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2023-08-27 22:39 作者:阿米婭官方賬號  | 我要投稿


Arknights #144

#アーミヤ Arknights #144 - Guin @ グイン的漫畫

Brace yourself lads. This Amiya is "different" from the canons.

Likey my workie? Please support me at Kofi~
Ko-fi: http://ko-fi.com/guinguin

Arknights #145

#アーミヤ Arknights #145 - Guin @ グイン的漫畫

......i don't even know why i draw her like this. But, i will keep trusting my head lol. If you like my stupid work, pls do support me at Kofi~ it keeps me going ??

Arknights #146

#アーミヤ Arknights #146 - Guin @ グイン的漫畫

Note that~ this is just fanon~ i am really sorry to Amiya's lovers out there. But trust me on this one haha.

Arknights #147

#アーミヤ Arknights #147 - Guin @ グイン的漫畫

Monday posting~ i really hope this can make your day a bit lively today.

Arknights #148

#アーミヤ Arknights #148 - Guin @ グイン的漫畫

Next, the story of the previous doctor. I will continue this story probably at the end of the month. I need to update my fanbox too. I've been very busy guys.

Arknights #149

#明日方舟 Arknights #149 - Guin @ グイン的漫畫

From here...it's a serious story....don't expect too much coz im bad at these type of stuff. So the progress will be slow. Please bear it with me lads.

Page 2- doctor's quotes: https://youtu.be/eEyNbyztoEo

Arknights #150

#明日方舟 Arknights #150 - Guin @ グイン的漫畫

Likey my workie?
Please support me at Kofi~
Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/guinguin

Arknights #151

#明日方舟 Arknights #151 - Guin @ グイン的漫畫

This took me a lot of time....sorry for that.
P/s: I want to draw the originum stone like that meteorite shard in DnD...but it's hard.

Likey my workie?
Please support me at Kofi~
Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/guinguin

Arknights #152

#明日方舟 Arknights #152 - Guin @ グイン的漫畫

Sorry for the late update.....

Arknights #153

#明日方舟 Arknights #153 - Guin @ グイン的漫畫

For those who didn't know, please read my comic from right to left. I have the habit to start drawing from the right side of the canvas. Hahaha~

Likey my workie?
Please support me at Kofi~
Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/guinguin

Arknights #154

#明日方舟 Arknights #154 - Guin @ グイン的漫畫

Sorry for the late update. I'm still alive, don't worry. It's just i got a lot of things to deal with.

Arknight #155

#明日方舟 Arknight #155 - Guin @ グイン的漫畫

I fail to understand this vampire's behaviour. She's too random...

Likey my workie?
Please support me at Kofi~
Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/guinguin

Arknights #156

#明日方舟 Arknights #156 - Guin @ グイン的漫畫

Need a few more pages to end this arc.

Likey my workie?
Please support me at Kofi~
Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/guinguin

Arknights #157

#明日方舟 Arknights #157 - Guin @ グイン的漫畫

Sorry for the late update. I'll be posting some weird crazy humour again on the next update. I'm not touching the serious plot for a while. I am really busy all the way. So see guys in the next update. Love y'all

Obsidian Festival 1

#明日方舟 Obsidian Festival 1 - Guin @ グイン的插畫

I got the reference from AC Black Flag Lololol~! I'll be making a new series about the Obsidian Festival, my second best event. Just like Grani event, i have a lot of fun doing it. The story will be a lot different from the original one, so i hope you guys would still accept it haha. Once again, thank you so much for the continuous support, guys. Love y'all <3

-Guin2 <(")
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/guinguin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CirclePenguinArt/
Twitter: twitter/LoverGuin
Pixiv: user/12106321

Arknights #3

#明日方舟 Arknights #3 - Guin @ グイン的插畫

Hello~ it's Guin-ny~ I assume that almost everyone here already know what had happened to my patreon right?
"They" got me~ <3 Now i have a "NO-cutesy-naked-mayonnaise stained-loli" sledge hammer stuck on my head. Well i draw naughty stuff, i still got my wrongs there, can't blame them HAHAHA!! <(")
So now i'm migrating to pixiv fanbox~ i hope i got a better chances there.
To all my dear beloved followers and supporters out there~thank you so much for your love and care, and still taking your precious time to look around in Circle Penguin's gallery~

p/s: The financial supports you guys gave to me is also the reason why i am still alive here. Only god knows how grateful i am to ya' all <(") God bless u <3

your truly dedicated skirt-chasing dood



這兩份檔案一會(huì)兒麻煩你審核一下了,有許多新干員加入了羅德島,我們可不能讓他們失望的評論 (共 條)

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