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2023-08-12 10:59 作者:V毒發(fā)作  | 我要投稿


在初步查詢資料后發(fā)現(xiàn),許多媒體都說蝶豆花有收縮子宮/抗凝血的功能,但是并沒有列出參考文獻。有些文章說原因是蝶豆花含有的高劑量花青素,有些說是因為一種叫蝶豆肽的物質(zhì)。其中花青素大概率是沒有問題的,因為許多常見的水果蔬菜都含有大量的花青素(比如紅莧菜、紫甘藍、藍莓等),而且花青素更是有抗氧化等功能,被列為保健品之一,所以花青素可以初步排除。 這么說來蝶豆肽是更可能的罪魁禍?zhǔn)祝B維基百科都指出,''蝶豆肽具有刺激子宮收縮的作用,因此孕婦不宜食用蝶豆花''。但是這同樣沒有可靠的文獻參考,因為維基百科引用的是:


這么看來維基百科是不能指望了,得自己去查文獻,再以''Cliotide''(蝶豆肽)和''uterus''(子宮)作為關(guān)鍵詞搜索谷歌學(xué)術(shù)的數(shù)據(jù)庫后,在23篇文獻中只找到了1篇在其introduction中提到: "In Cuba, decoctions of (

Clitoria ternatea)

roots and flowers are reported to have emmenagogue properties that promote menstruation and uterine contraction." (1) (在古巴,有報道稱(蝶豆花的)根和花的湯劑具有促進月經(jīng)和子宮收縮的通經(jīng)特性。) 然而,此文章并沒有沒有注明出處,無法證明可靠性。 同時,在歐洲食品安全局的一篇關(guān)于蝶豆花的文章中提到: "EFSA also notes that the available information demonstrates the traditional use of the traditional food (Clitoria ternatea) for food colouring purposes, in Asian countries without apparent adverse health effects. A traditional use of the traditional food for the preparation and consumption of herbal infusions has not been established."(2) (歐洲食品安全局還指出,現(xiàn)有信息表明,在亞洲國家,傳統(tǒng)食品(蝶豆花)用于食用色素的傳統(tǒng)用途沒有明顯的不利的健康影響。該食品并沒有被用于制備和食用浸制草藥的傳統(tǒng)用途。) 也就是說,蝶豆肽本身是沒有收縮子宮的證據(jù)存在的。那么這個謠言出處是哪里呢?在歐洲食品安全局的文章中還提到 " ...indicate possible effects on the immune system and on the uterus for one cyclotide (albeit not detected in Clitoria ternatea)"(2) (......表明一種環(huán)肽可能對免疫系統(tǒng)和子宮產(chǎn)生影響(盡管在蝶豆花中未檢測到)。) (注:蝶豆花中含有的蝶豆肽屬于環(huán)肽的一種) 那么這里的''一些環(huán)肽''指的又是哪些呢?在谷歌學(xué)術(shù)以''cyclotide''(環(huán)肽)和''uterus''(子宮)的搜索包含了392篇文獻。一些文章提到了一種叫''kalata B7''(藍耳花B7)的環(huán)肽,并明確指出了此物質(zhì)有著能讓子宮收縮的性質(zhì): "Recent studies on kalata B7 was reported to induce contractions in human uterine muscle cells"(3) (近日對 kalata B7 的研究表明該物質(zhì)可誘導(dǎo)人類子宮肌細胞收縮) "...the sequence of the native cyclotide kalata B7 was used to design oxytocin-like nonapeptides with nanomolar affinity and selectivity for the oxytocin receptor."(4) (……天然環(huán)肽藍耳花B7的(DNA)序列被用于設(shè)計對催產(chǎn)素受體具有匹配性和選擇性的類催產(chǎn)素肽。)



背景是從此花中提取的環(huán)肽,藍耳花B7) 這么看來這個謠言的來源就比較清晰了:論文發(fā)現(xiàn)藍耳花中提取的一種環(huán)肽有收縮子宮的功能--蝶豆肽是一種環(huán)肽--孕婦和經(jīng)期不能吃蝶豆花。然而,就像歐洲食品安全局的文章中提到的,蝶豆花中并不含此物質(zhì),藍耳花和蝶豆花的親緣關(guān)系也很遠,所以蝶豆花并沒有收縮子宮的功能,孕婦和經(jīng)期能吃。

注:翻評論有看到有人說蝶豆花含有乙酰膽堿,會舒張血管導(dǎo)致大出血所以不能吃。1.乙酰膽堿是一種神經(jīng)遞質(zhì),和血管收縮沒有關(guān)系。低水平的乙酰膽堿和阿茲海默相關(guān),高水平有助于提高注意力和記憶力。2. 隨便找了一篇文章,直接復(fù)制摘要過來,大家自己看吧: ''Treatment with 100 mg/kg of Clitoria ternatea aqueous root extract (CTR), for 30 days in neonatal and young adult age groups of rat, significantly increased acetylcholine (ACh) content in their hippocampi as compared to age matched controls. Increase in ACh content in their hippocampus may be the neurochemical basis for their improved learning and memory.''(5) (與年齡匹配的對照組相比,用 100 mg/kg 蝶豆花根提取物 (CTR) 治療新生和年輕成年大鼠 30 天,其海馬中的乙酰膽堿 (ACh) 含量顯著增加。海馬體中乙酰膽堿含量的增加可能是其學(xué)習(xí)和記憶能力提高的神經(jīng)化學(xué)基礎(chǔ)。) 參考文獻: (1)Nguyen, G. K., Zhang, S., Nguyen, N. T., Nguyen, P. Q., Chiu, M. S., Hardjojo, A., & Tam, J. P. (2011). Discovery and characterization of novel cyclotides originated from chimeric precursors consisting of albumin-1 chain A and cyclotide domains in the Fabaceae family. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286(27), 24275–24287 . https://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.m111.229922 (2)Notification of dried flowers of Clitoria ternatea l. as a traditional food from a third country pursuant to Article 14 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283. (2022). EFSA Supporting Publications, 19(2). https://doi.org/10.2903/sp.efsa.2022.en-7084 (3)Mushtaq, Z., Erum, N., Jamil, A., & Mumtaz, S. (2022). Cyclotides as Potential Bioactive Cyclic Peptides: An Overview. International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences, 224–249. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zahid-Mushtaq-2/publication/363214570_Cyclotides_as_Potential_Bioactive_Cyclic_Peptides_An_Overview/links/6311d9b15eed5e4bd13df939/Cyclotides-as-Potential-Bioactive-Cyclic-Peptides-An-Overview.pdf (4)Koehbach, J., & Gruber, C. W. (2013). From ethnopharmacology to drug design. Communicative & Integrative Biology, 6(6). https://doi.org/10.4161/cib.27583 (5)Rai, K. S., Murthy, K. D., Karanth, K. S., Nalini, K., Rao, M. S., & Srinivasan, K. K. (2002). Clitoria ternatea root extract enhances acetylcholine content in rat hippocampus. Fitoterapia, 73(7–8), 685–689. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0367-326x(02)00249-6?

蝶豆花經(jīng)期和孕婦不能吃是真的嗎?的評論 (共 條)

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