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Main Story|VS 7-8

2023-08-26 23:30 作者:井下窮河-  | 我要投稿

VS-7 "

The illusion of an even match shatters, and with its destruction Hikari's hope finally begins to waver. "戰(zhàn)斗勢均力敵"——這樣的美夢破滅了。與此一同瓦解的,還有光那終于開始動搖的希望。

Without warning, Hikari's storm flies to Tairitsu's side, cloaking the other girl in darkness and light.? 原本由光指引的風暴,毫無任何先兆地朝著對立的側面刮去。陰影與光芒交錯,層疊掩埋起那女孩的身姿。 As they surround her, her eyes shut for a moment—and when they open again, those countless memories unfurl behind her as six gargantuan wings.? 就此碎片纏繞身體之際,她的雙眼忽地緊緊閉上——而就在片刻后,當雙目再次睜開之際,那無數錯雜的回憶,在她的背后形成了六只巨大的羽翼。? Now hanging in the sky in blatant defiance of nature, she lays her sharpened eyes on Hikari.? 屆時,她渾身散發(fā)著對整個自然界的公然蔑視,浮于上空,將尖銳的視線刺入光的瞳孔。? A simple look reveals to Hikari that the path to victory has been nearly closed.? 單單一個眼神便足以讓光心知肚明,她基本已經失去了所有勝算。 She had thought the girl a beast before, and now she sees her as what she is: above, and nigh impossible.? 光曾經錯以為面前那女孩是一頭野獸;此刻,自己終于認清了那女孩的身份:高高在上,絕對無法觸及的存在。? Glass rises up behind her like a gigantic sheet: a skylight, shimmering and clear.? 玻璃碎片在對立的背后升起,這場面好似一張巨型的簾幕:一扇清晰的,宏光閃爍的天窗。? Below, Hikari has little to nothing to fight what will come.? 位于下方的光,幾乎沒有任何東西可以用來抗衡即將到來的一切。 At least, that's how it feels, but...? 至少,這就是她的第一感覺。但是…… No... The girl in black does not have everything. This can be survived. It can!? 不……那純黑的少女還未擁有一切。她可以在這里活下來。必定可以! Hikari takes up twenty memories as the window to the heavens breaks.? 那扇通往天國的窗戶碎裂之際,光從中取下了二十枚記憶。? At first, only a handful of shards hurtle down at her, but they do so rather... slowly.? 最初,只有寥寥幾枚碎片朝著她飛馳而去??墒?,它們卻顯得極為……迂緩。 It disarms her. She starts to think, "this is possible."? 這讓她卸下了重擔。她開始在心中默念:"可能性必然存在。" As though the elaborate display a moment ago was only that: a display.? 就好像頃刻前目睹的那一幕僅僅是這種事情:一場表演。? As before, Hikari shields herself, quickly blocking the falling glass with unshakable focus,? 如同彼時一樣,光將自己穩(wěn)固地防御起來,潛心貫注地抵擋著墜落而下的碎玻璃。 her eyes darting this way and that to keep measure of the flitting, brilliant crowd.? 她的目光不斷左右橫掃,時不時地確認著那群光芒萬丈的碎片正處于什么方位。 It makes her confident—she misses nothing.? 這讓她拾回了充足的信心——她沒有遺失任何事物。 She allows herself a smile.? 她默許一絲笑容出現(xiàn)在自己的臉上。? At the least, she'll be able to run from this.? 就算迎來最壞的局勢,至少她可以從這里順利逃走。 At the least, this won't be the end.? 至少這并不會是屬于自己的終點。?

A single piece then flies to the middle of her chest,? 于是,一片玻璃飛向了自己的胸口正中央。 its delivery interpretable only as a message.? 它的到來,只能被理解為試圖向自己傳遞一則信息。 It had flown faster than any other piece of Arcaea she'd ever seen.? 它的飛行速度,比她曾見到的任何Arcaea都要快上數倍。 The girl above speaks to her through this glass shard: "Enough games."? 正位于上方的另一名女孩,通過這片玻璃碎片,向她說道:"玩夠了。" "And enough wasting time. Give up—and die."? "也不要浪費我的時間了。早點投降——然后死。"

