Aviation /?e?vi?e??n/ n.航空
aerobatic /?er??b?t?k/ a.特技飛行的?
aerobatics /e?r?'b?t?ks/ n.特技飛行?
aerodynamics /,?roda?'n?m?ks/ n.空氣動力學?
aeronautical /?er??n??t?kl/ a.航空的,航空學的?
aileron /?e?l?rɑ?n/ n.副翼?
aircraft n.航空器?
airfoil /?erf??l/ n.機翼,螺旋槳?
airframe n.機身?
airline n.航線?
airport n.機場?
airspace n.領(lǐng)空,空域?
airways n.航空公司?
altimeter /?l?t?m?t?r/ n.測高儀,高度計?
ambit /??mb?t/ n.范圍,環(huán)境變量?
anti-icing n.防冰?
approach n.進場,進近階段?
attitude n.姿態(tài)?
autopilot abbr.(= automatic pilot) n.自動駕駛儀?
aviator /?e?vie?t?r/ n.飛行員?
avionics /?e?vi?ɑ?n?ks/ n.航空電子設(shè)備,航空電子學?
bank n.傾斜 v.傾斜飛行?
belly n.腹部?
burner n.燃燒室?
ceiling n.最高飛行限度,絕對升限?
checklist n.檢查清單?
clearance n.出入港許可證?
certificate n.證書,執(zhí)照?
certification n.證明,保證?
cockpit /?kɑ?kp?t/ n.駕駛艙?
CVR=cockpit voice recorder n.座艙通話機器?
collision /k??l??(?)n/ n.碰撞?
compressor /k?m?pres?r/ n.壓氣機?
copilot n.副駕駛員?
cowling /'kaul??/ n.整流罩?
crosswind n.橫風,側(cè)風?
deicer /di?a?s?r/ n.除冰器,除冰劑?
DME=distance measuring equipment n.測距儀?
downwind a.順風的 ad.順風地?
elevator n.升降舵?
empennage /?emp?n?d?/ n.機尾,尾翼?
enroute /ɑ?n?ru?t/ n.航路 a.ad.在航?
FAA=Federal Aviation Administration n.美國聯(lián)邦航空管理局?
FBO=Fixed-base operator n.固定基地運營商?
flap n.襟翼?
fuselage /?fju?s?lɑ??/ n.機身?
GAMA /'ga:m?/ =General Aviation Manufacturer Association n.美國通用航空廠商協(xié)會?
glide /ɡla?d/ n.v. 滑翔,滑行?
hangar /?h???r/ n.飛機棚?
heading n.航向?
headwind n.逆風,頂頭風?
helicopter n.直升機?
helipad n.直升機停機坪?
indicator n.顯示器?
inlet n.進氣道?
ILS=instrument landing system n.儀表著陸系統(tǒng)?
logbook n.飛行日志?
maintenance /?me?nt?n?ns/ n.維修,保養(yǎng)?
nacelle /n??sel/ n.引擎艙?
navaid /?n?ve?d/ n.助航系統(tǒng)?
nose n.機頭?
nozzle /?nɑ?zl/ n.噴嘴?
payload n.商務(wù)載重量?
port v.左旋舵?
preflight a.起飛前的?
propeller /pr??pel?r/ n.螺旋槳,推進器?
pressurization /?pre??r??ze??n/n. n.增壓,氣密,增壓泵?
radar n.雷達?
ramp n.斜坡,飛機舷梯?
rivet /?r?v?t/ n.鉚釘?
rotorcraft /?rot?kr?ft/ n.旋翼飛機?
