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Side Story|Maya(15)

2023-08-25 19:03 作者:井下窮河-  | 我要投稿

15-1 "

She was the second born under starlight.? 星光爬上她的面頰,為她披上紫色的外衣。這是第二位誕生于星光之下的少女。 To many of those come to Arcaea, the world once white also appeared as a world of endless day. But, in time, night fell.? 在她之前,已有許多人曾行走在這片名為Arcaea的大地上。不久前,這個(gè)曾只是一片純白色的永晝世界終于迎來了它的第一個(gè)黑夜。 A border between day and night formed.? 至此,一條清晰的邊界將白晝與夜晚分隔開來。 On the darkened side of the border, two new lives drifted down to the earth like fallen stars.? 新生的夜空也曾被點(diǎn)亮兩次,那是兩個(gè)生命從天外漂流而來,就這樣如流星般墜落,來到了這里。 She was the second, and in her very form she showed herself to be a mirror to the first.? 要我說,她就像一枚硬幣的反面,是早于她降臨于此的那位少女的另一面。 A dark and purple-dotted sky, a cloudless firmament, a night with no moons...? 天空被深紫點(diǎn)綴,不見云與月的蹤影。 Maya woke to all this through a blurred view.? 剛醒過來的時(shí)候,摩耶還看不太清楚周遭的事物。 Her eyes were full of tears.? 淚水遮蔽了她的視線。 When she could think, when she could feel, she became overwhelmed by grief and she sobbed into her hands.? 意識(shí)和知覺才剛剛恢復(fù),悲痛便如排山倒海般襲來,致使她痛苦地捂住自己的臉,淚水不受控制地流下——她被擊垮了。 When one comes to this world of glass, they are made anew— Arcaea世界的每一位來訪者都會(huì)迎來自己的重生—— given "nothing" as a blessing, as a kindness.? 「一無所有」其實(shí)是一種福氣,一種善意的贈(zèng)予。 But this place, found after the end, is broken— 但這個(gè)世界并不完美——自"一切的終結(jié)"之后,這個(gè)世界早已千瘡百孔。 in ways it tries to be perfect, but it is a broken place to its core.? 畢竟它已經(jīng)遭受了不可逆的損傷,因此盡管不斷傾盡全力去變得完美,最終也于事無補(bǔ)。 She was born, it seemed, with everything. 這便是她的不幸:她似乎「無所不有」。

15-2 "

She actually welcomed the dark, and felt at ease within silence.? 她其實(shí)并不排斥黑暗。在死寂之中,她反而感到自在。 Whenever a rare ray bounced from the glass fragments surrounding her, instead it seemed to her like sudden intense light in horrible colors had bombarded her vision.? 黑暗中偶爾會(huì)有從周遭的碎片折射出來的光束一閃而過,但在她眼里,這些都是丑陋無比的東西,只會(huì)令她的雙眼感到刺痛及不快。 If a nearby ruin creaked or fell apart, the resulting sounds seemed more like a cacophony of wretched noise accosting her ears: lighter scraping, and the heavier, guttural, almost primordial groans from the earth; with a noise all throughout like high-pitched wind, rising and rising— 每當(dāng)附近的廢墟發(fā)出什么東西坍塌或者破碎的聲音,不論是微小細(xì)碎的摩擦聲,還是大地渾厚低沉的顫動(dòng),她都感覺無比刺耳,好似尖銳的風(fēng)聲一般在耳邊不斷嘶吼,愈演愈烈。 If anything broke the shadow and quietness of the night, memory would accost her.? 若有什么奪走了她所喜愛的夜晚與寧?kù)o,回憶的搖籃也會(huì)將她托舉。 And while she did not belong here, she was nonetheless pitied.? 即使她不屬于這個(gè)世界,世界也對(duì)她無比憐愛。 This unusual girl with two-toned hair and eyes—This strange girl who would often sleep, yet still cry— 這名奇特的少女嗜睡又愛哭,她異色的頭發(fā)與雙眸使她特別。 Arcaea pitied her. Unfortunately, she quickly grew to fear its glass.? Arcaea憐憫她,但很可惜,她并不怎么待見這些喜愛她的碎片。 Shards met with her often enough under the open sky that—although she liked the calm and stillness of the endless night—she began to seek shelter.? 她懼怕這些亮閃閃的東西,因?yàn)樗矚g無盡黑夜的寧?kù)o與深沉。對(duì)以四海為家的她來說,高天即是她的穹頂,但那時(shí)的她迫切需要一個(gè)"藏身之處":碎片不斷地從四面八方涌來,從未消停,她實(shí)在是不堪其擾了。 Maya rested within the fractured shells of buildings, and made herself familiar with any cave in this world she might find.? 斷壁殘?jiān)?,摩耶享受著片刻的喘息時(shí)間,并借此機(jī)會(huì)試圖了解自身所在的洞窟——這已成為了她的習(xí)慣,那就是熟悉這世界上每一個(gè)收留過她的洞穴的情況。 Glass was always there too, yes, but without a clear view of the sky it reflected very little. And besides...she could not—and would not—peer within.? 其實(shí)即便如此,碎片也無處不在,只是相對(duì)來說好忍受一些:沒有了天空的廣袤,碎片并不能折射多少光線,而且她本就不能也不愿去知道碎片里有什么東西。 She would travel through mountains, only seeking peace. She would step through pitch-dark tunnels following forgotten roads.? 她不惜跋山涉水去尋找寧?kù)o,為了遠(yuǎn)離紛擾,再高的山她也敢翻越,再黑的路她也敢踏足。 Until she stepped out of a shadowed hall one day, and her eyes caught sight of the daylight border, so very near. 她就這樣走啊走,走啊走……直到有一日走出一條昏暗甬道的時(shí)候,她終于看到了不遠(yuǎn)處的那一條光與影的邊界。她停下了腳步。

