2023-03-05 12:36 作者:黑鯊國際戰(zhàn)術組 | 我要投稿

神跡艦隊、黑鯊第29艦隊·航母編隊、蒙德摸魚大隊共同開展UN維和·維護世界和平。 這三面維和的旗幟上有艦隊的隊名,代表著神跡艦隊、黑鯊第29艦隊·航母編隊、蒙德摸魚大隊開展UN維和·維護世界和平。
UN Peacekeeping and Maintaining World Peace The Miracle Fleet, the 29th Black Shark Fleet, the Aircraft Carrier Formation and the Mond Fishing Brigade jointly carry out UN peacekeeping and maintain world peace. These three peacekeeping flags have the names of the fleets, representing the Miracle Fleet, the 29th Black Shark Fleet, the Aircraft Carrier Formation, and the Mond Fish Group to carry out UN peacekeeping and maintain world peace.