RPM=revolution per minute n.轉(zhuǎn)速(轉(zhuǎn)每分)?
rudder /r?d?r/ n.方向舵?
runway n.跑道?
shaft /??ft/ n.傳動軸?
skin n.蒙皮?
slats n.翼縫?
spoiler /?sp??l?r/ n.擾流板?
stabilizer /?ste?b?la?z?r/ n.穩(wěn)定器,安定面?
stall n.v.失速?
starboard /?stɑ?rb?rd/ v.右旋舵?
stick n.飛機操縱桿?
switch n.電門?
tailwind n.順風?
taxi n.滑行?
taxiway n.飛機滑行道?
throttle /?θrɑ?tl/ n.油門?
thrust n.推力?
touchdown n.著陸,降落?
transponder /tr?n?spɑ?nd?r/ n.應(yīng)答機?
trim n.v. (使)飛機配平?
turbulence /?t??rbj?l?ns/ n.湍流?
turbine /?t??rba?n/ n.渦輪?
tyre n.輪胎?
upwind a.ad 逆風,迎風?
vector n.航向 v.引導?
vibration /va??bre??(?)n/ n.震動?
visibility n.可見度?
VFR=Visual Flight Rules n.目視飛行規(guī)則?
waypoint n.航路點?
windscreen/windshield n.擋風玻璃?
yoke n.飛機操縱桿?
air traffic control (ATC) 空中 交通管制
air traffic controller 空中交通管制員?
airspeed indicator 空速表?
arresting gear 制動裝置?
belly landing 機腹著陸?
business aircraft 公務(wù)機?
business jet 公務(wù)噴氣式飛機?
cargo hold 貨艙?
collision avoidance system 防撞系統(tǒng)?
compressor blades 壓氣機葉片?
control surface 操縱面(升降舵、方向舵等可動部件)?
control tower 塔臺?
corporate aircraft 公務(wù)機?
corporate aviation 商業(yè)航空?
cruising /?kru?z??/ speed 巡航速度?
course deviation indicator 航偏指示器?
delta wing 三角翼?
electrical system 電氣系統(tǒng)?
emergency exit hatch 緊急出口窗?
empty weight 空重,自重?
engine surge 發(fā)動機喘振?
engine shutdown 停車?
engine flame out 發(fā)動機熄火?
fan blades 風扇葉片?
flap angle 襟翼角?
flap setting 襟翼調(diào)整?
flight attendant 空乘?
flight control system 飛行操縱系統(tǒng)?
flight data recorder 飛行數(shù)據(jù)記錄儀,黑匣子?
force landing 迫降?
fuel tanks 油箱?
fuel lines 油路(管)?
fuel lines 油泵?
gear locked 起落架鎖定?
general aviation 通用航空(私人飛行、飛行培訓、農(nóng)業(yè)航空等民用航空)?
glide slope 下滑道,滑躍角度?
gross weight 總重,毛重?
hydraulic /ha??dr??l?k/ system 液壓系統(tǒng)?
identity interrogation /?n?ter??ɡe??(?)n/ mode 識別詢問方式?
instrument panel 儀表板?
laminar flow 層流?
leading edge flaps 前緣翼縫?
maximum level speed 最大平飛速度?
minimum turning radius 最小轉(zhuǎn)彎半徑?
oil pressure indicator 滑油壓力表?
oil temperature indicator 滑油溫度表?
pilot in command 機長?
power plant 發(fā)電廠,發(fā)電機?
radio altimeter 無線電高度表?
sideslip landing 側(cè)滑著陸?
service ceiling 實用升限?
stalling speed 失速速度?
spoiler down\up 擾流板放下、打開?
the air inlet 進氣道?
the front part 前部?
the rear part 后部?
the inboard engine or inboards 內(nèi)側(cè)發(fā)動機?
the outboard engine or outboards 外側(cè)發(fā)動機?
the leading edge 機翼前緣?
the trailing edge 機翼后緣?
the wing tip 翼尖?
the full flap position 全襟翼位置?
the nose wheel 前輪?
the LP and HP compressors 低壓和高壓壓氣機?
thrust reversers 推力換向器?
to dire 俯沖?
to level off 拉平?
to extend the flaps 放下襟翼?
to retract the flaps 收上襟翼?
to give full throttle (or power) to the engine 全油門?
to set the engine to idle 發(fā)動機怠速?
to throttle up\down the engine 加、收油門?
transponder receiver 應(yīng)答機接收器?
transponder decoder 應(yīng)答機譯碼器?
transponder encoder 應(yīng)答機編碼器?
transponder transmitter 應(yīng)答機發(fā)射器?
vortex generators 渦流產(chǎn)生器?
weight and balance 載重與平衡?