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2023-09-15 16:44 作者:ELAMUS_  | 我要投稿

「You’re seeing the whole world as an economic arena, that is just as vicious and deadly as the military war the Russia is fighting against NATO in Ukraine.」

Playing an old trick:

The way to mobilize a population to support a ‘war’ is to say that their country is under attack.

??News depicting China as attacking the US.

「US’s nominally fighting Russia in Ukraine, but actually fighting Germany and Europe using the fight against Russia to lock in its control over its European allies.」

Blame China for the fact the US is de-industrializing:

While TRUTH is what used to be industrial capitalism has turned into finance capitalism:

AND US is trying to deny its responsibility for causing this shrinkage of American living standards. AND China, because it’s a success, independent from the US, and is growing and keeping its wealth at home, is easily chosen by the US capitalists steering the system to be labelled as external ‘enemy’.

US now say that every country doing the opposite of US should be responsible for its de-industrializing.


US, England and Europe

Actively subsidizes industrial?modernization and invests in public infrastructure.

Privatizing public infrastructure and turning into monopolies to create monopoly-rent instead of provide infrastructure services… at a subsidized rate

Yellen distorted this into??

「I’ve also seen China’s decision to pivot away from market reforms toward a more state-driven approach that has undercut its neighbors and countries across the world. This has come as China is striking a more confrontational posture toward the United States and our allies and partners – not only in the Indo-Pacific but also in Europe and other regions.」

This is a big LIE for: A market reform does NOT mean a state doing nothing. Every economy is a mixed economy.

SO by telling this, US is also trying to justify its non government investment in infrastructure and all planning to be shifted to Wall Street and the banks, MOST IMPORTANTLY, preventing other countries from becoming prosperous by government investment and support of their industy.

「China has long used government support to help its firms gain market share at the expense of foreign competitors. But in recent years, its industrial policy has become more ambitious and complex. China has expanded support for its state-owned enterprises and domestic private firms to dominate foreign competitors. It has done so in traditional industrial sectors as well as emerging technologies. This strategy has been coupled with aggressive efforts to acquire new technological know-how and intellectual property – including through IP theft and other illicit means.」

US‘s economic approach to China has 3 principle objectives:

(1)Protect human rights:

To break up China, to have each ethnic group separated, so that it doesn’t have a single government anymore and will be free for all of privatization and monopolization.

(2)Concerns over OUR security and values:

Ability to defeat other countries militarily;

Able to get rich and other countries should not have any role to play except being US’s customers

(3)Use economical war to gain competitive/economical advantage.

Turn technology into a rent-seeking monopoly, especially military technology, to prevent other countries having the technology to defend themselves: IP

METHODS: trade sanctions and investment sanctions「in the pretence of NATIONAL SAFETY, which is actually the ability of the US to control other countries」

The Treasury Department has sanctions authorities to address threats related to cybersecurity and China’s military-civil fusion. We also carefully review foreign investments?in the United States for national security risks and take necessary actions to address any such risks. And we are considering a program to restrict certain U.S. outbound investments in specific sensitive technologies with significant national security implications.

「The 3 dominant players in the global memory chip market: Micron, Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix」

US PLAN: TO use a national security ‘rhetoric as an excuse for economic warfare.

耶倫:“南方國家應拒絕償還外債”,背后的原因讓人暖心【赫德森-另類視野】的評論 (共 條)

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