其它特殊的可以去minecraft wiki 搜,下面有網(wǎng)址
? 英文名稱? ? ? ? 中文名稱
Acacia Button? 金合歡木按鈕
Acacia Door? ? 金合歡木門(mén)
Acacia Fence? ?金合歡木柵欄
Acacia Fence Gate 金合歡木柵欄門(mén)
Acacia Leaves 金合歡樹(shù)葉
Acacia Log? ? ? ?金合歡原木
Acacia Planks? 金合歡木板
Acacia Pressure Plate? ? 金合歡木壓力板
Acacia Sapling? ? ? ? ?金合歡樹(shù)苗
Acacia Sign? ? ? 金合歡木告示牌
Acacia Slab? ? ? 金合歡木臺(tái)階
Acacia Stairs? ?金合歡木樓梯
Acacia Trapdoor? ? ?金合歡木活板門(mén)
Acacia Wall Sign? ? ?墻上的金合歡木告示牌
Acacia Wood? 金合歡木
Activator Rail? 激活鐵軌
Air? ? 空氣
Allium? ? ? 絨球蔥
Amethyst Bud? ? ? ? ?紫晶芽
Amethyst Cluster? ?紫水晶簇
Ancient Debris? ? ? ? 遠(yuǎn)古殘骸
Andesite? 安山巖
Andesite Slab 安山巖臺(tái)階
Andesite Stairs? ? ? ? 安山巖樓梯
Andesite Wall 安山巖墻
Anvil? ? ? ? ?鐵砧
Attached Melon Stem? ?結(jié)果的西瓜莖
Attached Pumpkin Stem? ? ? ? 結(jié)果的南瓜莖
Azalea? ? ? 杜鵑花叢
Azalea Leaves 杜鵑樹(shù)葉
Azure Bluet? ? ?藍(lán)花美耳草
Bamboo Sapling? ? ?竹筍
Bamboo Shoot? ? ? ? 竹筍
Banner? ? ?旗幟
Barrel? ? ? ?木桶
Barrier? ? ?屏障
Basalt? ? ? 玄武巖
Beacon? ? 信標(biāo)
Bed? 床
Bedrock? ?基巖
Bee Nest 蜂巢
Beehive? ?蜂箱
Beetroots? ? ? ? 甜菜根
Bell? 鐘
Big Dripleaf? ? ?大型垂滴葉
Big Dripleaf Stem? ?大型垂滴葉莖
Birch Button? ?白樺木按鈕
Birch Door? ? ? ?白樺木門(mén)
Birch Fence? ? ?白樺木柵欄
Birch Fence Gate? ? 白樺木柵欄門(mén)
Birch Leaves? ?白樺樹(shù)葉
Birch Log 白樺原木
Birch Planks? ? 白樺木板
Birch Pressure Plate? ? ? ?白樺木壓力板
Birch Sapling? ?白樺樹(shù)苗
Birch Sign? ? ? ? 白樺木告示牌
Birch Slab? ? ? ? 白樺木臺(tái)階
Birch Stairs? ? ? 白樺木樓梯
Birch Trapdoor? ? ? ? 白樺木活板門(mén)
Birch Wall Sign? ? ? ? 墻上的白樺木告示牌
Birch Wood? ? ?白樺木
Black Wall Banner? 墻上的黑色旗幟
Blackstone? ? ? 黑石
Blackstone Slab? ? ? 黑石臺(tái)階
Blackstone Stairs? ? 黑石樓梯
Blackstone Wall? ? ? 黑石墻
Blast Furnace? 高爐
Block of Amethyst? 紫水晶塊
Block of Coal? 煤炭塊
Block of Copper? ? ? 銅塊
Block of Diamond? ?鉆石塊
Block of Emerald? ? 綠寶石塊
Block of Gold? 金塊
Block of Iron? ?鐵塊
Block of Lapis Lazuli? ? ? ?青金石塊
Block of Netherite? 下界合金塊
Block of Quartz? ? ? ?石英塊
Block of Raw Copper? ? ? 粗銅塊
Block of Raw Gold? 粗金塊
Block of Raw Iron? ?粗鐵塊
Block of Redstone? 紅石塊
Blue Ice? ?藍(lán)冰
Blue Orchid? ? ?蘭花
Blue Wall Banner? ?墻上的藍(lán)色旗幟
Bone Block? ? ? 骨塊
Bookshelf? ? ? ? 書(shū)架
Brain Coral? ? ? 腦紋珊瑚
Brain Coral Block? ? 腦紋珊瑚塊
Brain Coral Fan? ? ? ?腦紋珊瑚扇
Brain Coral Wall Fan? ? ? 墻上的腦紋珊瑚扇
Brewing Stand? ? ? ? ?釀造臺(tái)
Brick Slab? ? ? ? ?紅磚臺(tái)階
Brick Stairs? ? ? 紅磚樓梯
Brick Wall? ? ? ? 紅磚墻
Bricks? ? ? ?紅磚塊
Brown Mushroom? 棕色蘑菇
Brown Mushroom Block? ? ? ? 棕色蘑菇方塊
Brown Wall Banner? ? ? ? 墻上的棕色旗幟
Bubble Column? ? ? ?氣泡柱
Bubble Coral? 氣泡珊瑚
Bubble Coral Block 氣泡珊瑚塊
Bubble Coral Fan? ? 氣泡珊瑚扇
Bubble Coral Wall Fan? ?墻上的氣泡珊瑚扇
Budding Amethyst 紫水晶母巖
Button? ? ?按鈕
Cactus? ? ?仙人掌
Cake? ? ? ? ?蛋糕
Cake With Black Candle? ? ? ? ?插上黑色蠟燭的蛋糕
Cake With Blue Candle? 插上藍(lán)色蠟燭的蛋糕
Cake With Brown Candle? ? ? ?插上棕色蠟燭的蛋糕
Cake With Candle? 插上蠟燭的蛋糕
Cake With Cyan Candle 插上青色蠟燭的蛋糕
Cake With Gray Candle 插上灰色蠟燭的蛋糕
Cake With Green Candle? ? ? ?插上綠色蠟燭的蛋糕
Cake With Light Blue Candle 插上淡藍(lán)色蠟燭的蛋糕
Cake With Light Gray Candle? ? ? ? ?插上淡灰色蠟燭的蛋糕
Cake With Lime Candle 插上黃綠色蠟燭的蛋糕
Cake With Magenta Candle? 插上品紅色蠟燭的蛋糕
Cake With Orange Candle? ? ?插上橙色蠟燭的蛋糕
Cake With Pink Candle? 插上粉紅色蠟燭的蛋糕
Cake With Purple Candle? ? ? ?插上紫色蠟燭的蛋糕
Cake With Red Candle? ?插上紅色蠟燭的蛋糕
Cake With White Candle? ? ? ?插上白色蠟燭的蛋糕
Cake With Yellow Candle? ? ? ?插上黃色蠟燭的蛋糕
Calcite? ? ?方解石
Campfire 營(yíng)火
Candle Cake? ? 插上蠟燭的蛋糕
Carpet? ? ?地毯
Carrots? ? 胡蘿卜
Cartography Table 制圖臺(tái)
Carved Pumpkin? ? ? 雕刻過(guò)的南瓜
Cauldron 煉藥鍋
Cave Air? ?洞穴空氣
Cave Vines? ? ? ?洞穴藤蔓
Cave Vines Plant? ? ?洞穴藤蔓植株
Chain? ? ? ?鎖鏈
Chain Command Block? 連鎖型命令方塊
Chalkboard? ? ? 黑板
Chest? ? ? ?箱子
Chipped Anvil 開(kāi)裂的鐵砧
Chiseled Deepslate? ? ? ? ?鏨制深板巖
Chiseled Nether Bricks? 鏨制下界磚塊
Chiseled Polished Blackstone? ? ? ? 鏨制磨制黑石
Chiseled Quartz Block? ?鏨制石英塊
Chiseled Red Sandstone? ? ? ? ?鏨制紅砂巖
Chiseled Sandstone? ? ? ? 鏨制砂巖
Chiseled Stone Bricks? ? 鏨制石磚
Chorus Flower? ? ? ? 紫頌花
Chorus Plant? ?紫頌植株
Clay? ? ? 黏土塊
Coal Ore? 煤礦石
Coarse Dirt? ? ? 砂土
Cobbled Deepslate? ? ? ? ?深板巖圓石
Cobbled Deepslate Slab? ? ? ? ?深板巖圓石臺(tái)階
Cobbled Deepslate Stairs? ? ? 深板巖圓石樓梯
Cobbled Deepslate Wall? ? ? ? 深板巖圓石墻
Cobblestone? ?圓石
Cobblestone Slab? ?圓石臺(tái)階
Cobblestone Stairs 圓石樓梯
Cobblestone Wall? 圓石墻
Cobweb? ?蜘蛛網(wǎng)
Cocoa? ? ? 可可果
Cog? 齒輪
Colored Terracotta? ? ? ? ?染色陶瓦
Colored Wood Planks? ? 染色木板
Command Block? ? ?命令方塊
Composter? ? ? 堆肥桶
Concrete 混凝土
Concrete Powder? ?混凝土粉末
Conduit? ?潮涌核心
Copper Ore? ? ?銅礦石
Coral? ? ? ? 珊瑚
Coral Block? ? ? 珊瑚塊
Coral Blocks? ? 珊瑚塊
Coral Fan 珊瑚扇
Coral Fans? ? ? ?珊瑚扇
Cornflower? ? ? 矢車(chē)菊
Cracked Deepslate Bricks? ? ? 裂紋深板巖磚
Cracked Deepslate Tiles? ? ? ? ?裂紋深板巖瓦
Cracked Nether Bricks? ?裂紋下界磚塊
Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks? ? ?裂紋磨制黑石磚
