
玩家 Kaige 說:
根據(jù)我個人經(jīng)驗,在代碼中修復這些內(nèi)容的快速而簡單,如果 Triumph 能看到這個帖子,即使它們目前還沒有被飛龍補丁所包含,也可能在補丁發(fā)布前并包含進去。
我將根據(jù)它們潛在的爭議程度對這些進行排序,其中大多數(shù)是普遍認可的 UI 問題。我可能會直接點出問題根源所在,以及實用的快速解決辦法。當然,我列的所有內(nèi)容都基于游戲的英文版本。
壓制戰(zhàn)術(shù)在單位屬性面板上顯示不正確。單位屬性面板顯示+10%暴擊率,游戲中實際效果是+20%暴擊率??梢詫ξ募?FormTraits_World.rpk 中 "Overwhelm Tactics - Property Halo" 上的“Screen Description”字段進行修改。
鬼鬼祟祟在單位屬性面板上顯示不正確。單位屬性面板顯示+20%側(cè)襲傷害,游戲中實際效果是+25%側(cè)襲傷害??梢詫ξ募?FormTraits_World.rpk 中 "Sneaky - Property Modifier" 上的“Screen Description”字段進行修改。
極地/沙漠適應 的描述為“在凍土/雪地/沙地地形上移動消耗-2點”。這是不準確的,實際效果是“在凍土/雪地/沙地地形上移動消耗變?yōu)?(原來是6)”,其中最需要澄清的地方是移動消耗是“從6變?yōu)?”而不是“-1”或“-2”,后兩者意味著可以在凍土/雪地/沙地地形的道路上進一步降低移動消耗(實際上不會)。而且,最好進一步說明,這個特性的實際效果就是提供“極地行走/沙漠行走”,明確說明從多個來源獲得的降低移動消耗的效果不會疊加。
讓沖鋒傷害加成體現(xiàn)到傷害預覽效果中。目前游戲里沖鋒傷害顯示相當不直觀,看到我們從充電中獲得多少傷害的工具提示將大大有助于使其更容易理解。這需要將 Upgrades_BaseAbility_UnitProperties 中的 "Melee Charge Strike (Base) - Distance Damage Modifier" 里面的“"Display in Damage Previews" 選項設置為True。
巫師國王的“劍與盾”初始裝備選項的說明里面會給你坐騎以及<活力1>英雄技能,這可能是游戲中初學者選擇最多的初始裝備,但它什么都沒給。實際上,無論選什么初始裝備,當卸下所有武器裝備時都會默認獲得一把劍與盾,所以這個初始裝備選項目前完全沒用,請修復它(【譯者注】此條后文還有進一步建議)。這需要在 Hero_Definitions.rpk 文件中更改“"WK - Background Loadout - Sword and Shield" 選項。
更正兩棲描述。兩棲特性描述可以讓你在河流和沼澤上移動得更快,但事實并非如此,它只會讓你在河流上更快地移動。因此要么需要修正描述,要么將沼澤行走添加到 Upgrades_Core_UnitProperties 的 "Amphibious Movement Group" 中。
巫師國王默認單手武器“神祗劍”基礎傷害是7物7精,比所有其他的初始單手武器10物傷要高出 40%(實際效果還要更高,因為擁有大多數(shù)單位都是防御高于魔抗)。這完全沒必要,應該像其他初始單手武器一樣改為10物傷。
調(diào)整潮汐之靈的抗性以解釋它們永久“濕潤”的事實。游戲中的所有××之靈的單項抗性都是-6+6+4規(guī)格,綜合效果是單項抗性+4。而潮汐精靈雖然本身是標準規(guī)格(-6電抗+6毒抗+4火抗),但它實際上是永久<濕潤(-4電抗-4冰抗+2火抗)>的,這導致它額外減了6點單項抗性,電抗達到了-10。感覺應該是誰給它加了永久<濕潤>特性,但忘了調(diào)整它和各個××之靈之間的抗性平衡。由于潮汐之靈永久<濕潤>確實符合事實,最好的解決方法是調(diào)整 Wildlife_UnitProperties 中的 "Water Elementals - Resistances" 選項,以便在加上永久<濕潤>狀態(tài)效果之后,綜合效果還是跟其他××之靈一樣都是+4單項抗性。注:水元素永久<濕潤>的事實并不會顯示在他們的屬性面板中。要使其面板顯示永久<濕潤>屬性,請在Units_Wildlife 中將 "Tide Spirt - Unit" 和 "Lesser Tide Spirit - Unit" 區(qū)塊中的 "Special Wet - Start Wet - Property" 屬性替換為 "Wet - Property: Group (Guaranteed)" 。
修正幼體克拉肯說明,代碼中的幼體克拉肯數(shù)據(jù)面板顯示它們的魔法攻擊造成+2物傷。我估計這是描述錯誤,應該是近戰(zhàn)攻擊造成+2物傷,主要是它們看起來很弱。這個可以在Units_Wildlife 的 "Kraken Spawn - Unit" 中修正。

對于飛龍更新來說為時已晚,但它有望在未來的更新中出現(xiàn) :)

This is just a rundown of changes I'm hoping to see in the Wyvern Patch which 1. I haven't seen or heard announced in the patch and 2. I know from personal experience are quick & easy fixes in the code, making it so that even if they're not already in the patch, maybe there's a chance they'll be included if someone at Triumph sees this thread. I'm going to sort these by how potentially controversial they are, with most of them being universally agreeable ui issues. I'll even say where the problem is and how to fix it quick when applicable. Of course everything I'm complaining about will be in reference to the English version of the game:
