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chatgpt DTS學習的建議

2023-02-12 20:11 作者:信號再生中  | 我要投稿

i want to use a capacity touch screen with the USB interface for a linux system,like ubuntu for example,give me five supported capacity touch screen driver chip`s names and list their configurations in the menuconfig of the kernel. ?i have to use a USB capacity touchsreen driver ic,which one of the above ones is the chip that is driven by USB?Give me another five chips for capacity touchscreen driving with the interface of USB

1. FocalTech FT5206: This chip supports I2C, SPI, and USB interfaces, and can be configured in the kernel menuconfig with the CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_FT5206 option.

2. Goodix GT9xx: This chip supports I2C, SPI, and USB interfaces, and can be configured in the kernel menuconfig with the CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_GOODIX option.

3. Atmel maXTouch: This chip supports I2C and USB interfaces, and can be configured in the kernel menuconfig with the CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_ATMEL_MXT option.

4. Quantum QT602240: This chip supports I2C and USB interfaces, and can be configured in the kernel menuconfig with the CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_QT602240 option.

5. Synaptics S3203: This chip supports I2C and USB interfaces, and can be configured in the kernel menuconfig with the CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_SYNAPTICS_I2C option.

For USB capacity touchscreen driver ICs, some additional options include: 1. Cypress CY8CTST241: This chip supports USB interface, and can be configured in the kernel menuconfig with the CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_CYPRESS_CY8CTST241 option.

2. Elan ELAN-eKTH1617: This chip supports USB interface, and can be configured in the kernel menuconfig with the CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_ELAN_EKTH1617 option.

3. FocalTech FT6236U: This chip supports USB interface, and can be configured in the kernel menuconfig with the CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_FT6236U option.

4. Goodix GT911: This chip supports USB interface, and can be configured in the kernel menuconfig with the CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_GOODIX_GT911 option.

5. Synaptics S7020: This chip supports USB interface, and can be configured in the kernel menuconfig with the CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_SYNAPTICS_S7020 option.

give me five examples for the linux device tree file in the linux file system.give me one detailed demo of linux device tree for a simple linux system

1. gpio-keys.dtsi: This is a device tree source file that defines GPIO button key inputs.2. i2c-gpio.dtsi: This is a device tree source file that defines I2C GPIO connections.3. spi-gpio.dtsi: This is a device tree source file that defines SPI GPIO connections.4. pwm-gpio.dtsi: This is a device tree source file that defines PWM GPIO connections.5. uart-gpio.dtsi: This is a device tree source file that defines UART GPIO connections.Demo of Linux Device Tree for a Simple Linux System:Let's say we have a simple Linux system with a GPIO button, an I2C device, an SPI device, a PWM device and a UART device. We can create a device tree file to define and configure these devices like this:/dts-v1/;/ { // Define the GPIO button gpio-keys { compatible = "gpio-keys"; gpios = <&gpio0 0 0>; label = "Button"; }; // Define the I2C device i2c-gpio { compatible = "i2c-gpio"; sda-gpios = <&gpio1 0 0>; scl-gpios = <&gpio2 0 0>; label = "I2C Device"; }; // Define the SPI device spi-gpio { compatible = "spi-gpio"; mosi-gpios = <&gpio3 0 0>; miso-gpios = <&gpio4 0 0>; sclk-gpios = <&gpio5 0 0>; label = "SPI Device"; }; // Define the PWM device pwm-gpio { compatible = "pwm-gpio"; gpios = <&gpio6 0 0>; label = "PWM Device"; }; // Define the UART device uart-gpio { compatible = "uart-gpio"; tx-gpios = <&gpio7 0 0>; rx-gpios = <&gpio8 0 0>; label = "UART Device"; };}

chatgpt DTS學習的建議的評論 (共 條)

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