Cracked Stone Bricks? ? ?裂紋石磚
Crafting Table 工作臺(tái)
Creeper Head 苦力怕的頭
Creeper Wall Head? ? ? ? ?墻上的苦力怕的頭
Crimson Button? ? ? 緋紅木按鈕
Crimson Door 緋紅木門(mén)
Crimson Fence? ? ? ? 緋紅木柵欄
Crimson Fence Gate? ? ? ?緋紅木柵欄門(mén)
Crimson Fungus? ? ? 緋紅菌
Crimson Hyphae? ? ?緋紅菌核
Crimson Nylium? ? ? 緋紅菌巖
Crimson Planks? ? ? ?緋紅木板
Crimson Pressure Plate 緋紅木壓力板
Crimson Roots? ? ? ? 緋紅菌索
Crimson Sign? 緋紅木告示牌
Crimson Slab? 緋紅木臺(tái)階
Crimson Stairs? ? ? ? ?緋紅木樓梯
Crimson Stem 緋紅菌柄
Crimson Trapdoor? 緋紅木活板門(mén)
Crimson Wall Sign? 墻上的緋紅木告示牌
Crying Obsidian? ? ? ?哭泣的黑曜石
Cut Copper? ? ? 切制銅塊
Cut Copper Slab? ? ? 切制銅臺(tái)階
Cut Copper Stairs? ?切制銅樓梯
Cut Red Sandstone? ? ? ? ?切制紅砂巖
Cut Red Sandstone Slab? ? ? ? ?切制紅砂巖臺(tái)階
Cut Sandstone? ? ? ? ?切制砂巖
Cut Sandstone Slab? ? ? ? 切制砂巖臺(tái)階
Cyan Flower? ? 青花
Cyan Wall Banner? ?墻上的青色旗幟
Damaged Anvil? ? ? ? 損壞的鐵砧
Dandelion? ? ? ? 蒲公英
Dark Oak Button? ? ?深色橡木按鈕
Dark Oak Door? ? ? ? 深色橡木門(mén)
Dark Oak Fence? ? ? 深色橡木柵欄
Dark Oak Fence Gate? ? ?深色橡木柵欄門(mén)
Dark Oak Leaves? ? ?深色橡樹(shù)樹(shù)葉
Dark Oak Log? 深色橡木原木
Dark Oak Planks? ? ? 深色橡木木板
Dark Oak Pressure Plate? ? ? ? 深色橡木壓力板
Dark Oak Sapling? ? 深色橡樹(shù)樹(shù)苗
Dark Oak Sign 深色橡木告示牌
Dark Oak Slab 深色橡木臺(tái)階
Dark Oak Stairs? ? ? ?深色橡木樓梯
Dark Oak Trapdoor? ? ? ? ?深色橡木活板門(mén)
Dark Oak Wall Sign? ? ? ? ?墻上的深色橡木告示牌
Dark Oak Wood? ? ? 深色橡木
Dark Prismarine? ? ? 暗海晶石
Dark Prismarine Slab? ? ? 暗海晶石臺(tái)階
Dark Prismarine Stairs? ?暗海晶石樓梯
Daylight Detector? 陽(yáng)光探測(cè)器
Daylight Sensor? ? ? 陽(yáng)光探測(cè)器
Dead Brain Coral? ? 失活的腦紋珊瑚
Dead Brain Coral Block? 失活的腦紋珊瑚塊
Dead Brain Coral Fan? ? ?失活的腦紋珊瑚扇
Dead Brain Coral Wall Fan? ? 墻上的失活腦紋珊瑚扇
Dead Bubble Coral 失活的氣泡珊瑚
Dead Bubble Coral Block? ? ? ?失活的氣泡珊瑚塊
Dead Bubble Coral Fan? 失活的氣泡珊瑚扇
Dead Bubble Coral Wall Fan 墻上的失活氣泡珊瑚扇
Dead Bush? ? ? ?枯萎的灌木
Dead Coral? ? ? 失活的珊瑚
Dead Coral Blocks? 失活的珊瑚塊
Dead Coral Fans? ? ?失活的珊瑚扇
Dead Fire Coral? ? ? ?失活的火珊瑚
Dead Fire Coral Block? ? 失活的火珊瑚塊
Dead Fire Coral Fan? ? ? ? 失活的火珊瑚扇
Dead Fire Coral Wall Fan? ? ? ?墻上的失活火珊瑚扇
Dead Horn Coral? ? 失活的鹿角珊瑚
Dead Horn Coral Block? 失活的鹿角珊瑚塊
Dead Horn Coral Fan? ? ? 失活的鹿角珊瑚扇
Dead Horn Coral Wall Fan? ? ?墻上的失活鹿角珊瑚扇
Dead Tube Coral? ? 失活的管珊瑚
Dead Tube Coral Block? 失活的管珊瑚塊
Dead Tube Coral Fan? ? ?失活的管珊瑚扇
Dead Tube Coral Wall Fan? ? ?墻上的失活管珊瑚扇
Deepslate? ? ? ? 深板巖
Deepslate Brick Slab? ? ? 深板巖磚臺(tái)階
Deepslate Brick Stairs? ? 深板巖磚樓梯
Deepslate Brick Wall? ? ? 深板巖磚墻
Deepslate Bricks? ? ?深板巖磚
Deepslate Coal Ore? ? ? ? 深層煤礦石
Deepslate Copper Ore? ?深層銅礦石
Deepslate Diamond Ore? ? ? ? 深層鉆石礦石
Deepslate Emerald Ore 深層綠寶石礦石
Deepslate Gold Ore? ? ? ? 深層金礦石
Deepslate Iron Ore? ? ? ? ?深層鐵礦石
Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore? ? 深層青金石礦石
Deepslate Lapis Ore? ? ? ?深層青金石礦石
Deepslate Redstone Ore? ? ? ?深層紅石礦石
Deepslate Tile Slab? ? ? ? ?深板巖瓦臺(tái)階
Deepslate Tile Stairs? ? ? 深板巖瓦樓梯
Deepslate Tile Wall? ? ? ? 深板巖瓦墻
Deepslate Tiles? ? ? ?深板巖瓦
Detector Rail? 探測(cè)鐵軌
Diamond Ore? 鉆石礦石
Diorite? ? ?閃長(zhǎng)巖
Diorite Bell? ? ? 閃長(zhǎng)巖鐘
Diorite Slab? ? ?閃長(zhǎng)巖臺(tái)階
Diorite Stairs? ?閃長(zhǎng)巖樓梯
Diorite Wall? ? 閃長(zhǎng)巖墻
Dirt? 泥土
Dirt Path 土徑
Dispenser? ? ? ? ?發(fā)射器
Door? ? ? ? 門(mén)
Doors? ? ? ?門(mén)
Dragon Egg? ? ?龍蛋
Dragon Head? 龍首
Dragon Wall Head? 墻上的龍首
Dried Kelp Block? ? ?干海帶塊
Dripstone Block? ? ? 滴水石塊
Dropper? ?投擲器
Dye? 染料
Dyed Bed? ? ? ? ?染色床
Dyed Carpet? ?染色地毯
Dyed Shulker Box? 染色潛影盒
Dyed Terracotta? ? ?染色陶瓦
Dyed Wool? ? ? 染色羊毛
Emerald Ore? ?綠寶石礦石
Empty Barrel? 空木桶
Enchanting Table? ?附魔臺(tái)
Enchantment Table? ? ? ? 附魔臺(tái)
End Gateway? 末地折躍門(mén)
End Portal? ? ? ?末地傳送門(mén)
End Portal Frame? ?末地傳送門(mén)框架
End Rod? 末地燭
End Stone? ? ? ? 末地石
End Stone Brick Slab? ? ? 末地石磚臺(tái)階
End Stone Brick Stairs? ? 末地石磚樓梯
End Stone Brick Wall? ? ?末地石磚墻
End Stone Bricks? ? 末地石磚
Ender Chest? ? 末影箱
Exposed Copper? ? ?斑駁的銅塊
Exposed Cut Copper? ? ? ?斑駁的切制銅塊
Exposed Cut Copper Slab? ? ? 斑駁的切制銅臺(tái)階
Exposed Cut Copper Stairs? ? 斑駁的切制銅樓梯
Fake Wood Slab? ? ? 偽木臺(tái)階
Farmland? ? ? ? ?耕地
Fence? ? ? ?柵欄
Fence Gate? ? ? 柵欄門(mén)
Fern 蕨
Finished Nether Reactor Core? ? ? 耗盡的下界反應(yīng)核
Fire? 火
Fire Coral? ? ? ? ?火珊瑚
Fire Coral Block? ? ? 火珊瑚塊
Fire Coral Fan 火珊瑚扇
Fire Coral Wall Fan? ? ? ? ?墻上的火珊瑚扇
Fish Barrel? ? ? ?魚(yú)木桶
Fletching Table? ? ? ?制箭臺(tái)
Flower? ? ?花
Flower Pot? ? ? 花盆
Flowering Azalea? ? 盛開(kāi)的杜鵑花叢
Flowering Azalea Leaves? ? ? ?盛開(kāi)的杜鵑樹(shù)葉
Flowers? ?花
Frog Spawn? ? ?青蛙卵
Froglight 蛙明燈
Frogspawn? ? ? 青蛙卵
Frosted Ice? ? ? 霜冰
Fungi? ? ? ? 菌類
Fungus? ? ?菌類
Furnace? ?熔爐
Furniture 家具
Gilded Blackstone? 鑲金黑石
Glass? ? ? ? 玻璃
Glass Pane? ? ? ?玻璃板
Glazed Terracotta? 帶釉陶瓦