The shard cuts through her dress, and Hikari looks into Tairitsu's eyes.? 那枚玻璃碎片從她的裙邊穿透而過。而光,則望向了對立的雙眼。 The girl in black is smiling now, all the sadness and anger gone from her face.? 那身著黑衣的女孩,此刻正微微笑著。她的臉上,再也見不到一絲憂憤的陰云。 And it's the most frightful thing she's ever witnessed in her life and in her memories.? 但那卻是她畢生的記憶中,最恐怖的事物。? The shard falls out without having reached her skin.? 那一枚碎片并未接觸到光的身體,而是摔落在地面上。? The broken pane whirls into a side-winding tornado.? 毀壞的天窗開始旋轉起來,逐漸形成一柱傾斜的龍卷。 Its mouth barrels down onto her, slicing fabric and skin, but otherwise simply passes by.? 它的血盆大口正準備將她的身體吞噬,割裂了布料與皮膚,但只做到這一步為止,便飛離她的肉體。 In this is one more message: before the end, the girl in black wants her enemy to know where this began.? 這場面,顯然闡釋著另一則信息:在迎來結局之前,那純黑的少女想要自己的敵人清楚一切從何而始。? Fear overwhelms her. In this riptide of glass, rushing and cutting past her in powerful amounts, turning up and swirling as if pulled by a great wind, she is made absolutely afraid.? 恐懼席卷了她的每個細胞。玻璃組成的激流,以龐大的數量呼嘯、切割著她的身體,就像被勁風牽扯般轉動著身軀。她陷入了極度害怕的狀態(tài)。 So petrified, she stands fast and watches.? 好似一尊石像,她只是呆呆地站在原地,注視著一切。? She stands, watching memories of a filthy world.? 她佇立在原地,注視著屬于一個污穢世界的回憶。? Memories of pain, betrayal, envy.? 刻畫著痛苦、背叛、嫉妒的回憶。? Death, suffering, and decay.? 殞命、暴虐、凋零。? Dark. They are only dark. Wherever it is these shards reflect... she sees little light there.? 黑暗。只是純粹的黑暗。不論這些碎片究竟反射了何處的風景……她從中都近乎見不到一絲光芒。 Whatever small sparks she sees fade away in an instant.? 不論是多么渺小的火花,都會在轉瞬間消逝。 This is what the other girl described to her.? 那女孩,也曾將這一畫面這樣描述給自己。? The vile reflections of places gone that had been tormenting her since her awakening— 從蘇醒以來,便一直蹂躪著她。那些污穢至極的倒影—— she would now use them to torment another.? 此刻,她將用相同的事物去蹂躪另一個人。? Glass hooks under Hikari's sleeves and stabs into her skirt.? 玻璃碎片將光的衣袖從里側勾起,刺入她的長裙。 They drag her upward, up into a domain where she can no longer stand.? 它們將她拉至上方——直到自己再也無法倚靠雙足站立。? Tears fill her eyes as an emotion fills her heart: the emotion that comes when recognizing imminent death.? 就像淚水已經盈眶般,那一股情感也滿溢著自己的內心:在人們意識到自己即將死去時,便會來臨的情感。 This is not fear.? 這并不是畏懼。 "Terror" is too little to describe it.? "恐怖"這種詞,毫無用以形容的權利。? Desperation? Hope?? 心灰意冷?滿懷希望? An awful, arresting feeling.? 那種令她感到恐懼的,將自己拘束的感覺。? Her own memories run through her head.? 屆時涌入她腦中的,是屬于她本人的回憶。 It's as if she's searching for one that will stand out— 就好像她在試圖尋找其中的某一段;一段顯得出眾的回憶—— one that will inform her that she's come across something like this in the past,? 一段能夠告知她,自己曾在過去遭遇過類似的噩運,并且成功將其克服——如此的回憶。 and this is how to escape. 從中,她能學到該怎樣逃走。? But nothing comes.? 并不存在。

The black storm rages over torso, cutting with little mercy.? 黑色的風暴狂吼著侵襲著自己的軀體——不帶一絲憐憫地切割著她。 Pure torturous intent, coming closer and closer,? 殘虐,如此單純的意圖。不斷地接近、接近…… as if the intent alone would inflict a fatal wound upon her flesh...? 好似這意愿本身,就足以在她身上留下致命傷痕。? It is unbelievable. 不可置信。? The situation is so far beyond anything she's ever borne witness to,? 這樣的場面,早已超脫了她從誕生至今所親眼見證的任何事物; whether in her own memories of those of others.? 自己親身經歷的,抑或是屬于其他人的。 This disgusting blend of facing the unknown, yet knowing precisely what awaits her on the other side...? 混雜著這種令人厭惡的,面對未知事物時才會出現(xiàn)的感覺,但又對靜候著自己的事物心知肚明……? Horror.? 驚駭。 Not fear.? 并不是畏懼。 Horrific understanding.? 這般驚駭的領悟。? There is no control over glass for her here.? 這里不存在任何受她指揮的玻璃碎片。 Something, anything—an anomaly—a miracle.? 隨便什么,不管什么都好——異象——奇跡。 If something like that appeared, she could make it out.? 隨便哪件事情發(fā)生了,都會是她的救命稻草。 She could step away.? 她就能趁機逃逸。 She could live.? 她就能活下去。? If there was ever a time, it is now, and here.? 若這般展開必然發(fā)生;此刻、此處,便是最佳時機。?

