單詞 emerge 的意思和用法

單詞 emerge 的意思和用法
單詞 "emerge" 是一個動詞,其主要意思是出現(xiàn)、浮現(xiàn)、顯現(xiàn)、涌現(xiàn)或嶄露頭角。
以下是關于 "emerge" 的用法和示例:
1. 出現(xiàn)或顯現(xiàn):指某物從某個地方或背景中出現(xiàn)或浮現(xiàn)出來。
例句:The sun emerged from behind the clouds.
She gradually emerged from the darkness and stepped into the light.
2. 嶄露頭角:表示某人或某物開始受到注意或變得重要。
例句:The talented young artist is starting to emerge as a prominent figure in the art world.
3. 涌現(xiàn):表示某種趨勢、模式、思想或問題突然變得明顯或廣泛傳播。
例句:New trends often emerge in the fashion industry each season.
Important questions about the environment are emerging in today's society.
4. 從困境中走出:表示克服困難或危險后重新出現(xiàn)。
例句:The company has successfully emerged from the financial crisis stronger than before.