Glow Lichen? ? 發(fā)光地衣
Glowstone? ? ? ?熒石
Gold Ore 金礦石
Granite? ? 花崗巖
Granite Bell? ? ?花崗巖鐘
Granite Slab? ? 花崗巖臺(tái)階
Granite Stairs 花崗巖樓梯
Granite Wall? ?花崗巖墻
Grass? ? ? ? 草
Grass Block? ? ?草方塊
Grass Path? ? ? ?草徑
Gravel? ? ? 沙礫
Gray Wall Banner? ?墻上的灰色旗幟
Green Wall Banner? ? ? ? ?墻上的綠色旗幟
Grindstone? ? ? 砂輪
Hanging Roots? ? ? ? 垂根
Hay Bale 干草塊
Head? ? ? ? 生物頭顱
Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate? ?重質(zhì)測(cè)重壓力板
Honey Block? ?蜂蜜塊
Honeycomb Block? 蜜脾塊
Hopper? ? 漏斗
Horn Coral? ? ? 鹿角珊瑚
Horn Coral Block? ? 鹿角珊瑚塊
Horn Coral Fan? ? ? ? 鹿角珊瑚扇
Horn Coral Wall Fan? ? ? ?墻上的鹿角珊瑚扇
Huge Brown Mushroom? ? ? ? ?棕色巨型蘑菇
Huge Mushrooms? ?巨型蘑菇
Huge Red Mushroom? ? ?紅色巨型蘑菇
Hyphae? ? 菌核
Ice? ?冰
Impulse Command Block? ? ? ?脈沖型命令方塊
Infested Block? ? ? ? ?被蟲(chóng)蝕的方塊
Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks? ? ? 被蟲(chóng)蝕的鏨制石磚
Infested Cobblestone? ? ?被蟲(chóng)蝕的圓石
Infested Cracked Stone Bricks? ? ? 被蟲(chóng)蝕的裂紋石磚
Infested Deepslate? ? ? ? ?被蟲(chóng)蝕的深板巖
Infested Mossy Stone Bricks 被蟲(chóng)蝕的苔石磚
Infested Stone? ? ? ? 被蟲(chóng)蝕的石頭
Infested Stone Bricks? ? ?被蟲(chóng)蝕的石磚
Initialized Nether Reactor Core? ? 激活的下界反應(yīng)核
Inverted Daylight Detector? ?反向陽(yáng)光探測(cè)器
Inverted Daylight Sensor? ? ? ?反向陽(yáng)光探測(cè)器
Iron Bars 鐵欄桿
Iron Door? ? ? ? 鐵門(mén)
Iron Ore? 鐵礦石
Iron Trapdoor 鐵活板門(mén)
Jack O'lantern? ? ? ? ?南瓜燈
Jigsaw Block? ?拼圖方塊
Jukebox? ?唱片機(jī)
Jungle Button 叢林木按鈕
Jungle Door? ? 叢林木門(mén)
Jungle Fence? ?叢林木柵欄
Jungle Fence Gate 叢林木柵欄門(mén)
Jungle Leaves 叢林樹(shù)葉
Jungle Log? ? ? ?叢林原木
Jungle Planks? 叢林木板
Jungle Pressure Plate? ? ?叢林木壓力板
Jungle Sapling? ? ? ? ?叢林樹(shù)苗
Jungle Sign? ? ? 叢林木告示牌
Jungle Slab? ? ? 叢林木臺(tái)階
Jungle Stairs? ? 叢林木樓梯
Jungle Trapdoor? ? ?叢林木活板門(mén)
Jungle Wall Sign? ? ?墻上的叢林木告示牌
Jungle Wood? 叢林木
Kelp Plant? ? ? ? 海帶植株
Ladder? ? ?梯子
Lantern? ? 燈籠
Lapis Lazuli Block? ?青金石塊
Lapis Lazuli Ore? ? ? 青金石礦石
Large Amethyst Bud? ? ? ?大型紫晶芽
Large Fern? ? ? ?大型蕨
Lava 熔巖
Lava Cauldron? ? ? ? ?裝有熔巖的煉藥鍋
Leaves? ? ?樹(shù)葉
Lectern? ? 講臺(tái)
Lever? ? ? ? 拉桿
Light? ? ? ? ?光源方塊(有的版本要加“block”)【以下都是】
Light 0? ? ?光源方塊
Light 1? ? ?光源方塊
Light 10? ?光源方塊
Light 11? ?光源方塊
Light 12? ?光源方塊
Light 13? ?光源方塊
Light 14? ?光源方塊
Light 15? ?光源方塊
Light 2? ? ?光源方塊
Light 3? ? ?光源方塊
Light 4? ? ?光源方塊
Light 5? ? ?光源方塊
Light 6? ? ?光源方塊
Light 7? ? ?光源方塊
Light 8? ? ?光源方塊
Light 9? ? ?光源方塊
Light Blue Wall Banner? 墻上的淡藍(lán)色旗幟
Light Gray Wall Banner 墻上的淡灰色旗幟
Light Negative? ? ? ? 光
Light Weighted Pressure Plate? ? ?輕質(zhì)測(cè)重壓力板
Lightning Rod 避雷針
Lilac 丁香
Lily of The Valley? ? 鈴蘭
Lily Pad? ? 睡蓮
Lime Wall Banner? ?墻上的黃綠色旗幟
Lit Blast Furnace? ? ?燃燒中的高爐
Lit Deepslate Redstone Ore? 點(diǎn)亮的深層紅石礦石
Lit Furnace? ? ? 燃燒中的熔爐
Lit Redstone Lamp 點(diǎn)亮的紅石燈
Lit Redstone Ore? ? 點(diǎn)亮的紅石礦石
Lit Smoker? ? ? ?燃燒中的煙熏爐
Locked Chest? 上鎖的箱子
Lodestone? ? ? ?磁石
Log? 原木
Loom? ? ? ?織布機(jī)
Magenta Wall Banner? ? 墻上的品紅色旗幟
Magma Block 巖漿塊
Mangrove Button? ?紅樹(shù)木按鈕
Mangrove Door? ? ? 紅樹(shù)木門(mén)
Mangrove Fence? ? 紅樹(shù)木柵欄
Mangrove Fence Gate? ?紅樹(shù)木柵欄門(mén)
Mangrove Leaves? ?紅樹(shù)樹(shù)葉
Mangrove Log? ? ? ? 紅樹(shù)原木
Mangrove Planks? ? 紅樹(shù)木板
Mangrove Pressure Plate? ? ? 紅樹(shù)木壓力板
Mangrove Propagule? ? ?紅樹(shù)胎生苗
Mangrove Roots? ? 紅樹(shù)根
Mangrove Sign? ? ? ? 紅樹(shù)木告示牌
Mangrove Slab? ? ? ? 紅樹(shù)木臺(tái)階
Mangrove Stairs? ? ?紅樹(shù)木樓梯
Mangrove Trapdoor? ? ? ?紅樹(shù)木活板門(mén)
Mangrove Wall Sign? ? ? ?墻上的紅樹(shù)木告示牌
Mangrove Wood? ? 紅樹(shù)木
Medium Amethyst Bud 中型紫晶芽
Melon? ? ? 西瓜
Melon Stem? ? 西瓜莖
Mob Head? ? ? ?生物頭顱
Moss Block? ? ?苔蘚塊
Moss Carpet? ?苔蘚地毯
Moss Stone? ? ?苔石
Mossy Cobblestone? ? ? ? 苔石
Mossy Cobblestone Slab? ? ? ? 苔石臺(tái)階
Mossy Cobblestone Stairs? ? ?苔石樓梯
Mossy Cobblestone Wall? ? ? ?苔石墻
Mossy Stone Brick Slab 苔石磚臺(tái)階
Mossy Stone Brick Stairs? ? ? ? 苔石磚樓梯
Mossy Stone Brick Wall 苔石磚墻
Mossy Stone Bricks? ? ? ? 苔石磚
Moving Block 移動(dòng)的方塊
Moving Piston? ? ? ? ?移動(dòng)的活塞
Mud? ? ? ? ?泥巴
Mud Brick Slab? ? ? ? 泥磚臺(tái)階
Mud Brick Stairs? ? ?泥磚樓梯
Mud Brick Wall? ? ? ?泥磚墻
Mud Bricks? ? ? 泥磚
Muddy Mangrove Roots? ? ? ?沾泥的紅樹(shù)根
Mushroom? ? ? 蘑菇
Mushroom Block? ?蘑菇方塊
Mushroom Stem? ? 蘑菇柄
Mycelium? ? ? ? ?菌絲
Nether Brick Fence? ? ? ? ?下界磚柵欄
Nether Brick Slab? ?下界磚臺(tái)階
Nether Brick Stairs 下界磚樓梯
Nether Brick Wall? 下界磚墻
Nether Bricks 下界磚塊
Nether Gold Ore? ? 下界金礦石
Nether Planks 下界木板
Nether Portal 下界傳送門(mén)
Nether Quartz Ore 下界石英礦石
Nether Sprouts? ? ? ?下界苗
Nether Wart? ?下界疣
Nether Wart Block 下界疣塊
Nether Wood Fence? ? ? ?下界木質(zhì)柵欄
Nether Wood Slab 下界木質(zhì)臺(tái)階
Netherrack? ? ? 下界巖
Note Block? ? ? 音符盒
Nylium? ? ?菌巖
Oak Button? ? ? 橡木按鈕
Oak Door? ? ? ? ?橡木門(mén)
Oak Fence? ? ? ?橡木柵欄