The ground below bursts, as if the world itself is rising up to join the hunt.? 下方的大地開始崩裂,看著就像世界本身也想要加入這場獵殺。 It is now.? 正是此刻。 Now! A shard will come to save her!? 此刻!會有一枚碎片前來拯救她!? She prays with all her being for the will of the world to fly to her side and spare her!? 她真誠地祈禱著——全心全意地禱告,祈求世界的意愿,為幫助她而站到自己的身旁!? For some mechanism of fate, for the wheel of fortune itself, to produce a "god" that will grant her victorious power!? 命運女神也好,幸運之輪也罷,無論是誰——縱然是捏造出一位"神明",賜予她足以創(chuàng)造勝利的力量!? Beg for it. Hope for it.? 哀求著。期望著。 Hold that piece which once brought you salvation close to your bleeding chest once again.? 緊緊握住那片曾經將你救贖的存在,再度貼在你那染血的胸前。 That symbol of rescue, of redemption...? 拯救的象征。象征著靈魂的贖身…… It will surely—!? 它將必然——!? ----? Another shard pierces her body, a hateful stake driving at her heart.? 又一片碎片穿透了她的身體,將那憎惡的火樁捅入了她的心臟。 It does not reach through, does not strike the heart itself. But its message—a final message—does.? 盡管它并未直接傷及她的心臟。但它所懷揣的訊息——那終末的訊息——已經做到了。 One last message from the girl tormenting her: a simple, merciless message.? 從那殘虐著她的女孩那里傳來的,臨終的訊息:簡略,冷血。? "No."? "不。"

The almost lethal blade in Hikari's breast holds the memory of a vast and all-consuming fire.? 那闖入光的心臟,幾乎將她置于死地的利刃,屆時只向她呈現(xiàn)出這般回憶——熊熊燃燒,吞噬一切的烈火。? So close to death, her heart thumps, reminding her she's alive.? 觸手可及的死亡。她的心臟猛地悸動了一下,讓她意識到自己仍然活著。? Her pupils shrink to points.? 她的瞳孔縮小,如同墨點。? Like that memory of flame, her body burns.? 就像那映射烈火的記憶一般,她的身體仿佛被火焰灼燒。 It burns with a fluid, vicious heat.? 伴隨著流淌于空氣中的邪惡高溫,灼燒著。 Pain. Agony. Blood—? 疼痛。痛苦。鮮血——? Her savior shard falls from her hand as she reaches that hand for the terrible wound.? 嘗試將手伸向那可怕的傷口時,手中的救贖碎片也摔落下去。? And then, a jagged piece of glass whirls out of the tempest and finds the back of that hand.? 接著,一枚鋸齒狀的碎片,從暴風雨中席卷過來,刺中了她的手背。? Sound escapes her.? 已經發(fā)不出任何聲音了。? Run twice through, her breath has gone as well.? 身體也被刺中了兩次。如今,她就連呼吸也做不到了。? Her gaze is steady on the trio of unthinkable sights before her.? 她的視線凝固于面前由不可思議的畫面所組成的三重奏。? This reality, horrible and unimaginable as it is, nonetheless "is".? 此般現(xiàn)實。如此地駭人而難以想象,但確實"如此"。 And so her thoughts, too, begin to vanish. 她的思維,也逐漸開始消逝。

VS-8 "

And now, instincts begin to lurch, old and forgotten, in the wake of those thoughts. 而此刻,就在徹底失去思考能力后,光的求生本能終于開始運作——那種古老,曾被遺忘的本能反應。 They haven't yet taken hold, those discarded yet practical sensibilities.? 只是那些客觀實用的求生本能,卻被光悉數拋棄。 They have only stirred.? 它們最后也只是"開始運作"罷了。 She is still afraid.? 她依然感到恐懼。 She clings to hope by a little finger.? 幾乎是只用一根小拇指,卻仍牢牢扣住的希望。? ----?

