
鵲橋仙 -- 秦觀(guān)
牛郎織女之所以不能朝夕相處,琴瑟和鳴,最主要的原因是大河相隔,因此要解決這個(gè)問(wèn)題的一個(gè)重要方法時(shí)修橋。 技術(shù)發(fā)展日新月異,實(shí)際上修建一個(gè)現(xiàn)代化的大橋?qū)ε@煽椗纳钣泻艽蟮母纳?。在修橋的時(shí)候,模擬仿真軟件發(fā)揮著重要的作用。 做打油詩(shī)一首,

下面,我簡(jiǎn)單模擬一下,橋由于隨機(jī)的初始速度,然后橋隨著時(shí)間的抖動(dòng)情況。100米的大橋被簡(jiǎn)化成7個(gè)節(jié)點(diǎn),用牛頓第二定律和胡克定律來(lái)建模, 用verlet 方法數(shù)值求解常微分方程組。
使用hangingBridge.m將初始位置初始化為平衡位置,并使用寬度dv=0.5m/s的高斯隨機(jī)分布初始化初始速度(gauss分布的寬度就是根方差)。還定義一個(gè)函數(shù)force =@(r)bridgeForces(r,m,k),并調(diào)用所提供的verlet函數(shù),以獲得tmax=10s期間節(jié)點(diǎn)的位置,間隔dt=0.1s? 畫(huà)這座橋各個(gè)節(jié)點(diǎn)的位置隨著時(shí)間的變化。?

% hangingBridge.m 適用于北太天元
% Solution to problem 2 MT2 Phy277 Spring 2017.
% Model of a hanging bridge.
% MVFS Aprl 2017
% Set parameters
close all
n = 7; ? ? % number of bridge nodes, including end ones
m = 1e2; ? % mass of each node (kg)
g = 9.8; ? % gravitational acceleration (m/s^2)
k = 5e2; ? % spring constant (N/m)
L = 100; ? % total bridge length (m)
dv = 0.5; ? ?% average initial velocities (m/s)
dt = 0.02; ?% time interval (s)
tmax = 10; % time span (s)
% Find the equilibrium bridge shape by solving the n equations
% ? x(1) = 0
% ? -k*(x(i)-x(i-1)) - k*(x(i)-x(i+1)) = 0, ? ?i=2:n-1
% ? x(n) = L
% whose solution is simply x(i)=(i-1)*L/(n-1). Equally
% ? y(1) = 0
% ? -k*(y(i)-y(i-1)) - k*(y(i)-y(i+1)) = m*g
% ? y(n) = 0
% for the n unknowns y(i). We write these eqs. as a*y=b
a = zeros(n,n);
b = zeros(n,1);
for i = 2:n-1
a(i,i) = -2*k;
a(i,i-1) = +k;
a(i,i+1) = +k;
b(i) = m*g;
a(1,1) = 1;
a(n,n) = 1;
y = a\b;
y = y.' ; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? % row vector
x = linspace(0,L,n); ? ? ? ? ? % uniformly separated x coordinates
% Check that forces are zero for debugging
% f = bridgeForces( [x;y], m, k )
% Plot cable and nodes
%axis equal ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? % to show real shape
%axis([0,L,-50,10]) ? ? ? ? ? ? % consistent with movie window
xlabel('x (m)')
ylabel('y (m)')
r = [x;y];
force = @(r) bridgeForces(r,m,k);
v0 = ?dv* randn(size(r));
r0 = r;
mass = repmat(m, 1, n);
[r,v,a] = verlet( force, mass, r0, v0, dt, tmax );
np = size(r0, 2);
N = size(r,2)/ np;
for ?nt = 1:N
if( mod((nt-1)*dt, 0.1) ~= 0 )
ind = (nt-1)*np+1 : nt*np;
plot(r0(1, :), r0(2,:), 'k-.', 'LineWidth', 1);
hold on
plot(r(1, ?ind), r(2,ind), 'r-*', 'LineWidth', 3);
legend('初始時(shí)刻的節(jié)點(diǎn)位置', ['時(shí)間=', num2str((nt-1)*dt), ?'時(shí)的節(jié)點(diǎn)位置']);
hold off
%%? bridgeForces.m
function f = bridgeForces( r, m, k )
% Forces on a hanging bridge
% Input:
% r(2,n) : coordinates of bridge nodes (m)
% m : nodes’ mass (kg)
% k : cable's spring constant (N/m)
% Output:
% f(2,n) : force on each node, with f(:,1)=f(:,n)=0
g = [0;-9.8]; % gravitational acceleration vector (m/s^2)
n = size(r,2); % number of nodes
% Find forces
f = zeros(size(r));
for i = 2:n-1
??? f(:,i) = - k*(r(:,i)-r(:,i-1)) - k*(r(:,i)-r(:,i+1)) + m*g(:);
%% verlet.m
function [r,v,a] = verlet( force, mass, r0, v0, dt, tmax )
% Solves Newton's equation using velocity Verlet method for np particles
% in nd dimensions. MVFS Aprl 2017
% Input:
%?? force???? : function to calculate the force as f=force(r), in N
%?? mass(np)? : particle masses of the np particles in kg
%?? r0(nd,np) : intial positions of np particles in nd dimensions, in m
%?? v0(nd,np) : initial velocities in m/s
%?? dt??????? : integration time interval in s
%?? tmax????? : final integration time in s
% Output:
%?? r(nd,np*nt) : position vectors at each time (0:dt:tmax), in m
%?? v(nd,np*nt) : velocities at each time, in m/s
%?? a(nd,np*nt) : accelerations at each time, in m/s^2
% Check array sizes
[nd,np] = size(r0);
if (numel(mass)~=np)
??? 'verlet: ERROR: numel(mass)~=np'
if (size(v0)~=size(r0))
???? 'verlet: ERROR: size(v0)~=size(x0)'
% Set auxiliary variables and arrays
t = (0:dt:tmax);?? % integration times
nt = numel(t);???? % number of times
% Assign a mass to each coordinate
?m = repmat(mass,nd,1);
% Integrate trajectory
r=zeros(nd,np*nt); v=r; a=r;????????? % set size of output arrays
r(:,1:np) = r0;??????????????????????? % positions at t=0
v(:,1:np) = v0;??????????????????????? % velocities at t=0
a(:,1:np) = force(r0)./m;????????????? % accelerations at t=0
for it = 2:nt
??? r(:, np_it(np,it) ) = r(:,np_it(np, it-1) ) + ...
??????????????? v(:,np_it(np, it-1) )*dt + ...
??????????????? a(:,np_it(np, it-1) )*dt^2/2;?? % positions at t
??? a(:,np_it(np, it) ) = force(r(:,np_it(np, it) ))./m;? % accelerations at t
??? v(:,np_it(np, it) ) = (r(:,np_it(np, it) )-r(:,np_it(np, it-1) ))/dt + ...
???????????????? a(:,np_it(np, it) )*dt/2;????? % velocities at t
end % function verlet
?? ?
function ind = np_it( np, it)
?? ?ind =?? (? (it-1)*np+1 ) : (??? it*np???????? );
中國(guó)情人節(jié)-七夕-鵲橋--北太天元為牛郎織女修橋助力的評(píng)論 (共 條)