
Everyone is supposed to cheer for good guys. And we should only punish the bad guys. That's not what we always we do. Most of the time, we do indeed reward good people. We also punish people who harm others or who aren't good team players. But somtime good guys also get punished or criticized.Specifically, they are so good. This is baffling. Because it's detrimental【有害的】for group coorperation. However, the phenomenon has been discovered in multiple fields, and it has been found in every societies. Why does this happen? Research suggests a simple reason.When one person looks very good, others look bad by comparision. Those others then have an incentive stopping that personn form looking good, especially if they can't or won't compete. After all, we're all judged in comparison with others. When faced with someone better, what can a normal person do? One option is to actively compete. A second option is to bring that person down【貶低他人】. That is to surpress the cooperation or work ethic, infer selfish motives for their actions or imply real or imagined hypocrisy. Other tactics include attacking them on unrelated dimensions. Or punishing them outright. Why does this matter? Critics often attack the motives that people who protect their environment, donate money or work too hard. Such good deeds are dismissed as native, or hypocritical.