
I remember how Gabrielle Chanel never really said why I was her favorite flower.
Some things though go without saying.
I remember that at age 13, young Coco was said to have been deeply moved by Sarah Bernhardt?’s performance of the Lady of the Camellias.
I remember that Marceu?posed along with his dandy friends would wear me pin to that jacket lapels?as a sign of retirement unity and ambiguity.
I?remember?that after Coco?borrowed the jersey?and?trouser designs from men?’s fashion,she relived?me from?their button?holes.
I?remember how one?day at a?beach in?Etretat?, she had the idea?of slipping me ever?so casually?into the?belt?of her striate?preten?shirt.
I?remember that she?also?loved me, because I?have the delicacy?of not?exuding?any?fragrance, offering women the freedom to?choose?their own.
I?remember?how we were quite alike, she and I, I bloom?in the winter,?always?one?season?ahead, and I?never lose my leaves, allowing me to remain?irresistible?at any age.
I remember how one day mademoiselle?surprised?me?when the lady?asked?what she was?having for breakfast, she answered ,”A camellia”.
I?remember how?Gabrielle Chanel?always?preferred?me in?white, illuminating?any surrounding?like a bouquet?of light.
I?remember the first?time that she pinned?me?to one?of her chiffon?dresses in?1923.
I?remember how?she transformed me to?suit her every fantasy.?I was?embroidered, printed,?engraved, plaited, frayed.?I?was fashioned from?chiffon, satin,?organza,?tweed, feathers.
I?remember my first?diamonds?arranged?like drops?of the dew?on my?immaculate?petals.
I?remember every?last?ring, brooch?buckle, necklace, Suedois?watch and?strand of pearls.
I?remember how I?also bloomed in?ceramic, onyx, coral,?opal, mother of?pearls, sapphire, ruby.
I remember?how Carl Lagerfeld created?the most?magnificent?wedding dress from a bonquet of camellias.
Finally, I?remember?how my petals from perfect?letter?C's that?interlace?and create a double C.
I?remember that?I'm more than just a camellia.
I?am the flower of Chanel.