環(huán)境問題,不太方便錄視頻,先發(fā)個簡單的專欄吧 總結(jié)了平衡性調(diào)整中相對值得關(guān)注的部分 —————————————— 盒子增強(qiáng)了甲、槽位 主炮現(xiàn)在可以使用C65 增加了新的箱子專屬600mm炮——反中小目標(biāo)利器 600mm HESH彈,類似MD機(jī)制,600mmBomb彈,反中小船AOE - Increased Cargo Feeder armor to 48cm (was 40). - Added two new small (2x2x2) module slots to the aft section of the Cargo Feeder. - Increased size of Cargo Feeder Mount 1 to 6x12x6 (was 4x10x4). - Removed C60 Cannon. - Added C90 Cannon. - Added new ammo types 600mm HESH Shell and 600mm Bomb Shell. ? 拖船減速、250軸削弱,拖船海戰(zhàn)力下滑 - Reduced Tug clipper max speed to 26m/s (was 30). - Removed Tug clipper -20% discreteweapon-recycletime intrinsic hull modifier. - Reduced C53 Cannon autoloader capacity to 8 (was 15), HP to 300 (was 350), damage threshold to 20 (was 40), and cost to 10 (was 15). - Added C56 Cannon, with same stats as previous C53, with much larger socket size required. ? FFL現(xiàn)在自帶小ARR - Added +20% sensor-sensitivity and -15% sensor-maxposerror intrinsic hull modifiers to Sprinter corvette. ? CL橫向躲炮彈能力削弱 - Reduced Vauxhall Light Cruiser lateral thruster power to 80% (was 90%). ? LN轉(zhuǎn)向加強(qiáng)、大轉(zhuǎn)向引擎7700不再加直線推力,大加速引擎9100長路取消debuff并且加推力,以此鼓勵使用9100 - Increased Bulker LN max turn speed to 1.3 (was 1.0) and angular motor force to 750 (was 600). ? C30增強(qiáng),T20T30降價,100炮降價,等離子反甲增強(qiáng),等離子炮塔持續(xù)射速增強(qiáng),等離子100隊整體明顯加強(qiáng) - Increased C30 Cannon autoloader capacity to 24 (was 16). - Reduced C30 damage threshold to 20 (was 40). - Decreased T20 Cannon point cost to 10 (was 15). - Decreased T30 Cannon point cost to 20 (was 30). - Decreased cost of all 100mm shells to 1 point per 250 rounds (was 1 per 100). - Increased T81 plasma cannon autoloader capacity to 8 (was 4) and increased recycle time to 5 seconds (was 4). - Re-tuned plasma damage falloff curve to be more gradual at the start and sharper at the end. ? 導(dǎo)彈添加裝甲屬性,flak對重型彈藥殺傷效果下滑 - Decreased R-2 Pirannah rocket HP to 8 (was 15). - Added new "wall thickness" parameter to missiles. Hits from PD which does not meet or exceed wall thickness will only do 50% component damage. - SGT-3: 2.5cm - CM-4*: 2cm - R-2: 1.5cm - All Mine variants: 2cm - All other missiles/rockets: 0.5cm - Reduced flak burst armor penetration to 1cm (was 5). - Increased 15mm Sandshot armor penetration to 3cm (was 1). - Increased Blast Fragmentation warhead armor penetration to 4cm per increment (was 2). - Increased Blast Fragmentation EL warhead armor penetration to 6cm per increment (was 2). ? 火箭箱增強(qiáng),沒有什么用 - Split CM-4R into 6 rocket (CM-4R6) and 12 rocket (CM-4R12) variants. Existing builds will revert to the 6 rocket variant. - Increased CM-4R* trigger range to 2.25km. - Added 0.1 seconds between each submunition launch for CM-4R* Rocket Container. - Added lead calculations to submunition launcher for CM-4R*. - Rocket containers will now have to shift their velocity vector to point at the target before they can release submunitions. - Rocket containers will now trigger on chaff and active decoys. ? OSP沒收EO,新增三頭龍箱子和專用輔助箱,箱子削弱的同時上下限進(jìn)一步拉大 - Locked Electro-Optical seeker and HEKP warhead to Alliance faction. OSP missiles with these modules will silently fail to install them, though you will notice a point drop. - Added an additional seeker/support slot to CM-4 container missile body. - Removed ability to add support modules to the warhead slot of the CM-4 body. - Added CM-S-4 body with support slot replacing warhead and a small combination support/warhead/seeker slot at the front. - Increased CM-4 and CM-S-4 engine speed upper bound to 275 m/s (was 225) and maneuverability upper bound by 50%. - Decrease Container Bank Launcher time between launches to 0.5 seconds (was 1.5). ? Wake驗證降價,關(guān)發(fā)動機(jī)仍然持續(xù)15秒可驗證,但是正面約120度不再有wake信號 - Reduced cost of WAKE validator to to 0.5 points (was 1). - Ship main engines will now remain detectable by WAKE seekers for 15 seconds after emission stops. - Fixed validating WAKE seekers validating targets from all aspects instead of just the stern aspect. ? DC倉庫有了一隊DC隊 - Increased Large DC Storage DT to 30 (was 15). - Added 1 repair team to Large DC Storage. ? OSP增加了昂貴但是多用途且強(qiáng)大的DC complex - Added Damage Control Complex compartment. ? 增加了新的彈藥庫種類——堡壘彈藥庫 - Added Citadel Magazine compartment. ? 魚雷炮塔變硬 - Increased TLS-3 HP to 350 (was 175). ? Grazer砍廢了 - Changed P60 'Grazer' PDT to fire a single 75 damage pulse with 3cm armor penetration and 7 second cooldown time. - Increased P60 'Grazer' PDT power requirement to 1500 (was 750). ? EA99漲價 - Increased EA99 Active Decoy cost to 8 (was 4). ? 女獵手電量增加,但是有了4x燒穿能力——但是燒穿損壞率與傷害較高 - Increased Bulwark Huntress radar power draw to 2000kW (was 1200). - Added 4x burnthrough capability to Bulwark Huntress radar, with 33% probability of receiving 50 damage. ? LRT進(jìn)一步加強(qiáng) - Increased aperture size of R400 LRT to 100 (was 70). ? J360降價 - Decreased J360 jammer cost to 75 (was 100). ? OSP的BW2000發(fā)電引擎加強(qiáng) - Increased power output of BW2000 Drive to 2000MW (was 1500). ? OSP新增了艙室槽發(fā)電機(jī),但是是廢物 - Added Jury-Rigged Reactor compartment. ? OSP增強(qiáng)反應(yīng)堆危險性大幅度提升 - Increased Boosted Reactor rare debuff chance to 25% (was 10%). ? 通訊干擾加強(qiáng),有限,但是對小船群有限制 - Fixed multiple ships within the same comms jamming cone being able to communicate with each other and thus not being determined to be isolated from the larger network.