Aigododecathlon P23
Cobalt runs to the garden Cyan's team are heading to.However,just as he is about to enter the garden,twelve petal like extensions wrap up the garden,sealing it.Now the garden looks more like a lotus bulb on the outside.
"Hmm......"Cyan says,"I should note that this truth is extremely shocking."
Clear cyan can't believe it:"What?What is that?Is it just that?"
Cyan replied:"In fact,this truth can change your perception of your identity -- meaning that you --I mean everyone that participated in 3^7's Aigododecathlon except for me and Cobalt -- are not the original you."
"WUT?!"everyone is surprised.
Cyan says:"Ok.On day 40,which is the finale, while everyone are trying to capture Cobalt,Nightingale,Cytus,Cobalt and other members of Cytus' gang throw a glitch bomb and ran away.I stopped the blast,but for the rest,it's too late.When I found myself in the hospital after a day or two,everyone except for me was gone.Their formats -- meaning their identity,memories,knowledges and experiences are destroyed.Soon,from electromagnetic radiation,I know Luna is helping 3^7 to recover the lost infos.However,I must reach the harmony tree to verify it,and that is how you guys,the imperfect copy find me.I'll find it after this deadly game."
"So what will happen to the ones affected?"Indicolite is agitated.
"Well......You'll automatically be checked and removed,while the perfect copy take over."Cyan answer,"now free Q and A time."
"Why did you say that there is 'many Cyans'?"Tech says.
"In fact,they aren't versions of me.I send them to wish they will help us:
Cyan to Star Mapping's Aigododecathlon,Tourmaline.An apathetic person.
Cyan to Greenwhite's Aigododecathlon,Neonlight.A poor guy,I think.
Cyan to Lukactki-Cenetre's Aigododecathlon,Fluorescence.I once trust him,but he never do anything.
Cyan to Hydrocyanicacid's Aigododecathlon,Flow.She once won the first league,but performed badly in the second.She never socialized since her elimination.
There's too many that I can only say the most famous ones.Finally,there's the Cyan that is closest to me,Tech.You are so entrepreneurial and did a great job,in fact!"Cyan says.
"Thanks.I will help you!"Tech is happy.
Teal says,as he watched another video:"But I think you are going to date with Salmon."
After the meeting,Tech and Salmon are dating,Cyan is going with Lilac,Copper,Turquoise and Tan,Indicolite is hanging out with Sapphire and Iron,talking about their future,and Teal is watching videos with Sky.
"Hey,Cyan!There's something!"Lilac calls Cyan.
"Wait.Skystream?Why are you here?"
Skystream says how she got here.
Meanwhile,Cobalt decided a massacre......
So what happened next?Read the next composition.