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漫漫長夜 修復(fù)后的尸骸拆解

2023-07-06 22:00 作者:一格拉米奶茶  | 我要投稿






Harvesting a whole freshly killed animal often takes several hours to complete. Players can instead choose to quarter an animal, which harvests the hide and guts, and additionally harvests the meat into "quarters" with a weight of up to 10 kilograms (roughly 22 pounds), each of which contains half their weight in harvestable meat. Depending on the harvestable meat, a?wolf?may yield only one "quarter", while a?Moose?may yield up to nine "quarters". Players can then take the quarters and harvest the meat elsewhere at a later time. Quartering may be the safer option if there are nearby predators or potentially dangerous weather conditions.

To quarter an animal, players have to "use" an animal carcass and select the?Quarter?option. Players are notified of the amount of time and the number of calories that will be spent while quartering. Quartering can be interrupted and resumed without loss of progress, so if the player wishes to do other things intermittently while quartering, they can interrupt the action whenever they feel the need and resume where they left off.

Quartering a carcass yields Skill points at a ratio of 1 point per hour spent harvesting.

Because Quartering automatically harvests the hide and guts, it is usually the fastest way to harvest large animals with lots of guts, namely?Moose?and?Bears.

Quartering will destroy the carcass in the process, leaving behind only cosmetic giblets and the creature's legs that will soon despawn, so if one requires?Crow Feathers?from the corpse sitting out, they may want to take this into account.

"Meat bags" created by quartering are much heavier than the meat they contain (or the meat you would get if you harvested the carcass outright). This should be taken into account as weight management is always important.




漫漫長夜 修復(fù)后的尸骸拆解的評論 (共 條)

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