Oak Fence Gate? ? ? 橡木柵欄門(mén)
Oak Leaves? ? ? 橡樹(shù)樹(shù)葉
Oak Log? ?橡木原木
Oak Planks? ? ? ?橡木木板
Oak Pressure Plate? ? ? ? ?橡木壓力板
Oak Sapling? ? ?橡樹(shù)樹(shù)苗
Oak Sign? 橡木告示牌
Oak Slab? 橡木臺(tái)階
Oak Stairs? ? ? ? 橡木樓梯
Oak Trapdoor 橡木活板門(mén)
Oak Wall Sign 墻上的橡木告示牌
Oak Wood? ? ? ?橡木
Observer 偵測(cè)器
Obsidian? 黑曜石
Ochre Froglight? ? ? ?赭黃蛙明燈
Ominous Banner? ? 災(zāi)厄旗幟
Orange Tulip? ?橙色郁金香
Orange Wall Banner? ? ? ?墻上的橙色旗幟
Overworld Log? ? ? ? 主世界原木
Overworld Planks? ?主世界木板
Overworld Stripped Log? ? ? ? 主世界去皮原木
Overworld Stripped Wood? ? 主世界去皮木頭
Overworld Wood? ?主世界木頭
Overworld Wood Fence? ? ? ? ?主世界木質(zhì)柵欄
Overworld Wood Slab? ?主世界木質(zhì)臺(tái)階
Oxeye Daisy? ? 濱菊
Oxidized Copper? ? ?氧化的銅塊
Oxidized Cut Copper? ? ? 氧化的切制銅塊
Oxidized Cut Copper Slab? ? ? 氧化的切制銅臺(tái)階
Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs? ?氧化的切制銅樓梯
Packed Ice? ? ? ?浮冰
Packed Mud? ? 泥坯
Pearlescent Froglight? ? ?珠光蛙明燈
Peony? ? ? 牡丹
Petrified Oak Slab? 石化橡木臺(tái)階
Pink Tulip? ? ? ? ?粉紅色郁金香
Pink Wall Banner? ? 墻上的粉紅色旗幟
Piston? ? ? 活塞
Piston Head? ? 活塞頭
Plank? ? ? ? 木板
Player Head? ? 玩家的頭
Player Wall Head? ? 墻上的玩家的頭
Podzol? ? ?灰化土
Pointed Dripstone? 滴水石錐
Polished Andesite? 磨制安山巖
Polished Andesite Slab? 磨制安山巖臺(tái)階
Polished Andesite Stairs? ? ? ? 磨制安山巖樓梯
Polished Basalt? ? ? ?磨制玄武巖
Polished Blackstone? ? ? ?磨制黑石
Polished Blackstone Brick Slab? ? ?磨制黑石磚臺(tái)階
Polished Blackstone Brick Stairs? ?磨制黑石磚樓梯
Polished Blackstone Brick Wall? ? ?磨制黑石磚墻
Polished Blackstone Bricks? ? 磨制黑石磚
Polished Blackstone Button? 磨制黑石按鈕
Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate? ? ? 磨制黑石壓力板
Polished Blackstone Slab? ? ? ?磨制黑石臺(tái)階
Polished Blackstone Stairs? ? 磨制黑石樓梯
Polished Blackstone Wall? ? ? 磨制黑石墻
Polished Deepslate? ? ? ? ?磨制深板巖
Polished Deepslate Slab? ? ? ? ?磨制深板巖臺(tái)階
Polished Deepslate Stairs? ? ? 磨制深板巖樓梯
Polished Deepslate Wall? ? ? ? 磨制深板巖墻
Polished Diorite? ? ? 磨制閃長(zhǎng)巖
Polished Diorite Slab? ? ? 磨制閃長(zhǎng)巖臺(tái)階
Polished Diorite Stairs? ?磨制閃長(zhǎng)巖樓梯
Polished Granite? ? ?磨制花崗巖
Polished Granite Bell? ? ?磨制花崗巖鐘
Polished Granite Slab? ? 磨制花崗巖臺(tái)階
Polished Granite Stairs? 磨制花崗巖樓梯
Poppy? ? ? 虞美人
Potatoes 馬鈴薯
Potted Acacia Sapling? ? 金合歡樹(shù)苗盆栽
Potted Allium 絨球蔥盆栽
Potted Azalea 杜鵑花叢盆栽
Potted Azure Bluet? ? ? ? ?藍(lán)花美耳草盆栽
Potted Bamboo? ? ? 竹子盆栽
Potted Birch Sapling? ? ? ?白樺樹(shù)苗盆栽
Potted Blue Orchid? ? ? ? ?蘭花盆栽
Potted Brown Mushroom? ? ? 棕色蘑菇盆栽
Potted Cactus 仙人掌盆栽
Potted Cornflower 矢車(chē)菊盆栽
Potted Crimson Fungus 緋紅菌盆栽
Potted Crimson Roots? ?緋紅菌索盆栽
Potted Dandelion? ?蒲公英盆栽
Potted Dark Oak Sapling? ? ? ? 深色橡樹(shù)樹(shù)苗盆栽
Potted Dead Bush? 枯萎的灌木盆栽
Potted Fern? ? ?蕨盆栽
Potted Flowering Azalea? ? ? ? 盛開(kāi)的杜鵑花叢盆栽
Potted Jungle Sapling? ? 叢林樹(shù)苗盆栽
Potted Lily of The Valley? ? ? ? 鈴蘭盆栽
Potted Mangrove Propagule? ? ? ? ?紅樹(shù)胎生苗盆栽
Potted Oak Sapling? ? ? ? ?橡樹(shù)樹(shù)苗盆栽
Potted Orange Tulip? ? ? ?橙色郁金香盆栽
Potted Oxeye Daisy? ? ? ? 濱菊盆栽
Potted Pink Tulip? ? 粉紅色郁金香盆栽
Potted Poppy 虞美人盆栽
Potted Red Mushroom? 紅色蘑菇盆栽
Potted Red Tulip? ? ?紅色郁金香盆栽
Potted Spruce Sapling? ?云杉樹(shù)苗盆栽
Potted Warped Fungus 詭異菌盆栽
Potted Warped Roots? ?詭異菌索盆栽
Potted White Tulip? ? ? ? ?白色郁金香盆栽
Potted Wither Rose? ? ? ?凋零玫瑰盆栽
Powder Snow 細(xì)雪
Powder Snow Cauldron 裝有細(xì)雪的煉藥鍋
Powered Rail? 動(dòng)力鐵軌
Powered Redstone Comparator? ?激活的紅石比較器
Powered Redstone Repeater? ? ? ? 激活的紅石中繼器
Pressure Plate? ? ? ? ?壓力板
Prismarine? ? ? ?海晶石
Prismarine Brick Slab? ? ?海晶石磚臺(tái)階
Prismarine Brick Stairs? ?海晶石磚樓梯
Prismarine Bricks? ?海晶石磚
Prismarine Slab? ? ? ?海晶石臺(tái)階
Prismarine Stairs? ? 海晶石樓梯
Prismarine Wall? ? ? 海晶石墻
Pumpkin? 南瓜
Pumpkin Stem? ? ? ? 南瓜莖
Purple Wall Banner? ? ? ? 墻上的紫色旗幟
Purpur Block? 紫珀塊
Purpur Pillar? ?紫珀柱
Purpur Slab? ? ?紫珀臺(tái)階
Purpur Stairs? 紫珀樓梯
Quartz Block? ?石英塊
Quartz Bricks? 石英磚
Quartz Pillar? ? 石英柱
Quartz Slab? ? ?石英臺(tái)階
Quartz Stairs? ?石英樓梯
Rail? 鐵軌
Red Mushroom? ? ? ?紅色蘑菇
Red Mushroom Block? ? 紅色蘑菇方塊
Red Nether Brick Slab? ? 紅色下界磚臺(tái)階
Red Nether Brick Stairs 紅色下界磚樓梯
Red Nether Brick Wall? ?紅色下界磚墻
Red Nether Bricks? 紅色下界磚塊
Red Sand 紅沙
Red Sandstone? ? ? ? 紅砂巖
Red Sandstone Slab? ? ? ? 紅砂巖臺(tái)階
Red Sandstone Stairs? ? ?紅砂巖樓梯
Red Sandstone Wall? ? ? ?紅砂巖墻
Red Tulip 紅色郁金香
Red Wall Banner? ? 墻上的紅色旗幟
Redstone Comparator? ?紅石比較器
Redstone Lamp? ? ? 紅石燈
Redstone Ore 紅石礦石
Redstone Repeater? ? ? ? 紅石中繼器
Redstone Torch? ? ? 紅石火把
Redstone Wall Torch? ? ?墻上的紅石火把
Redstone Wire? ? ? ? 紅石線
Reinforced Deepslate? ? 強(qiáng)化深板巖
Repeating Command Block? 循環(huán)型命令方塊
Respawn Anchor? ? 重生錨
Rooted Dirt? ? ?纏根泥土
Roots? ? ? ?菌索
Rose? ? ? ? ?玫瑰
Rose Bush? ? ? ? 玫瑰叢
Sand? ? ? ? ?沙子
Sandstone? ? ? ?砂巖
Sandstone Slab? ? ? ?砂巖臺(tái)階
