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Adjusted Characters in Sanguosha 10th August Test

2023-08-22 14:13 作者:我永遠喜歡端木慈玉  | 我要投稿

Hello everyone, I am Hya Hong Tyu! Very glad that you can see this article.

Today, Sanguosha 10th Community has announced new contents about August Test. New JIE?Character 界曹叡/JIE Cao Rui and 4 adjusted characters will join the test, and 3 characters will join 2V2 Mode!

New JIE Character:?界曹叡/JIE Cao Rui

Adjusted Characters: 孫狼/Sun Lang, 龐會/Pang Hui, 唐咨/Tang Zi, 韓遂/Han Sui

The?Characters who be moved from Identity to 2V2: 左慈/Zuo Ci (same with Identity Mode), 靈雎/Ling Ju, 步騭/Bu Zhi

3 new female Characters in this test:?https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv25643646

界曹叡/JIE Cao Rui (Wei 3)

【恢拓】 Expand And Develop


After you take damage, you can order a character to reveal a judgement, if the result is: Red, he recovers 1 life point; Black, he draws X cards. (X is the point of this damage)

【明鑒】 Perceive


1 time in your Play Phase, you can give all hand cards to another character, in his next turn: his hand card limit +1, and he can use extra 1 Attack in Play Phase.

【興衰】 Rise And Fall


Monarch Skill, Limited Skill, when you go into Near Death State, you can ask other Wei Characters to choose whether you recover 1 life point or not in turn. Every character who chooses yes takes 1 no-source damage in turn after this Near Death State is settled. After a character who has Perceive Token kills another character in his turn, this skill is considered as be not launched.

曹叡/Cao Rui

孫狼/Sun Lang (Shu 4)

【鋌險】 Desperation


1 time in every turn, after your Attack chooses targets, you can draw X cards, then order this Attack is invalid to at most X targets. (X is the number of cards in your Equipment Zone +1).

【奔矢】 Darting Arrow


Locked Skill, your Attack Range +1. The Weapon Card in your Equipment Zone is invalid, you only get skill in this Weapon Card. Your Attack has to choose all characters in your Attack Range.

孫狼/Sun Lang

龐會/Pang Hui (Wei 5)

【異勇】 Unusual Bravery?


2 times in every turn, when you are causing damage to other character, you can discard any cards with him at same time. If the sum of points of these cards you discard is: less or same with him, you draw X cards (X is the number of cards he discards); more or same with him, this damage +1.

龐會/Pang Hui

唐咨/Tang Zi (Wei 4)

【興棹】 Shipbuilding


Locked Skill, if the number of injured characters is: no less than?1, you have 恂恂; no less than 2, when you use Equipment Card, you draw 1 card; no less than 3, you skip Judgement Phase and Discard Phase; 0 or no less than 4. the damage your card causes to target +1.

唐咨/Tang Zi

韓遂/Han Sui (Qun 4)

【逆亂】 Insurgency


During your Play Phase, you can use a Black Card as Attack, if this Attack doesn't cause damage, it isn't included in the number of times you use in this phase.

【違忤】 Disobedience


1 time in your Play Phase, you can use a Red Card as Stealing Sheep. (no limit about distance)

韓遂/Han Sui

歡樂靈雎/2V2 Ling Ju (Qun 3)?

【竭緣】 Strive For Fate


When you are causing damage to other character whose life point is no less than you, you can discard 1 Black Hand Card, then this damage +1.?

When other character whose life point is no less than you is causing damage to you, you can discard 1 Red Hand Card, then this damage -1.

【焚心】 Burn The Heart


Locked Skill, when another character takes first damage in this match, you choose:

1. You don't have limit about life point when you launch 竭緣 to reduce the damage;

2. You don't have limit about life point when you launch 竭緣 to increase the damage;

3. You don't have limit about color when you launch 竭緣 to discard the card, and you can discard the card in your Equipment Zone.

靈雎/Ling Ju

歡樂步騭/2V2 Bu Zhi (Wu 3)

【弘德】 Promote Virtue


When you get or lose at least 2 cards at once, you can order another character to draw 1 card.

【定叛】 Suppress The Rebellion


X times in your Play Phase (X is the number of characters in the camp who has most survivors), you can choose a character who has card in Equipment Zone, order him to draw 1 card and choose:1. order you to discard 1 card from his Equipment Zone; 2. get all cards in his Equipment Zone, if he does this, you cause 1 damage to him.

步騭/Bu Zhi


What do you think about these adjusted characters? Which character do you like??

Welcome to comment about them!?

Thank you for seeing here!

Adjusted Characters in Sanguosha 10th August Test的評論 (共 條)

荆州市| 青龙| 家居| 容城县| 古交市| 奉节县| 洛阳市| 天长市| 莱州市| 广元市| 昌江| 水富县| 竹北市| 麻栗坡县| 定安县| 蓝山县| 武胜县| 五大连池市| 玉树县| 崇文区| 本溪市| 五寨县| 伊吾县| 积石山| 石景山区| 邢台县| 永修县| 宾阳县| 康马县| 繁峙县| 焉耆| 盱眙县| 洛隆县| 历史| 吉木萨尔县| 临城县| 石家庄市| 漳州市| 高碑店市| 东安县| 峨眉山市|