2023 結構化面試王者: STAR法則
???? Hello 大家好呀 我們是成功上岸倫敦IT&金融分析師崗的Helicopter小姐姐
? ? ?今天,我們和大家分享一個應對結構化面試的王牌:? STAR法則
? ? ? 什么是STAR法?
? ? ?STAR法是在面試中一種回答問題的結構化方法,它由四個字母S(Situation),T(Task),A(Action)和R(Result)組成。每個字母代表了一個階段,用于回答一個面試問題,以便提供一個清晰、具體、結構化面試回答。
? ? ? 如何使用STAR法?
? ? ? S:Situation(情境):? ? ?? “我在前公司擔任項目經理,我們正在推進一個復雜的項目,需要在短時間內完成大量的任務?!盜 encountered a challenging situation when I received a complaint from a customer…
? ? ? T:Task(任務):解釋你需要完成的任務或目標,以及面對的挑戰(zhàn)
? ? ?? “有一次,我們遇到了一些技術難題,這導致項目進度出現(xiàn)了很大的延誤,同時也引起了客戶的不滿和投訴?!盡y task was to resolve the issue and ensure that the customer was satisfied with the outcome.
? ? ? Action(行動):描述你所采取的具體行動和策略,以解決這個挑戰(zhàn)
? ? ?? “我采取了幾個措施來解決問題。首先,我組織了一個會議… 其次,我調整了項目計劃和時間表,給團隊更多的時間來解決難題… 最后,我還加強了團隊成員之間的協(xié)作,確保大家能夠互相支持和協(xié)作,共同完成任務?!盩o address the issue, I immediately contacted the customer and listened carefully to their concerns…
? ? ? R:Result(結果):說明你所采取的行動的結果,包括你的貢獻,你所學到的東西
? ? ?? “我們的努力和措施終于取得了成效。我們成功地解決了技術難題,項目順利完成,客戶對我們的工作也非常滿意。這次經歷讓我更加了解了如何應對挑戰(zhàn)和管理團隊,也讓我更加自信和有信心應對未來的工作挑戰(zhàn)?!盩hanks to my prompt actions, the customer received a replacement laptop within two days. They were delighted with…

? ? ?STAR法則應用模版:
? ? ? ?S - Situation: In my previous job as a customer service representative, I encountered a challenging situation when I received a complaint from a customer who was dissatisfied with our product. The customer had purchased a new laptop from our company, but the product arrived damaged, and the customer was unable to use it.?
? ? ? ?T - Task: My task was to resolve the issue and ensure that the customer was satisfied with the outcome. This was critical for maintaining the company's reputation and retaining the customer's loyalty.?
? ? ???A - Action: To address the issue, I immediately contacted the customer and listened carefully to their concerns. I apologized for the inconvenience caused and assured the customer that we would resolve the issue promptly. I then liaised with the technical team to arrange for a replacement laptop to be delivered to the customer as soon as possible. In the meantime, I kept the customer informed about the progress of the resolution process through regular updates via email and phone.?
? ? ? ?R - Result: Thanks to my prompt actions, the customer received a replacement laptop within two days. They were delighted with the outcome and expressed their appreciation for the efficient and professional service they received. The incident also taught me the importance of being proactive and responsive to customer complaints and the value of effective communication in resolving issues.

? ? ?? STAR法則使用tips:
? ? ? 給出具體的例子:使用具體的例子來支持你的回答,這樣可以使你的答案更有說服力。
? ? ? 突出你的貢獻:在描述你所采取的行動時,要突出你的貢獻和影響。
? ? ? 強調結果:重點突出你所取得的結果,以證明你的行動是成功的。
? ? ? 展示你的技能:在描述你所采取的行動時,展示你的技能和能力。
? ? ? 準備多個STAR例子:提前準備多個STAR例子,以備不時之需。
小紅書:2733429726 (Helicopter sisters??),
WeChat ID 1: Sienna-wu
WeChat ID 2: WYZJBKF09