Overwhelm Tactics displays improperly on units. It says it only provides 10% Critical Chance when you view the effect on a unit's stat sheet, although it does actually provide 20% critical chance in game. FIxed by changing the "Screen Description" field on "Overwhelm Tactics - Property Halo" in FormTraits_World.rpk
Sneaky displays improperly on units. It says it only provides 20% Flanking Damage when you view the effect on a unit's stat sheet, although it does actually provide 25% Flanking Damage in game. FIxed by changing the "Screen Description" field on "Sneaky - Property Modifier" in FormTraits_World.rpk
Fix the description on every Adapatation Trait:
Arctic/Desert Adaptation say they make "Ice/Snow/Sand Terrain cost -2 Move Points". This is not accurate. It changes the move cost for these terrains from 6 to 5, which is both obviously only a decrease of 1, but I think it's important to clarify the difference between "Changes the move cost from 6 to 5" which is what it does, in comparison to "-1 Move Points" which implies you could stack it with effects like Road Walk. Also it might be nice to clarify that it gives Arctic Walk/Desert Walk, which means it won't stack with other sources of these bonii.
Underground Adaptation is significantly more complicated than the description states. It does not give "Cavern Floor, Mushroom Forest, Fungus Fields, Rocky -2 Move Points". It effectively gives Cave Walk, Rock Walk, and 2 other unnamed Walk Effects, which means it doesn't stack with other sources of these Walk Effects (such as Earthkin). Additionally, by terrain, it changes Cavern Floor & Fungus Fields movement cost from 6 to 5, Mushroom Forest & Rocky movement cost from 8 to 6. Finally, the trait doesn't say that it removes the -2 Food effect from Fungus Fields, even if the description for Fungus Fields says it does.
Water Adaptation says it lets you build farms on Swamp, but Swamp already lets you build Farms. What it actually does is remove the -2 Food debuff from Swamps.
None of the Adaptation Traits specify that they make you spawn near the target terrain if it's available on the map. Even if you think that seems obvious, it's not since Experienced Seafarers doesn't have a similar trait.
Change the flavor description for "Strong". "Strong's flavor text says that it increases the physical damage of melee and ranged attacks, but that isn't true. It increases the damage of melee and ranged attacks, regardless of what damage type those attacks do.