Sandstone Stairs? ? 砂巖樓梯
Sandstone Wall? ? ? 砂巖墻
Sapling? ? ?樹(shù)苗
Scaffolding? ? ? 腳手架
Sculk? ? ? ? 幽匿塊
Sculk Catalyst 幽匿催發(fā)體
Sculk Sensor? ?幽匿感測(cè)體
Sculk Shrieker 幽匿尖嘯體
Sculk Vein? ? ? ? 幽匿脈絡(luò)
Sea Lantern? ? ?海晶燈
Sea Pickle? ? ? ? 海泡菜
Seagrass? 海草
Shroomlight? ? 菌光體
Shulker Box? ? 潛影盒
Sign 告示牌
Skeleton Skull 骷髏頭顱
Skeleton Wall Skull? ? ? ? ?墻上的骷髏頭顱
Slab 臺(tái)階
Slabs? ? ? ? 臺(tái)階
Slightly Damaged Anvil? 輕微損壞的鐵砧
Slime Block? ? ?黏液塊
Small Amethyst Bud? ? ? ?小型紫晶芽
Small Dripleaf 小型垂滴葉
Smithing Table? ? ? ? 鍛造臺(tái)
Smoker? ? 煙熏爐
Smooth Basalt? ? ? ? 平滑玄武巖
Smooth Quartz? ? ? ?平滑石英塊
Smooth Quartz Block? ? ?平滑石英塊
Smooth Quartz Slab? ? ? ?平滑石英臺(tái)階
Smooth Quartz Stairs? ? ?平滑石英樓梯
Smooth Red Sandstone 平滑紅砂巖
Smooth Red Sandstone Slab 平滑紅砂巖臺(tái)階
Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs? ? ? ?平滑紅砂巖樓梯
Smooth Sandstone? ? ? ? ?平滑砂巖
Smooth Sandstone Slab? ? ? ? ?平滑砂巖臺(tái)階
Smooth Sandstone Stairs? ? ? 平滑砂巖樓梯
Smooth Stone? ? ? ? ?平滑石頭
Smooth Stone Slab? ? ? ? ?平滑石頭臺(tái)階
Snow? ? ? ? 雪
Snow Block? ? ?雪塊
Soul Campfire 靈魂?duì)I火
Soul Fire? 靈魂火
Soul Lantern? ?靈魂燈籠
Soul Sand? ? ? ? ?靈魂沙
Soul Soil? 靈魂土
Soul Torch? ? ? ?靈魂火把
Soul Wall Torch? ? ? 墻上的靈魂火把
Spawner? 刷怪籠
Sponge? ? 海綿
Spore Blossom? ? ? ? 孢子花
Spruce Button? ? ? ? ?云杉木按鈕
Spruce Door? ?云杉木門(mén)
Spruce Fence? 云杉木柵欄
Spruce Fence Gate 云杉木柵欄門(mén)
Spruce Leaves? ? ? ? ?云杉樹(shù)葉
Spruce Log? ? ? 云杉原木
Spruce Planks 云杉木板
Spruce Pressure Plate? ? 云杉木壓力板
Spruce Sapling? ? ? ? 云杉樹(shù)苗
Spruce Sign? ? ?云杉木告示牌
Spruce Slab? ? ?云杉木臺(tái)階
Spruce Stairs? ?云杉木樓梯
Spruce Trapdoor? ? 云杉木活板門(mén)
Spruce Wall Sign? ? 墻上的云杉木告示牌
Spruce Wood 云杉木
Stained Glass? 染色玻璃
Stained Glass Pane? ? ? ? ?染色玻璃板
Stairs? ? ? ? 樓梯
Stem? ? ? ? 菌柄
Sticky Piston? ?黏性活塞
Stone? ? ? ?石頭
Stone Brick Slab? ? ? 石磚臺(tái)階
Stone Brick Stairs? ?石磚樓梯
Stone Brick Wall? ? ?石磚墻
Stone Bricks? ? 石磚
Stone Bricks Slab? ? 石磚臺(tái)階
Stone Button? 石頭按鈕
Stone Pressure Plate? ? ? 石頭壓力板
Stone Slab? ? ? ?石頭臺(tái)階
Stone Stairs? ? ?石頭樓梯
Stone Tier Block? ? ?類圓石方塊
Stonecutter? ? ?切石機(jī)
Stripped Acacia Log? ? ? ?去皮金合歡原木
Stripped Acacia Wood? ?去皮金合歡木
Stripped Birch Log 去皮白樺原木
Stripped Birch Wood? ? ?去皮白樺木
Stripped Crimson Hyphae? ? ? 去皮緋紅菌核
Stripped Crimson Stem 去皮緋紅菌柄
Stripped Dark Oak Log? 去皮深色橡木原木
Stripped Dark Oak Wood? ? ? 去皮深色橡木
Stripped Hyphae? ? 去皮菌核
Stripped Jungle Log? ? ? ?去皮叢林原木
Stripped Jungle Wood? ?去皮叢林木
Stripped Log? ?去皮原木
Stripped Mangrove Log 去皮紅樹(shù)原木
Stripped Mangrove Wood? ? 去皮紅樹(shù)木
Stripped Oak Log? ?去皮橡木原木
Stripped Oak Wood? ? ? ?去皮橡木
Stripped Spruce Log? ? ? 去皮云杉原木
Stripped Spruce Wood? 去皮云杉木
Stripped Stem? ? ? ? ?去皮菌柄
Stripped Warped Hyphae? ? ? 去皮詭異菌核
Stripped Warped Stem? 去皮詭異菌柄
Stripped Wood? ? ? ?去皮木頭
Structure Block? ? ? ?結(jié)構(gòu)方塊
Structure Void? ? ? ? 結(jié)構(gòu)空位
Sugar Cane? ? ? 甘蔗
Sunflower? ? ? ? 向日葵
Sweet Berry Bush? ?甜漿果叢
Tall Grass? ? ? ? ?高草叢
Tall Seagrass? ?高海草
Target? ? ? 標(biāo)靶
Terracotta? ? ? ?陶瓦
Tinted Glass? ? 遮光玻璃
Torch? ? ? ?火把
Trapdoor? ? ? ? 活板門(mén)
Trapped Chest? ? ? ? 陷阱箱
Tripwire? ? ? ? 絆線
Tripwire Hook? ? ? ? ?絆線鉤
Tube Coral? ? ? 管珊瑚
Tube Coral Block? ? 管珊瑚塊
Tube Coral Fan? ? ? ?管珊瑚扇
Tube Coral Wall Fan? ? ? ?墻上的管珊瑚扇
Tuff? ? ?凝灰?guī)r
Tulips? ? ? ? ? ? 郁金香
Turtle Egg? ? ? ?海龜?shù)?/p>
Twisting Vines? ? ? ? ?纏怨藤
Twisting Vines Plant? ? ? ?纏怨藤植株
Unlit Redstone Torch? ? ?熄滅的紅石火把
Unpowered Redstone Comparator? ? ? 未激活的紅石比較器
Unpowered Redstone Repeater? ?未激活的紅石中繼器
Verdant Froglight? ?青翠蛙明燈
Very Damaged Anvil? ? ? ?嚴(yán)重?fù)p壞的鐵砧
Vines? ? ? ? 藤蔓
Void Air? ?虛空空氣
Wall 墻
Wall Banner? ? 墻上的旗幟
Wall Torch? ? ? 墻上的火把
Warped Button? ? ? ?詭異木按鈕
Warped Door 詭異木門(mén)
Warped Fence? ? ? ? 詭異木柵欄
Warped Fence Gate? ? ? ?詭異木柵欄門(mén)
Warped Fungus? ? ? 詭異菌
Warped Hyphae? ? ?詭異菌核
Warped Nylium? ? ? 詭異菌巖
Warped Planks? ? ? ? 詭異木板
Warped Pressure Plate 詭異木壓力板
Warped Roots? ? ? ? 詭異菌索
Warped Sign? ?詭異木告示牌
Warped Slab? ?詭異木臺(tái)階
Warped Stairs? ? ? ? ?詭異木樓梯
Warped Stem 詭異菌柄
Warped Trapdoor? 詭異木活板門(mén)
Warped Wall Sign? 墻上的詭異木告示牌
Warped Wart Block? ? ? ?詭異疣塊
Water? ? ? 水
Water Cauldron? ? ? 裝有水的煉藥鍋
Wax Block? ? ? ?蜂蠟塊
Waxed Block of Copper 涂蠟銅塊
Waxed Cut Copper? ? ? ? ?涂蠟切制銅塊
Waxed Cut Copper Slab? ? ? ? ?涂蠟切制銅臺(tái)階
Waxed Cut Copper Stairs? ? ? ?涂蠟切制銅樓梯
Waxed Exposed Copper? ? ? ? ?斑駁的涂蠟銅塊
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper 斑駁的涂蠟切制銅塊
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab 斑駁的涂蠟切制銅臺(tái)階
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Stairs? ? ? ?斑駁的涂蠟切制銅樓梯
Waxed Oxidized Copper? ? ? ? 氧化的涂蠟銅塊
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper 氧化的涂蠟切制銅塊
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slab 氧化的涂蠟切制銅臺(tái)階