15-3 "

In fact... 實(shí)際上…… Those sounds she heard were screams. Those sights she saw were the cause.? 她聽到的那些聲音是人們歇斯底里的尖叫,而她所看到的那些景象便是罪魁禍?zhǔn)住?Bright light fell from the sky in violent pillars, tearing at the earth.? 明亮的光柱自天而降,撕裂了大地: Her home became ravaged in what she'd hoped would be seconds, but instead it had been a nightmare of hours.? 她的家園毀滅了。她多么希望那痛苦只需持續(xù)幾秒鐘,但實(shí)際上,那是一次長(zhǎng)達(dá)數(shù)小時(shí)的折磨。 Agonizing, she had—she had...? 太痛苦了,好痛,好痛…… She knew people on the other side of the earth, and heard they were dead.? 她認(rèn)得世界另一端的那些人,明白他們應(yīng)該都是已死之人。 She froze under commands from soon-lost voices.? 她聽見有人在命令她,令她僵在原地,但那聲音很快便消散了。 An entire connection she shared with an entire world was lost over a slow, thorough, and merciless course.? 她與那個(gè)已逝世界的一切連接、一切羈絆,都在那場(chǎng)緩慢且無情的災(zāi)難中化為烏有。 And, with it all gone, she had woken up here—alone in Arcaea.? 她失去了一切,隨后才在Arcaea中醒來,仍是孤單一人。 And the horizon before her now was like sunset, or—it was like a world on fire.? 放眼望去,這個(gè)世界遠(yuǎn)處的地平線朱紅一片,似夕陽(yáng),更似火海。 Maya crumpled alone at a tunnel's exit, hearing and seeing things that weren't there.? 終于,在無數(shù)幻聽和幻覺的折磨下,摩耶跪倒在甬道的出口。 She shivered and cried, feeling as if a spike was driving through her heart.? 尖銳的疼痛如利刃穿過心臟,令她痛哭,令她哀嚎,令她反胃。 Through horrid pain, nausea too began to plague her. Horror after horror, all of it impossible to bear, and one thought worse than all others weighed on her mind like an anchor.? 難以忍受的恐慌一波接一波沖擊著她的心智,沒完沒了,而其中最令她不堪回首的更是如巨石般壓得她喘不過氣來。 One truth that seemed ready to almost kill her:? 那令她生不如死的可悲的事實(shí)一遍又一遍地提醒著她: "I am still here." "我還在這里。" And her pain, and her heartache, it all cried out beyond her voice.? 她的痛苦,她的哀怮,無聲但震耳欲聾。 Arcaea would hear all of it. Arcaea聽見了一切。

15-4 "

