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【中英雙語】油管最火博主Emma Chamberlain最近在丹麥接受采訪看秀見

2023-01-26 17:04 作者:Baekayla  | 我要投稿


get my hair done

get my makeup done

when I'm in bed

I promise you (that) ...

work out for everybody

move forward

my very first road trip

come hang out with me in Copenhagen

as I get ready for ...

depending on what type of mood you're in

I'm excited because I just love experiencing new places.

start out

It's gonna happen multiple times.

come off the hanger

That's foreshadowing.

off to the next spot

have a little coffee break

grease marks on my pants

I'm not a trained barista, I'm a home barista.


bang this out

play around

almond milk


on our way up

I'm jet lag.

I'm blocking the view from people.

I love that about places.

It's like the architecture is different, and the view is different.

showroom 展廳

a new collection 新的服裝系列

a sneak peek


It comes in a cardigan.

shot the campaign

I don't go into a show with any expectation.

I want to be shocked and wowed, and see something that I could have never expected.

And that's kind of the magic of going to shows.

It's a golden hour.

I can get used to this.

text my mom

Emma's Copenhagen Tips

When the sun comes up, it's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen here.

The light in the morning is majestic.

【中英雙語】油管最火博主Emma Chamberlain最近在丹麥接受采訪看秀見的評論 (共 條)

鄱阳县| 蓝田县| 讷河市| 安国市| 克拉玛依市| 连南| 大石桥市| 洞口县| 千阳县| 昭苏县| 赞皇县| 开封县| 上思县| 双柏县| 青神县| 本溪市| 广安市| 化隆| 时尚| 米易县| 松阳县| 巴楚县| 红桥区| 博野县| 万宁市| 垦利县| 洞头县| 民勤县| 高青县| 武功县| 新丰县| 淅川县| 甘孜| 灵石县| 浦城县| 留坝县| 鹿邑县| 平远县| 贺州市| 湘潭市| 天等县|