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs? ? ? ?氧化的涂蠟切制銅樓梯
Waxed Weathered Copper? ?銹蝕的涂蠟銅塊
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper? ? ?銹蝕的涂蠟切制銅塊
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slab? ? 銹蝕的涂蠟切制銅臺(tái)階
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Stairs? 銹蝕的涂蠟切制銅樓梯
Weathered Copper? ? ? ? 銹蝕的銅塊
Weathered Cut Copper 銹蝕的切制銅塊
Weathered Cut Copper Slab 銹蝕的切制銅臺(tái)階
Weathered Cut Copper Stairs? ? ? ?銹蝕的切制銅樓梯
Weeping Vines? ? ? ? 垂淚藤
Weeping Vines Plant? ? ? 垂淚藤植株
Weighted Pressure Plate? ? ? ?測(cè)重壓力板
Wet Sponge? ? 濕海綿
Wheat Crops? 小麥
White Tulip? ? ?白色郁金香
White Wall Banner? ? ? ? ?墻上的白色旗幟
Wither Rose? ?凋零玫瑰
Wither Skeleton Skull? ? 凋靈骷髏頭顱
Wither Skeleton Wall Skull? ? 墻上的凋靈骷髏頭顱
Wood? ? ? 木頭
Wood Fence? ?木質(zhì)柵欄
Wood Slab? ? ? 木質(zhì)臺(tái)階
Wood Stairs? ? 木質(zhì)樓梯
Wooden Button? ? ? 木質(zhì)按鈕
Wooden Door? ? ? ? ?木門(mén)
Wooden Fence? ? ? ?木質(zhì)柵欄
Wooden Planks? ? ? ?木板
Wooden Pressure Plate? ? ? ? ?木質(zhì)壓力板
Wooden Slab? 木質(zhì)臺(tái)階
Wooden Stairs? ? ? ? 木質(zhì)樓梯
Wooden Trapdoor 木質(zhì)活板門(mén)
Wool? ? ? ? 羊毛
Yellow Wall Banner? ? ? ? 墻上的黃色旗幟
Zombie Head? 僵尸的頭
Zombie Wall Head 墻上的僵尸的頭
Acacia Boat? ? ?金合歡木船
Acacia Boat With Chest 金合歡木運(yùn)輸船
Amethyst Shard? ? ? 紫水晶碎片
Apple? ? ? ?蘋(píng)果
Arrow? ? ? 箭
Arrow Loaded Crossbow? ? ? ?裝填箭的弩
Arrow of Decay? ? ? 衰變之箭
Arrow of Fire Resistance? ? ? ? 抗火之箭
Arrow of Harming? 傷害之箭
Arrow of Healing? ? 治療之箭
Arrow of Invisibility? ? ? ? 隱身之箭
Arrow of Leaping? ?跳躍之箭
Arrow of Luck 幸運(yùn)之箭
Arrow of Night Vision? ? 夜視之箭
Arrow of Poison? ? ?劇毒之箭
Arrow of Regeneration? 再生之箭
Arrow of Slow Falling? ? ?緩降之箭
Arrow of Slowness 遲緩之箭
Arrow of Splashing? ? ? ? ?噴濺之箭
Arrow of Strength? 力量之箭
Arrow of Swiftness? ? ? ? ?迅捷之箭
Arrow of The Turtle Master? 神龜之箭
Arrow of Water Breathing? ? ?水肺之箭
Arrow of Weakness? ? ? ? 虛弱之箭
Awkward Lingering Potion? ? 滯留型粗制的藥水
Awkward Potion? ? ?粗制的藥水
Awkward Splash Potion? ? ? ? ?噴濺型粗制藥水
Axe? 斧
Baked Potato 烤馬鈴薯
Bamboo? 竹子
Banner Pattern? ? ? ?旗幟圖案
Banner Pattern Bordure Indented? ? ? ? 旗幟圖案
Banner Pattern Creeper? ? ? ? ?旗幟圖案
Banner Pattern Creeper Charge? ?旗幟圖案
Banner Pattern Field Masoned? ? ?旗幟圖案
Banner Pattern Flower? 旗幟圖案
Banner Pattern Flower Charge? ? ?旗幟圖案
Banner Pattern Globe? ? 旗幟圖案
Banner Pattern Piglin? ? ?旗幟圖案
Banner Pattern Skull? ? ? 旗幟圖案
Banner Pattern Skull Charge 旗幟圖案
Banner Pattern Thing? ? 旗幟圖案
Beetroot 甜菜根
Beetroot Seeds? ? ? ?甜菜種子
Beetroot Soup? ? ? ? 甜菜湯
Birch Boat? ? ? ?白樺木船
Birch Boat With Chest? ?白樺木運(yùn)輸船
Black Dye? ? ? ? ?黑色染料
Blaze Powder 烈焰粉
Blaze Rod? ? ? ? 烈焰棒
Blue Dye 藍(lán)色染料
Boat 船
Boat With Chest? ? ?運(yùn)輸船
Bone? ? ? ? 骨頭
Bone Meal? ? ? 骨粉
Book? ? ? ? 書(shū)
Book And Quill? ? ? ? 書(shū)與筆
Boots? ? ? ?靴子
Bottle o' Enchanting? ? ? ?附魔之瓶
Bow 弓
Bowl? ? ? ? 碗
Bread? ? ? ?面包
Brick? ? ? ? ?紅磚
Broken Elytra? 破損的鞘翅
Brown Dye? ? ? 棕色染料
Bucket? ? ?桶
Bucket of Axolotl? ?美西螈桶
Bucket of Cod 鱈魚(yú)桶
Bucket of Pufferfish? ? ? ?河豚桶
Bucket of Salmon? ?鮭魚(yú)桶
Bucket of Tadpole? 蝌蚪桶
Bucket of Tropical Fish? 熱帶魚(yú)桶
Bundle? ? ?收納袋
Buried Treasure Map? ? ?藏寶圖
Cactus Green? 仙人掌綠
Candle? ? ?蠟燭
Carrot? ? ? 胡蘿卜
Carrot On a Stick? ? 胡蘿卜釣竿
Chainmail Armor? ? 鎖鏈盔甲
Chainmail Boots? ? ?鎖鏈靴子
Chainmail Chestplate? ? ?鎖鏈胸甲
Chainmail Helmet? 鎖鏈頭盔
Chainmail Leggings? ? ? ? 鎖鏈護(hù)腿
Charcoal 木炭
Chestplate? ? ? ?胸甲
Chorus Fruit? ? 紫頌果
Clay Ball? 黏土球
Clock? ? ? ? 時(shí)鐘
Clownfish? ? ? ? 小丑魚(yú)
Coal 煤炭
Cocoa Beans? ?可可豆
Cod Bucket? ? ? 鱈魚(yú)桶
Colored Dye? ? 染料
Compass 指南針
Cooked Beef? ?牛排
Cooked Chicken? ? ? 熟雞肉
Cooked Cod? ? 熟鱈魚(yú)
Cooked Fish? ? 熟魚(yú)
Cooked Mutton? ? ? 熟羊肉
Cooked Porkchop? ?熟豬排
Cooked Rabbit? ? ? ? 熟兔肉
Cooked Salmon? ? ? ?熟鮭魚(yú)
Cookie? ? ?曲奇
Copper Ingot? 銅錠
Crossbow? ? ? ? 弩
Crystallized Honey 結(jié)晶蜜
Cyan Dye 青色染料
Dandelion Yellow? ?蒲公英黃
Dark Oak Boat? ? ? ? 深色橡木船
Dark Oak Boat With Chest? ? 深色橡木運(yùn)輸船
Debug Stick? ? ?調(diào)試棒
Diamond 鉆石
Diamond Axe? 鉆石斧
Diamond Boots? ? ? 鉆石靴子
Diamond Chestplate? ? ? 鉆石胸甲
Diamond Helmet? ? 鉆石頭盔
Diamond Hoe 鉆石鋤
Diamond Horse Armor? 鉆石馬鎧
Diamond Leggings 鉆石護(hù)腿
Diamond Pickaxe? ?鉆石鎬
Diamond Shovel? ? ?鉆石鍬
Diamond Sword? ? ? 鉆石劍
Disc Fragment? ? ? ? ?唱片殘片
Disc Fragment 5? ? ?唱片殘片
Dragon's Breath? ? ?龍息
Dried Kelp? ? ? ?干海帶
Echo Shard? ? ? 回響碎片
Egg? ? ? ? 雞蛋
Elytra? ? ? ?鞘翅
Emerald? ?綠寶石
Empty Locator Map? ? ? ? 空定位器地圖
Empty Map? ? ?空地圖
Enchanted Book? ? ?附魔書(shū)
Enchanted Golden Apple? ? ? ?附魔金蘋(píng)果
End Crystal? ? ? 末地水晶
Ender Pearl? ? ?末影珍珠
Explorer Map 探險(xiǎn)家地圖
Eye of Ender? ?末影之眼
Feather? ? 羽毛
Fermented Spider Eye? ?發(fā)酵蛛眼
Filled Bundle? ?收納袋
Filled Map? ? ? ?地圖
Fire Charge? ? ?火焰彈