She sits now at a precipice. Outside, she sits between darkness and light.? 她現(xiàn)正處于一個(gè)邊緣,坐在光與影的交界處。 Inside, a tone blares through her ears as she stares wide-eyed and wanting, wishing to no longer think. 腦內(nèi)的聲音仍沒有停止,撕扯著她的鼓膜,叫囂著。她的雙眼無神地盯著遠(yuǎn)處,乞求自己不再需要思考。 It is too late now. These made mistakes are set and done.? 太遲了,錯(cuò)誤已經(jīng)犯下,悲劇已經(jīng)釀成。 The suffering caused, the damage caused—it is all finished. 造成的再多痛苦和損失,也都成為了歷史。 The past cannot be reset.? 時(shí)光無法倒流,過去無法改變。 But can something be done to heal? Can anything, anything at all, be done for a crying girl? 但……真的什么都做不到嗎?可否拭去她的淚痕,撫平她的傷疤? A single piece of glass drifts down from above.? 一片碎片自上空飄落,緩緩來到她的身邊。 Another. Another. A slow rain of glass falls, until it is a solid wall before and around her, blocking the unseen sun. 兩片、三片……越來越多,如細(xì)雨般,最終形成了一個(gè)繭房般的屏障,將她隔絕于陽(yáng)光之外。 Take her mind away?? 讓她喧鬧的想法平靜下來? No, it can't be done.? 不,不行。 Distract her, coax her?? 分散她的注意力?抑或是好好哄哄她? She is too distracted by herself.? 她的注意力已經(jīng)很渙散了。 What to do for her? What to do, what to do... 怎么辦?該怎么辦…… The glass uncharacteristically dims. Parts of its shard wall fold down almost like fabric with innumerable parts until she is covered.? 碎片一反常態(tài)地暗了下來,由它們組成的屏障像細(xì)膩柔軟的布料開始朝下折疊,直到將她完全包住。 What a silly thing—for glass to think itself soft.? 真是令人哭笑不得啊,怎么會(huì)有玻璃覺得自己是柔軟的呢。 But, odd...But, still: Maya flinches once, and she lifts her head.? 但奇怪的是,摩耶抬起了頭。盡管畏縮了一下,她最終還是抬起了頭…… She finds memory in these shards. 她看到了碎片中的那些東西:記憶。 These shards hold memories of others. She finds memories of sorrow, of hurting, and of humans' faults.? 碎片中承載的那些記憶的主角都另有其人,她看到了所承載的那些悲傷和苦痛,看到了人們所犯下的那些錯(cuò)誤。 It is all that Arcaea can show to her, and she watches... Arcaea沒有其他能給她看的回憶了,而她就這樣靜靜地看著…… ...not bloodshed, not battle, not war...? 沒有血流成河,沒有刀山火海,也沒有槍林彈雨。 ...but people alone in their pain, nobody there to share it or understand.? 只有痛苦、孤獨(dú)而又無助的人們,無依無靠,無人可以訴說,更無從談起撫慰。 What can one do when they know they are alone? 是啊,孤獨(dú)這樣的絕癥,又怎會(huì)有藥可醫(yī)? She thinks.? 她思索著。 She sees men and women, girls and boys, all crying.? 她看到了形形色色的人,男女老少,無一不是淚流滿面。 She sees people near the end, with faded photographs in their hands and faint smiles on their faces. 她看見了那些大限將至的人們,無力地笑著,手中還攥著早已褪色的相片。 That is the message from this world to her.? 這便是這個(gè)世界想要向她傳達(dá)的: You may feel you will never smile again. You may feel you want to quit.? 你覺得自己再也不會(huì)感到開心了。你覺得不如就此放棄。 But what is the point in that? 但何必要如此呢? The past is behind you, but it has left marks upon you that you cannot erase. Some, perhaps many, are marks that you left there yourself.? 過去確已過去,它的烙印并不會(huì)消失,不過有一些、甚至說大部分"烙印",其實(shí)是你自己給自己上的枷鎖。 But you are still here.? 你不是還活著嗎? A world is gone, and you are still here. 那個(gè)世界的確毀滅了,但你仍在這里。 ... …… ...Please. 求求你…… Stay here. 留下來吧。

15-5 "

