 我要投稿

KCNQ2/3 heterodimers are the main molecular basis for M-channels in neuronal cells, a voltage-dependent potassium channel. The channel is activated near the neural threshold potential and exhibits a non-inactivating, voltage-dependent, outward potassium ion profile. It is regulated by many neurotransmitters and hormones and is closely related to neural excitability, mainly for stabilizing cell membrane potential and controlling neuronal excitability. Based on its current characteristics and receptor regulation, this channel is used in the study of convulsions, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease and other diseases. The EPhys team at ICE Bioscience has established a patch clamp detection method for various ion channels including KCNQ family, and has rich experience in drug screening.

patch clamp assay|herg patch clamp assay|herg ic50 interpretatio的評論 (共 條)

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