Firework Loaded Crossbow? 裝填煙花的弩
Firework Rocket? ? ?煙花火箭
Firework Star? 煙火之星
Fish? 魚(yú)
Fishing Rod? ? ?釣魚(yú)竿
Flint 燧石
Flint And Steel? ? ? ? 打火石
Fuel 燃料
Ghast Tear? ? ? 惡魂之淚
Glass Bottle? ? 玻璃瓶
Glistering Melon? ? 閃爍的西瓜片
Glistering Melon Slice? ? 閃爍的西瓜片
Glow Berries? ?發(fā)光漿果
Glow Ink Sac? ?熒光墨囊
Glow Item Frame? ?熒光物品展示框
Glowstone Dust? ? ? 熒石粉
Goat Horn? ? ? ?山羊角
Gold Ingot? ? ? ?金錠
Gold Nugget? ?金粒
Golden Apple? 金蘋(píng)果
Golden Armor? ? ? ? ?金質(zhì)盔甲
Golden Axe? ? ?金斧
Golden Boots 金靴子
Golden Carrot? ? ? ? ?金胡蘿卜
Golden Chestplate 金胸甲
Golden Helmet? ? ? ?金頭盔
Golden Hoe? ? 金鋤
Golden Horse Armor? ? ? 金馬鎧
Golden Leggings? ? ?金護(hù)腿
Golden Pickaxe? ? ? ?金鎬
Golden Shovel? ? ? ? ?金鍬
Golden Sword? ? ? ? ?金劍
Golden Tools? 金質(zhì)工具
Gray Dye 灰色染料
Green Dye? ? ? ?綠色染料
Gunpowder? ? ?火藥
Half Filled Bundle? ?收納袋
Heart of The Sea? ? 海洋之心
Helmet? ? 頭盔
Hoe 鋤
Honey Bottle? 蜂蜜瓶
Honeycomb? ? 蜜脾
Horse Armor? ?馬鎧
Ink Sac? ? ?墨囊
Iron Armor? ? ? 鐵質(zhì)盔甲
Iron Axe? 鐵斧
Iron Boots? ? ? ?鐵靴子
Iron Chestplate? ? ? ?鐵胸甲
Iron Helmet? ? 鐵頭盔
Iron Hoe 鐵鋤
Iron Horse Armor? ?鐵馬鎧
Iron Ingot? ? ? ? 鐵錠
Iron Leggings? 鐵護(hù)腿
Iron Nugget? ? 鐵粒
Iron Pickaxe? ? 鐵鎬
Iron Shovel? ? ? 鐵鍬
Iron Sword? ? ? 鐵劍
Iron Tools? ? ? ? 鐵質(zhì)工具
Item Frame? ? ?物品展示框
Jungle Boat? ? ?叢林木船
Jungle Boat With Chest 叢林木運(yùn)輸船
Kelp 海帶
Knowledge Book? ? 知識(shí)之書(shū)
Lapis Lazuli? ? ? 青金石
Lava Bucket? ? 熔巖桶
Lead? ? ? ? ?拴繩
Leather? ? 皮革
Leather Armor? ? ? ? 皮革盔甲
Leather Boots 皮革靴子
Leather Cap? ? 皮革帽子
Leather Horse Armor? ? ?皮革馬鎧
Leather Pants 皮革褲子
Leather Tunic 皮革外套
Leggings? 護(hù)腿
Light Blue Dye? ? ? ? ?淡藍(lán)色染料
Light Gray Dye? ? ? ? 淡灰色染料
Lime Dye 黃綠色染料
Lingering Potion? ? ?滯留藥水
Lingering Potion of Decay? ? ?滯留型衰變藥水
Lingering Potion of Fire Resistance? ? ? 滯留型抗火藥水
Lingering Potion of Harming 滯留型傷害藥水
Lingering Potion of Healing? ?滯留型治療藥水
Lingering Potion of Invisibility? ? ? ?滯留型隱身藥水
Lingering Potion of Leaping? 滯留型跳躍藥水
Lingering Potion of Luck? ? ? ? 滯留型幸運(yùn)藥水
Lingering Potion of Night Vision? ?滯留型夜視藥水
Lingering Potion of Poison? ? 滯留型劇毒藥水
Lingering Potion of Regeneration? ? ? ? ?滯留型再生藥水
Lingering Potion of Slow Falling? ?滯留型緩降藥水
Lingering Potion of Slowness? ? ? ? 滯留型遲緩藥水
Lingering Potion of Strength 滯留型力量藥水
Lingering Potion of Swiftness? ? ? ? 滯留型迅捷藥水
Lingering Potion of The Turtle Master 滯留型神龜藥水
Lingering Potion of Water Breathing? ?滯留型水肺藥水
Lingering Potion of Weakness? ? ? ?滯留型虛弱藥水
Lingering Water Bottle? 滯留型水瓶
Locked Map? ? 已鎖定的地圖
Lodestone Compass? ? ? ?磁石指針
Magenta Dye? 品紅色染料
Magma Cream? ? ? ? 巖漿膏
Mangrove Boat? ? ? 紅樹(shù)木船
Mangrove Boat With Chest? 紅樹(shù)木運(yùn)輸船
Map 地圖
Melon Seeds? ?西瓜種子
Melon Slice? ? ?西瓜片
Milk Bucket? ? ?奶桶
With Chest? ? ? 運(yùn)輸?shù)V車(chē)
Minecart With Tnt (TNT)TNT礦車(chē)
Mundane Lingering Potion? ?滯留型平凡的藥水
Mundane Potion? ? 平凡的藥水
Mundane Splash Potion? ? ? ? 噴濺型平凡的藥水
Mushroom Stew? ? 蘑菇煲
Music Disc? ? ? ?音樂(lè)唱片
Music Disc 11 音樂(lè)唱片
Music Disc 13 音樂(lè)唱片
Music Disc 5? ?音樂(lè)唱片
Music Disc Blocks? ?音樂(lè)唱片
Music Disc Cat? ? ? ? 音樂(lè)唱片
Music Disc Chirp? ? ?音樂(lè)唱片
Music Disc Far? ? ? ? ?音樂(lè)唱片
Music Disc Mall? ? ? 音樂(lè)唱片
Music Disc Mellohi? ? ? ? ?音樂(lè)唱片
Music Disc Otherside? ? ?音樂(lè)唱片
Music Disc Pigstep 音樂(lè)唱片
Music Disc Stal? ? ? ? 音樂(lè)唱片
Music Disc Strad? ? ?音樂(lè)唱片
Music Disc Wait? ? ? 音樂(lè)唱片
Music Disc Ward? ? 音樂(lè)唱片
Name Tag? ? ? ?命名牌
Nautilus Shell 鸚鵡螺殼
Nether Brick? ?下界磚
Nether Quartz? ? ? ? ?下界石英
Nether Star? ? ?下界之星
Netherite Axe 下界合金斧
Netherite Boots? ? ?下界合金靴子
Netherite Chestplate? ? ?下界合金胸甲
Netherite Helmet? ?下界合金頭盔
Netherite Hoe? ? ? ? ?下界合金鋤
Netherite Ingot? ? ? 下界合金錠
Netherite Leggings? ? ? ? ?下界合金護(hù)腿
Netherite Pickaxe? 下界合金鎬
Netherite Scrap? ? ? 下界合金碎片
Netherite Shovel? ? 下界合金鍬
Netherite Sword? ? ?下界合金劍
Oak Boat 橡木船
Oak Boat With Chest? ? ?橡木運(yùn)輸船
Ocean Explorer Map? ? ? 海洋探險(xiǎn)家地圖
Orange Dye? ? ?橙色染料
Painting? ?畫(huà)
Paper? ? ? ?紙
Phantom Membrane? ? ? 幻翼膜
Pickaxe? ? 鎬
Pink Dye? 粉紅色染料
Poisonous Potato? 毒馬鈴薯
Popped Chorus Fruit? ? ? 爆裂紫頌果
Portfolio 公文包
Potato? ? ?馬鈴薯
Potion? ? ? 藥水
Potion of Decay? ? ? 衰變藥水
Potion of Fire Resistance? ? ? ?抗火藥水
Potion of Harming 傷害藥水
Potion of Healing? ?治療藥水
Potion of Invisibility? ? ? ? 隱身藥水
Potion of Leaping? ?跳躍藥水
Potion of Luck? ? ? ? ?幸運(yùn)藥水
Potion of Night Vision? ? 夜視藥水
Potion of Poison? ? ?劇毒藥水
Potion of Regeneration 再生藥水
Potion of Slow Falling? ? 緩降藥水
Potion of Slowness? ? ? ? ?遲緩藥水
Potion of Strength 力量藥水
Potion of Swiftness? ? ? ? 迅捷藥水
Potion of The Turtle Master 神龜藥水
Potion of Water Breathing? ? 水肺藥水
Potion of Weakness? ? ? ?虛弱藥水
Powder Snow Bucket? ? ?細(xì)雪桶
Prismarine Crystals? ? ? ? ?海晶砂粒
Prismarine Shard? ? 海晶碎片
Pufferfish? ? ? ? ?河豚