"'Stay'...?" "'留下來'……?" A whisper for a whisper. Her voice cracks with this: her first word within Arcaea.? 一聲低語回答了另一聲低語——這是她自來到這個(gè)世界后第一次開口講話。 Through a stinging, dry throat, she repeats half of what she heard. 雖然聲音因?yàn)楹韲档母蓾吞弁炊@得十分沙啞,雖然只是用幾不可聞的聲音重復(fù)部分她所聽到的低語…… She bites down and grimaces. She drags teeth against teeth. 她用力咬緊了牙,她的表情因此扭曲。 Her response to the care the world has shown her...? 這個(gè)世界給予了她許多關(guān)愛…… ...is resentment.? 而她對(duì)此的回應(yīng)只有忿恨。 She sharpens her gaze, peering more closely into the mirrored wall before her. The images shift as the glass moves.? 她的眼神變得銳利,怒視著面前那塊用碎片組成的屏障,碎片中的景象正隨著碎片的移動(dòng)而更替: Shards of Arcaea find her new glare and present themselves.? Arcaea發(fā)覺她心境的變化后也隨之改變了。? Moods somber or gentle are all pushed aside... 現(xiàn)在,陰郁或溫婉的情緒都被拋擲一旁…… The sheet of glass ripples as if struck.? 碎片之海蕩起了漣漪,仿佛受到了沖擊般不再光滑平坦。 Maya watches memories— 摩耶看著那些記憶—— —of a man looking back at himself in a mirror with darkness beneath his eyes.? 那是一個(gè)男人,正在鏡中回望自己,他的眼前一片漆黑。 —of a woman standing at a shore at night, her feet dipped into lapping, shallow water.? 那是一個(gè)女人,站在夜晚的海邊,雙腳浸入不斷拍打著她的水中。 She stares at a necklace in her hand for some time, then eventually holds it out before her and drops it into the sea. 她盯著手中的項(xiàng)鏈看了好一會(huì)兒,最后將它一擲,扔進(jìn)了海中。 —of a young child dressed in a small black suit. Her sister reaches for her hand, only for it to be struck away. 那是一個(gè)孩子,身著黑色的西裝,她的姐姐正準(zhǔn)備挽起她的手,卻被不耐煩地一巴掌拍開。 Maya smiles. She laughs, quietly.? 摩耶笑了。那是一抹無聲卻縱情的笑容。 It's as if these shards are resonating with her—and how terrible if they are. 這些碎片好似在試圖與她共鳴般,想想就覺得可悲。 And of course, they are.? 這些碎片確實(shí)在與她共鳴。 The attempt, the gesture...? 這些嘗試,這些舉動(dòng)…… She wants to spit at it. 她真想狠狠朝它們啐一口唾沫。 As her breaking, twisted heart twists and breaks all the more, the glass hears her misery all the more well, and brings itself closer—turns itself over, piece by single piece— 隨著她破碎而扭曲的心愈發(fā)破碎,碎片所感知到的她的痛苦也越來越強(qiáng)烈,并開始一片片翻轉(zhuǎn),向她聚集、靠攏—— each reflecting more memory than only one: the shards show the other halves of these shattered lives. (####) One by one, growing brighter and brighter...? 越來越多,越來越亮…… ...they begin to show how those lives shattered to begin with. ……它們開始像她展示那些人的生活是如何一步步分崩離析的。 She is gripped by their flashing memories of disaster, folly, and failure.? 他人的苦難、愚蠢和失敗一閃而過,將她的心緊緊攥住。 She is gripped in turn by her own memories of a ravaged world.? 她的世界毀于一旦,這份屬于自己的回憶讓她更加苦不堪言。 She is gripped—physically—by the glass itself as it crawls to her body and binds all around it, twisting about it, tightening and linking like glinting chains until its sharp edges slide up to press at her throat. 碎片毒藤般爬上她的肢體,蔓延、彎折、扭曲,像不懷好意的鐵鏈將她死死纏繞并不斷收緊,直至那尖銳的枝條終于抵著她脆弱的脖頸。 She grins wryly. 但她只是嗤笑著。 A weak heart beats... 那顆在不斷跳動(dòng)的虛弱的心臟…… ...but it is not hers. 根本就不是她的。 The glass shivers. It almost even seems to undulate.? 碎片顫抖了一下,好似一個(gè)人打了個(gè)哆嗦。 The light of the shards is all snuffed out in a second, and as the chain pieces tighten, and tighten over her body— 碎片中的光亮在一瞬間熄滅了,捆綁著少女的玻璃鎖鏈也正不斷收緊,擠壓著她的軀體…… Suddenly, in an abrupt burst of black glitter and a twisting rush of air, the glass all breaks around her,? 突然,黑夜閃爍了起來,一陣扭曲猛烈的氣旋迅速掠過,她周圍的玻璃頃刻間全部碎裂開來。 leaving her to fall to the earth and be once more bathed by the far-off dawn. 她就這么跌落在地上,得以再次沐浴在遠(yuǎn)處黎明溫和的霞光中。 Maya looks up into the dark sky. She looks out at the glowing horizon. She shuts her eyes.? 摩耶抬頭望向漆黑的天空,隨后低頭朝遠(yuǎn)處明亮的地平線看去,然后閉上了眼。 "What...?" "為什么……?" Confusion. Anger. Disappointment.? 困惑,憤怒,失落。 The feelings pour into her shaking fist as the distant light warms her shoulders...? 溫暖的光打在她的肩膀上,讓她的身子暖和了起來。這些情感也都毫無保留地灌注進(jìn)她握緊拳頭的顫抖的雙手。 However, her shoulders soon go cold.? 但是,她很快便不再覺得溫暖。 Cautiously, she opens her eyes once more to darkness.? 她小心翼翼地再次睜開眼,望向周遭的黑暗。 Fragments of Arcaea have found her again, and formed new walls.? 此時(shí),Arcaea又找到了她,又形成了一堵全新的高墻。 A tunnel of shade, a tunnel of glass...? 陰影與玻璃,它們組成了一條全新的通道。 ...leading to distant daylight. 在那通道的盡頭,是星星點(diǎn)點(diǎn)的日光。