Include some tooltips explaining the Status Effect opposition system in game. For those who don't know, some status effects "Oppose" other status effects, and whenever you attempt to apply these effects to a unit that has an opposed effect, the opposed effect is instead dispelled and the original effect isn't applied. For instance, Wet opposes Burning, which means if you apply Wet to a unit that is Burning, Burning is instead removed and Wet is not applied. While this is obvious in some cases, like how Sundered Defense opposes Bolstered Defense, there are also some more complicated interactions, most notably that Decay opposes Regeneration, but not vice versa. The fact that this is never explained literally anywhere in game is odd since there are moments where it adds quite a bit of depth
Let us see the bonus we're getting from charge damage when we look at the damage preview. The way charge works in this game is fairly unintuitive imo, and seeing the tooltip for how much damage we're getting from charge would go a long way in making it easier to understand. This just requires setting "Display in Damage Previews" for "Melee Charge Strike (Base) - Distance Damage Modifier" in Upgrades_BaseAbility_UnitProperties to true.
The Wizard King's "Sword & Shield" loadout, probably the most picked loadout for beginners in the game, does not give you either Vigor 1 or a Mount, even though it says it does. In fact, since you get a Sword & Shield by default when you unequip everything, this loadout gives nothing. The first, top loadout pick, probably the single most common loadout for first time players in the game, gives nothing. Please fix this. Requires changing "WK - Background Loadout - Sword and Shield" in Hero_Definitions.rpk
Correct the Description for "Bleeding". It says Undead are immune to Bleeding, but that simply isn't true. Additionally, immunities tend to be listed on the Subtype card (In this case, Undead) and not on the Status Effects in this game
Correct Amphibious. The Amphibious trait says it makes you move faster over Rivers & Swamps, but that's not true, it only makes you move over Rivers faster. Either the description needs updated, or Swamp Walk needs to be added to "Amphibious Movement Group" in Upgrades_Core_UnitProperties
Display the hidden upkeep modifiers on Dragons & Reaper. Dragons have +50% upkeep compared to other units of their tier, and no where is the player told this, which is really odd since Low Maintenace is also a trait that is displayed to the player. Reapers are more egregious; they have a hidden effect which increases their upkeep by 5 Souls and reduces their standard upkeep by 50% (instantly reaching the upkeep minimum), but again nowhere is this said. I'm sure lots of players have gotten really excited to get Reapers only to find out after the fact that they didn't want to pay the upkeep on them. Again, just make this a visible effect on their stat sheet, like Low Maintenance please
Slightly Controversial:
Remove any descriptions for starting loadouts that say they start you with a 1-Handed Weapon & Shield. You get a 1-Handed Weapon & Shield by default when you unequip everything, meaning these perks do not actually give you anything when they say that. Also balance the starting loadouts accordingly; why would I take Sword + Shield on Champion, which really only gives a Mount + Vigor 1, if I could take Lance, which gives Mount + Lance + Fighting 1, and I can just unequip the Lance if I want the Sword + Shield.
The Wizard King's default "Godir Sword" 1-Handed Weapon does 40% more raw damage than any of the Champion starting items (7 Physical, 7 Spirit vs 10 Physical, which is probably even better than just 40% more damage since there are more units with really high armor than units with really high resistance). There's just no need for this, change it to 10 Physical like the other 1-handed starting weapons.