Pufferfish Bucket? ?河豚桶
Pumpkin Pie? ?南瓜派
Pumpkin Seeds? ? ? ?南瓜種子
Purple Dye? ? ? 紫色染料
Rabbit Hide? ? ?兔子皮
Rabbit Stew? ? 兔肉煲
Rabbit's Foot? 兔子腳
Raw Beef 生牛肉
Raw Chicken? ?生雞肉
Raw Cod 生鱈魚(yú)
Raw Copper? ? 粗銅
Raw Fish? 生魚(yú)
Raw Gold? ? ? ? ?粗金
Raw Iron 粗鐵
Raw Mutton? ? 生羊肉
Raw Porkchop? ? ? ? ?生豬排
Raw Rabbit? ? ? 生兔肉
Raw Salmon? ? 生鮭魚(yú)
Recovery Compass 追溯指針
Red Dye? 紅色染料
Redstone? ? ? ? ?紅石粉
Redstone Dust? ? ? ? 紅石粉
Rose Red 玫瑰紅
Rotten Flesh? ?腐肉
Saddle? ? ? 鞍
Salmon Bucket? ? ? ? 鮭魚(yú)桶
Scute? ? ? ? 鱗甲
Seeds? ? ? ?種子
Shears? ? ? 剪刀
Shield? ? ? ?盾牌
Shovel? ? ? 鍬
Shulker Shell? ?潛影殼
Slimeball 黏液球
Snowball 雪球
Spawn Egg? ? ? 刷怪蛋
Spectral Arrow? ? ? ? 光靈箭
Spider Eye? ? ? ?蜘蛛眼
Splash Awkward Potion? ? ? ? ?噴濺型粗制的藥水
Splash Mundane Potion? ? ? ? 噴濺型平凡的藥水
Splash Potion 噴濺藥水
Splash Potion of Decay 噴濺型衰變藥水
Splash Potion of Fire Resistance? ?噴濺型抗火藥水
Splash Potion of Harming? ? ? 噴濺型傷害藥水
Splash Potion of Healing? ? ? ? 噴濺型治療藥水
Splash Potion of Invisibility? ?噴濺型隱身藥水
Splash Potion of Leaping? ? ? ?噴濺型跳躍藥水
Splash Potion of Luck? ? 噴濺型幸運(yùn)藥水
Splash Potion of Night Vision? ? ? ? 噴濺型夜視藥水
Splash Potion of Poison 噴濺型劇毒藥水
Splash Potion of Regeneration? ? ?噴濺型再生藥水
Splash Potion of Slow Falling? ? ? ? ?噴濺型緩降藥水
Splash Potion of Slowness? ? ?噴濺型遲緩藥水
Splash Potion of Strength? ? ? 噴濺型力量藥水
Splash Potion of Swiftness? ? 噴濺型迅捷藥水
Splash Potion of The Turtle Master? ? ? 噴濺型神龜藥水
Splash Potion of Water Breathing? ? ? ? 噴濺型水肺藥水
Splash Potion of Weakness? ?噴濺型虛弱藥水
Splash Water Bottle? ? ? ?噴濺型水瓶
Spruce Boat? ? 云杉木船
Spruce Boat With Chest? ? ? ? ?云杉木運(yùn)輸船
Spyglass? 望遠(yuǎn)鏡
Steak? ? ? ? 牛排
Stick 木棍
Stone Axe? ? ? ? 石斧
Stone Hoe? ? ? ?石鋤
Stone Pickaxe 石鎬
Stone Shovel? ?石鍬
Stone Sword? ?石劍
String? ? ? ?線
Sugar? ? ? ?糖
Suspicious Stew? ? ? 迷之燉菜
Sweet Berries 甜漿果
Sword? ? ? 劍
Thick Lingering Potion? ?滯留型濃稠的藥水
Thick Potion? ? 濃稠的藥水
Thick Splash Potion? ? ? ? 噴濺型濃稠的藥水
Tipped Arrow 藥箭
Totem of Undying? 不死圖騰
Trident? ? ?三叉戟
Tropical Fish? ?熱帶魚(yú)
Tropical Fish Bucket? ? ? ?熱帶魚(yú)桶
Turtle Shell? ? ? 海龜殼
Uncraftable Lingering Potion? ? ? ? 不可合成的滯留型藥水
Uncraftable Potion? ? ? ? ?不可合成的藥水
Uncraftable Splash Potion? ? ?不可合成的噴濺型藥水
Uncraftable Tipped Arrow? ? 不可合成的藥箭
Undying Totem? ? ? ?不死圖騰
Warped Fungus On a Stick? ? 詭異菌釣竿
Water Bottle? 水瓶
Water Bucket 水桶
Wheat? ? ?小麥
Wheat Seeds? 小麥種子
White Dye? ? ? ?白色染料
Wooden Axe? ?木斧
Wooden Hoe? 木鋤
Wooden Pickaxe? ? 木鎬
Wooden Shovel? ? ? 木鍬
Wooden Sword? ? ? ?木劍
Woodland Explorer Map? ? ? ?林地探險(xiǎn)家地圖
Written Book 成書(shū)
Yellow Dye? ? ? 黃色染料
Agent? ? ? ?智能體
Allay? ? ? ? ?悅靈
Area Effect Cloud? ?區(qū)域效果云
Armor Stand? ?盔甲架
Axolotl? ? ?美西螈
Bat? ?蝙蝠
Bee? 蜜蜂
Black Cat 貓
Blaze? ? ? ? 烈焰人
Brown Mooshroom? ? ? ? 棕色哞菇
Cat? ?貓
Cave Spider? ? ?洞穴蜘蛛
Charged Creeper? ? 閃電苦力怕
Chicken? ?雞
Chicken Jockey? ? ? ?雞騎士
Cod? 鱈魚(yú)
Cow 牛
Creeper? ?苦力怕
Dolphin? ? 海豚
Donkey? ? 驢
Dragon Fireball? ? ? ?末影龍火球
Drowned 溺尸
Elder Guardian? ? ? ? 遠(yuǎn)古守衛(wèi)者
Ender Crystal? 末地水晶
Ender Dragon 末影龍
Enderman? ? ? ? 末影人
Endermite? ? ? ? 末影螨
Evoker? ? ?喚魔者
Evoker Fangs? 喚魔者尖牙
Experience Orb? ? ? ?經(jīng)驗(yàn)球
Fireball? ? 火球
Fishing Bobber? ? ? ? 浮漂
Fox? 狐貍
Frog 青蛙
Ghast? ? ? ?惡魂
Giant? ? ? ? 巨人
Glow Squid? ? ? 發(fā)光魷魚(yú)
Goat? ? ? ? ?山羊
Guardian 守衛(wèi)者
Hoglin? ? ? 疣豬獸
Horse? ? ? ?馬
Human? ? ?人類
Husk? ? ? ? ?尸殼
Illager? ? ? 災(zāi)厄村民
Illager Captain? ? ? ? ?災(zāi)厄隊(duì)長(zhǎng)
Illusioner 幻術(shù)師
Iron Golem? ? ? 鐵傀儡
Item 物品
Killer Bunny? ? ?殺手兔
Leash Knot? ? ? 拴繩結(jié)
Lightning Bolt 閃電
Llama? ? ? ?羊駝
Llama Spit? ? ? ? 羊駝唾沫
Magma Cube? 巖漿怪
Marker? ? 標(biāo)記
Mask? ? ? ? Mask
Mooshroom? ? 哞菇
Mule? ? ? ? 騾
Npc? NPC
Ocelot? ? ?豹貓
Panda? ? ? 熊貓
Parrot? ? ? 鸚鵡
Phantom 幻翼
Pig? ?豬
Piglin? ? ? ? 豬靈
Piglin Brute? ? ?豬靈蠻兵
Pigman? ? 豬人
Pillager? ? 掠奪者
Player? ? ? 玩家
Polar Bear? ? ? ?北極熊
Pufferfish? ? ? ? ?河豚
Rabbit? ? ? 兔子
Ravager? ?劫掠獸
Red Cat? ?貓
Red Mooshroom? ? 紅色哞菇
Salmon? ? 鮭魚(yú)
Sea Turtle? ? ? ? 海龜
Sheep? ? ? ?綿羊
Shulker? ? 潛影貝
Shulker Bullet 潛影彈
Shulker Projectile? ?潛影彈
Siamese Cat? ? 貓
Silverfish 蠹蟲(chóng)
Skeleton? 骷髏
Skeleton Horse? ? ? ?骷髏馬
Skeleton Horseman? ? ? ? 骷髏騎手
Slime? ? ? ? 史萊姆
Small Fireball? 小火球
Snow Golem? ?雪傀儡
Spider? ? ? 蜘蛛
Spider Day? ? ? 蜘蛛
Spider Jockey 蜘蛛騎士
Squid? ? ? ? 魷魚(yú)
Stray? ? ? ? 流浪者
Strider? ? ? 熾足獸
Tadpole? ?蝌蚪
Tamed Wolf? ? 馴服的狼
Trader Llama? 行商羊駝
Tropical Fish? ?熱帶魚(yú)
Turtle? ? ? ?海龜
Vex? ? ? ?惱鬼
Villager? ? 村民
Vindicator? ? ? ? 衛(wèi)道士
Wandering Trader 流浪商人
Warden? ?監(jiān)守者
Witch? ? ? ?女巫
Wither? ? ?凋靈
Wither Skeleton? ? ?凋靈骷髏
Wither Skull? ? 凋靈之首
Wolf? ? ? ? ?狼
Zoglin? ? ? ?僵尸疣豬獸
Zombie? ? 僵尸
Zombie Horse 僵尸馬
Zombie Pigman? ? ? ?僵尸豬人
Zombie Villager? ? ? 僵尸村民
搜集者 :StarCash0032