15-6 "

"..." "……" Maya pushes herself partway from the ground. She looks into the dot of far light, and no old memories come to her.? 摩耶支起身子,半起身地看著遠(yuǎn)處的那個(gè)光點(diǎn),過去的記憶已不再?zèng)_擊著她的腦海。 She turns her head to gaze behind, and the yawning maw where she stepped from only minutes ago gazes back more dark than ever before.? 她回頭,看見了自己幾分鐘前剛剛從中走出的巨大豁口,比之前更加深不見底,像一張正在打哈欠的大嘴。 In that darkness, something glints now and then. More glass, surely.? 什么東西在那漆黑一團(tuán)中依稀閃爍——碎片吧,不然還能是什么呢。 She lies between, forced to think. 卡在兩個(gè)選擇之間的她再一次被迫陷入了思考。 There is a choice.? 該做出選擇了。 There is a choice here.? 總要做出選擇的。 Let easeful nothingness consume you, or welcome the frightening light.? 要么讓安逸的虛無就這么吞噬你,要么就主動(dòng)擁抱那令人膽寒的光芒。 Maya climbs to her knees and thinks on it.? 摩耶雙膝跪地,思考著。 Angrily, she mutters, "What do you want from me...? To face everything, or to go?" "你到底想要我干什么?面對(duì)一切,還是就此放棄?"她憤怒地問道。 Her question is answered with a question.? 回答她的是另一個(gè)問題。 Faintly, just faintly she can hear it: 她隱隱約約能聽見那個(gè)聲音,它問道: What do you want?? 你想要什么? To that... 對(duì)此,她的回答是…… ...Once, at least, she thought she had answers.? 以前,她覺得自己起碼能夠回答這個(gè)問題。 I want to stop thinking, she'd thought.? 比方說,"我想讓自己紛繁復(fù)雜的思緒安靜下來。" I want to stop remembering.? 又比方說,"我想忘記這一切。" I want to disappear.? "我想從這個(gè)世界上消失。" I want to suffer.? "我想感受痛苦。" I want to be hurt.? "我想被別人傷害。" I want to be happy.? "我想變得快樂。"…… Now that she's been asked again, she finds one of these answers is likely still true. 現(xiàn)在,當(dāng)她再次面臨這個(gè)問題的時(shí)候,她覺得當(dāng)時(shí)給出的答案中的其中一個(gè)很可能仍然正確。 Her memory is not only of the end.? 她所記得的可不僅僅只有"結(jié)局"。 Everything she'd had in life is with her. 她所經(jīng)歷的一切,她都記得。 Most of that short life had been wonderful. Every happy moment added that much more weight to the miserable loss.? 那短暫人生中的大部分時(shí)光是快樂的,但就是如此,這個(gè)損失才顯得尤為慘重。 And guilt... Guilt seems to eternally stain her for being the one to take it all away.? 還有負(fù)罪感……自己是將一切都奪走的人的這種感覺永遠(yuǎn)都將折磨著她。 "..." "……" Silent, she looks ahead again. 她沉默不語,再次將視線投向前方。 Say that you have the chance to be happy, but don't deserve it.? 你可以選擇變得開心起來,但快樂并不是你應(yīng)得的。 Say that you have the chance to face judgment, but deeply fear it.? 你也可以選擇接受審判,但它讓你感到恐懼。 