Phenomenon of Spirit - 05
motion itself is not represented as simple essence or as pure essence, but?
rather as already divided.
Time and space are its self-sufficient parts, or essences in?
themselves,or distance and velocity速度 are ways of being or of representational?
thinking, where any one of them can be just as well without the other.?
Motion is thus only their superficial relation, not their essence.?
Represented as simple essence, or as force, motion is indeed gravity, which?
does not, however,contain these differences at all within itself.
Consciousness is for itself, it is a
distinguishing of what is not distinct, or it is self-consciousness. I distinguish
myself from myself, and in doing so, what is immediately for me is this: What
is distinguished is not distinguished.
I, the like pole, repel myself away from myself; but what?
is distinguished, what is posited as not the same as me, is,
while it is differentiated, immediately no difference for me.
Consciousness of an other, of an object as such, is indeed itself necessarily self-consciousness,
being-reflected into itself, consciousness of its own self, in its otherness.