Adjust Tide Spirit resistance to account for the fact that they are permanently "Wet". All the spirits in the game have -6 to one Resistance, +6 to one resistance, and +4 to another one for a total of +4 Resistances overall. Tide Spirits do this as well (+6 Blight, +4 Fire, -6 Lightning) but are also permanently wet, (-4 Lightning Resistance, -4 Frost Resistance, +2 Fire Resistance) which gives them a total of -2 Resistances, and a massive -10 Lightning Resistance. It feels like whoever gave them the permanently wet trait is different from whoever gave them their resistances, and the interaction here was never considered. Best way to fix it, since it does make sense for the Tide Spirits to be permanently wet, is to adjust the "Water Elementals - Resistances" in Wildlife_UnitProperties so that they end up with +4 Resistances overall when accounting for the Wet status effect. Edit: Also, the fact that Water Elementals are always wet isn't displayed in their stat sheet. To make it appear there and have their stats reflect the Wet effect, replace the "Special Wet - Start Wet - Property" with the "Wet - Property: Group (Guaranteed)" in the "Tide Spirt - Unit" and "Lesser Tide Spirit - Unit" blocks in Units_Wildlife
Either change the Web ability to have accuracy, like the Frozen & Barbed Webs ability, or change the Frozen & Barbed Webs abilities to never miss, like the Web ability. I'd personally prefer the former, but either way it's strange the standard webs never miss, while the stronger upgraded webs have accuracy & can miss. Either way you go for it, the web abilities are in Wildlife_UnitProperties
Buff Defensive Tactics. The condition on it ranges from mildly inconvenient when you run entirely racial units, to incredibly inconvenient if you use lots of summons, and when you compare it to the unconditional +2 Defense, or unconditional +2 Resistance traits, the very conditional +1 Defense, +1 Resistance trait is obviously bad. There don't need to be traits that are obviously bad by simple numbers contrast to other existing traits
Buff Water Adaptation. The Adaptation traits with the exception of Underground Adaptation are fairly underwhelming, but Water Adaptation really stands out as being unimpressive among the lot. I recommend having it give River Walk & Swamp Camouflage at the least
Moderately Controversial:
Standardize the Sand/Snow/Swamp interaction with Farms somehow. In theory, Sand/Snow is more debilitating to farming than Swamps are, since Sand/Snow stops you from building farms, and you can only build huts, while Swamp lets you build Farms, but the Farms produce 2 less food. However, the trick is when you have mixed terrain provinces; a Snow/Grassland province or Sand/Grassland province lets you build Farms, no problem, while a Swamp/Grassland province still gives you the -2 Food debuff. Meaning for mixed provinces, Swamp is the worse effect, and Sand/Snow isn't an issue. Personally I'd like to see the -2 Food effect from Swamp provinces also apply to Sand/Snow without removing the hut restriction, meaning you could only build huts on provinces that are entirely Snow/Sand, but you'd also get the -2 debuff from mixed provinces.
Fix Kraken Spawn? The Kraken Spawn statsheet in the code says they do +2 Physical damage on magic attacks. I think it's fair to assume this is a mistake, and it's meant to be +2 Physical damage on melee attacks, especially since they seem fairly weak. Fixed in "Kraken Spawn - Unit" in Units_Wildlife
Remove Blight Immunity/Reduce Blight Resistance on Spiders. Even the elementals in this game aren't immune to their element, and only get +6 Resistance, which I'm personally not a fan of, but it's very strange how a Magma Elemental only gets +6 Fire Resistance, while the high tier spiders either get +8 Blight Resistance or are straight up immune to Blight. Since most of the game is much closer to the elementals in terms of how the game handles resistances, I'd like to see the Spider resistances toned down
Most Controversial:
Remove the Evil Alignment on pillaging or add Evil Alignment to spells. The fact that pillaging gives you evil alignment, but spells like Astral Shattering or Pyroclastic Eruption don't is super dumb. AoW3 had spells that gave you alignment changes on cast, but I haven't seen that effect on anything in AoW4, so I'm assuming it might not be possible; if that's the case however, there is no reason for pillaging to give evil alignment as long as literally killing people by ripping holes in reality in their village doesn't. If you do implement Evil Alignment on casting those spells however, I'm cool with keeping the Evil Alignment on pillage effect
Edit: Make it so that Spawnkin doesn't work on Heroes. The drawback of Spawnkin, the higher model count making it easier to lose damage output when being damaged, obviously doesn't apply to heroes, making this spell significantly better at buffing heroes than it is at buffing units, even though buffing your uber heroic units is the opposite of the intended aesthetic of the Tome of the Horde. It also helps that Tome of the Horde is in a really good place right now, I'm certain it could weather a nerf like this.
That's all I can think of for now. Will probably edit this post if I can think of more.
And you know Triumph if you need some help, I don't mind doing some free lancing work. Just saying <3