In that dilemma, you may not even feel you ought to have the right to choose.? 當(dāng)你身處這種兩難的境地,你只會(huì)覺得自己實(shí)際上并沒有選擇權(quán)。 But, still, say you came to a choice... To some miracle, where the future for you is presented as two clear paths rather than having you blindly walk only one.? 不過,假設(shè)你必須做出選擇的話,假設(shè)你真能看到擺在你面前的是兩條清晰但不同的道路,而不是一條路蒙眼走到黑,這個(gè)時(shí)候…… What then? 你會(huì)做何選擇? A nebulous age has passed.? 前路不明的時(shí)代結(jié)束了。 An age of uncertainty and empathy—an age brought about by a fool—is over. 飄渺不定與悲天憫人的時(shí)代已是歷史,由一位愚者一手造就的時(shí)代已經(jīng)過去。 Eyes are open, and what clouds flew under half the sky have thinned.? 視野不再狹窄,飛過半邊天的云也已變得稀薄。 The stars have faded. The unseen sun's light has dimmed.? 星光黯淡了下來,陽(yáng)光也不再明媚。 And what Maya wanted as she was bound – to be inflicted with pain at the precipice of despair – was summarily rejected.? 受束縛的她最大的心愿,便是在絕望的高崖之上飽受苦痛折磨,但這樣的愿望并不會(huì)實(shí)現(xiàn)。 She was instead presented with a choice...? 相反地,她得到了選擇的權(quán)利。 ...for Arcaea wanted this. 因?yàn)檫@才是Arcaea想看到的。 She stands up to face a wall of glass.? 她站起身,面前是一堵由玻璃筑成的高墻。 The shards comprising it have all gone black again; no memory is cast out from any one of them.? 墻上的碎片開始變得暗淡無光,從中不再有記憶的片段顯現(xiàn)。 Instead, her own face stares back at her.? 碎片現(xiàn)在所能映射的,便是她的臉龐。 She stares into her two-color eyes, and those eyes drift to the red-bordered petals over her chest... 她看著鏡子里自己異色的雙瞳,隨后又看向她胸前鑲著紅邊的花瓣…… To her right lies one path, and to her left another.? 她的左右兩側(cè)各有一條蜿蜒開來的小路。 Wind passes over her, running through her hair. 風(fēng)從她身邊拂過,從她的發(fā)間逃走。 Inside she feels...new.? 她現(xiàn)在覺得自己煥然一新了。 As if someone has seen her. As if a steady hand has been placed at her back.? 像有人終于察覺了她,像有一只穩(wěn)重的手輕輕搭在她的背上。 There isn't any shame in wanting to be happy...? 想要快樂并不是什么令人羞恥的事…… And there isn't any shame in sadness. 而感到悲傷也同樣不是。 Weigh your heart, weigh reality, and decide.? 直視你的心,直面現(xiàn)實(shí),然后做出選擇,這樣就好。 Maya turns, and begins to step forward. 摩耶轉(zhuǎn)身,向前邁出了第一步。

Side Story|Maya(15)的評(píng)論 (共 條)

昌邑市| 黔西县| 保靖县| 开阳县| 敦化市| 出国| 余姚市| 沭阳县| 天祝| 祁阳县| 德昌县| 吴桥县| 澜沧| 镇原县| 长宁县| 浪卡子县| 资溪县| 平山县| 宁远县| 扎鲁特旗| 米泉市| 洛扎县| 九江县| 谢通门县| 成都市| 邢台县| 陆川县| 南郑县| 城固县| 福安市| 大名县| 宣城市| 安平县| 临泽县| 松潘县| 平阳县| 杂多县| 四平市| 托里县| 柘城县| 普洱|