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戰(zhàn)地1(battlefield 1)行動模式——征服地獄——阿爾貢森林進攻方(美國)英語語音

2021-08-20 22:39 作者:元朔兮雁翎  | 我要投稿


The Germans were using defense in depth tactics designed to lure the enemy towards much stronger, real defenses. The victorious doughboys marched into the Argonne forest, unaware of the deadly defenses awaiting them ahead.


The Germans occupy several strongholds within the Argonne forest. Our priority is to take the Ritz Bunker here, once this position is secured we must attack and hold the bridge at Hellfire Junction. From here, we launch our attack on their lines and take control of these Abbey Ruins. Remember the Germans has been strengthened these fortifications for years, so this won't be easy.


We lost, that ones to the Hun all they are tough bunch, but their heart isn't in it anymore, so let's go at them again, this time to victory.


Lost again, boys, but we still got the advantage. The Germans are close to defeat and we want victory, we will launch one final attack on them —our last chance to get what we want.


We lost boys, we were finished here, but don't let that shame burn you up inside. You fought with the spirit of liberty for democracy and president Wilson salutes you. God help us.


One can only speculate what might happen if the German army has successfully defeated the Meuse-Argonne offensive. After four years of the war the will of the German people was breaking and its empire collapsing. With American troops delivering in Europe, an allied victory would?still have been?likely.


Nice work boys. With the French victorious too, the whole German line is collapsing, They'll be surrendering by nightfall, we do what we came to do. Let's pray this is the war to end all wars.


The sucess of the Meuse-Argonne offensive came at a high price and remains to this date the bloodiest battle in American history, this outcome broke the German army, leading to an armistice and peace with the allies nation dictating terms.

戰(zhàn)地1(battlefield 1)行動模式——征服地獄——阿爾貢森林進攻方(美國)英語語音的評論 (共 條)

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