《Tuesdays with Morrie》The Syllabus

syllabus 課程大綱
blissful 幸福的
sense of rhythm 節(jié)奏感
booming speaker 大音量喇叭(booming 低沉而有回響聲的;speaker 揚聲器)
sweatpant 長運動褲
towel 毛巾
do the lindy to… 和…跳林迪舞蹈(lindy 林迪舞)
conductor on amphetamines 吃了興奮劑的指揮家(amphetamine 苯丙胺(中樞興奮藥))
some old nut 老瘋子
commandeer 強占
asthma 哮喘
a cold burst of wind 一陣冷風(fēng)
choke for air 嗆風(fēng),因嗆風(fēng)而窒息
adrenalin 腎上腺素
stumble inexplicably 莫名其妙地絆倒
startle 使…嚇一跳
to his feet 站起來
insides 身體內(nèi)部
dying 垂死的,瀕死的
urine 尿
put a scope up his rear end and look inside his intestines 做腸鏡;(直譯為:在他的屁股里放入一個窺鏡,看看他的腸子。 rear 后方的,屁股的;?rear end 臀部; intestine 腸子)
biopsy 活組織檢查
calf 小腿肚
zap 打擊(此處指電擊)
an electric char, of sorts 類似于電椅(of sorts:勉強稱得上的)
break the news 宣布消息,說出實情
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS)漸凍癥(全稱:肌萎縮性脊髓側(cè)索硬化癥。amyotrophic 肌萎縮的;lateral 側(cè)面的;sclerosis 硬化,硬化癥)
Lou Gehrig's disease 盧·格里克氏癥,即漸凍癥(是以偉大的棒球運動員盧·格里克命名,他得了此疾?。?/p>
brutal 殘忍的
unforgiving 惡劣的,不利的
Is it terminal ? 是晚期嗎?
pamphlet 小冊子
go about their business 做他們自己的事(go about 著手做)
parking meter 汽車停放計時器
grocery 食品雜貨
normalcy 常態(tài)
Now what? 現(xiàn)在該怎么辦?
garage 車庫
trip 絆,絆倒;
cane 手杖
walking free 自由行走
theology 神學(xué)
hobble 蹣跚
fatal illness 絕癥(fatal 致命的)
work its way up 一路向上
thigh 大腿
trunk 軀干;trunk muscle 軀干肌
limp husk 松軟的外殼
cluck a tongue 動動舌頭,出出聲(cluck 咕噥聲;tongue 舌頭)
flesh 皮膚,肉
wither up and disappear 枯竭下去直到消失(wither 使…枯萎)
demise 死亡
soothe 減輕…的痛苦
stiffness 僵硬,生硬
shrink down 漸少(shrink:變小,減小,收縮,回避,離開)
curb 馬路牙子
The cane was exchanged for a walker. 手杖換成了助行器。(walker:助行器)
urinate 排尿
beaker 寬口陶器
inviting 吸引人的,美好的,令人向往的
vibrate 縈繞
fight time 爭取時間
tribute 致敬
ageless 不老的
tender sequoia 嫩紅杉(tender:年輕的)
“my dear and loving cousin…?
?Your ageless heart?
?As you move through time, layer on layer,?
Tender sequoia… ”
? ?你那顆不老的心