Somehow, she manages to pull on ten memories to aid her,? 幾乎是莫名其妙地,她居然成功將十枚回憶召喚至自己身旁, striking out the needle-glass that had been keeping her in the sky.? 把那些將她身體固定于半空中的細針狀玻璃皆數撞開。?

Ingloriously she drops to the now-deformed ground,? 以如此不光彩的方式,摔落到扭曲崩裂的地面上, her chosen pieces afterward hovering over her crumpled, aching body.? 隨后,她所選中的碎片們,圍著她傷痕累累的身體繞起圈來。 Oddly enough, she finds herself smiling now, too.? 足夠奇怪的是,她發(fā)現(xiàn)今朝的自己也同樣微笑著。? She pushes herself up with her left hand.? 她借助左臂將身子撐了起來。 For all the enmity evident in Tairitsu's assault, she had taken too much pleasure in inflicting torture on her enemy's body, rather than inflicting any sort of mortal blow.? 從對立的攻擊中透露的敵意清晰可辨,可她過于享受摧殘自己敵人的肉體,以至于遲遲未下任何殺手。? Even the shard now in Hikari's chest, so near to her beating heart and flickering with horrid, wrathful flame, did not do the deed.? 哪怕是在此刻存留于光胸腔中的碎片,是那么靠近她那跳動的心臟,讓她經受了那么耀眼,駭人,憤怒的烈焰——哪怕已經做到這一步,卻仍未致命。? Maybe it wasn't intended to.? 或許這并不是對立的初衷。 Regardless, Hikari is still alive.? 但不管怎么回事,光清楚自己仍然活著。?

She feebly sends forth an attack, which is quickly swatted down by the girl flying above her.? 她虛弱地送出了一波攻勢,卻被上方正翱翔于空的那位女孩輕而易舉地撲滅。 That girl now looks worse than any described devil Hikari has heard of in old memories.? 光所聽聞的古老回憶中,完全不存在像那女孩一般可怕的惡魔。?

A veritable dark queen, ruling night in a world of day.? 她是名副其實的女王,在這白晝的世界中統(tǒng)治著黑夜。 That ecstatic, yet obviously empty smile...? 那絲展露著狂喜的微笑,卻空虛得毋庸置疑……? Seeing this, Hikari can feel it: how her own feelings are beginning to slip away.? 望見這幅景象后,光也終于能體會到相同的事物:自己心中的所有情感,是如何邁向毀滅的。? Stark reality is sobering her more and more, and rather than dread it, as she had been only minutes—no, seconds ago,? 鮮明的現(xiàn)實只會讓她變得愈發(fā)清醒,而不是使她更加畏縮,譬如她在幾分鐘前的心理狀態(tài)——不,幾秒前。 she begins instead to register each fact present to the situation.? 她開始認知起當今形勢中存在的每一件事實。? Slowly—or, as slowly as Tairitsu will allow. 緩慢地——或者說,是在條件允許的情況下,盡可能緩慢地認知著事態(tài)。 Her attack is unending.? 對立的攻勢,在此期間從未停歇。? Shifting her body left and right, guarding her weakest areas with what few memories remain to her,? 將身體左右挪移,用僅剩的回憶去保護自己肉體最脆弱的部位。 Hikari examines their field of battle. 同時,光觀察著二人如今的戰(zhàn)場。?

It has been torn asunder, and now looks more a wasteland than ever before.? 面前的景象是如此殘敗不堪?,F(xiàn)在的這里,比從前的任何時間都更像一片"荒原"。 Ripped, ruined all through, like a town in the aftermath of military bombardment.? 被撕裂的地面,處處都只留下殘亙斷瓦。這里簡直是一座被嚴重轟炸過的城鎮(zhèn)。 The glass around them is uncountable. The power Tairitsu has is immeasurable.? 環(huán)繞著她們二人的玻璃根本無法計數。對立所擁有的力量更是不可估量。? Hikari herself is weak.? 光的自身,太弱小了。 Not only in terms of strange abilities and control over glass—her body has been run ragged.? 并不只是指代自己控制玻璃碎片的能力——衣衫襤褸的她,渾身本就受滿了傷。 She doesn't have much left before she falls from weariness alone.? 她早就沒剩下多少耐力——光是疲勞便足以戰(zhàn)勝她僅剩的神智。? Perhaps she could find an anomaly, but say she couldn't.? 也許她仍可能找到一場異象,但此刻只可假設她做不到。 What then?? 所以在這之后,她又得去尋找什么? She couldn't, so "then" is "now".? 她做不到。既然她做不到,那就不存在任何假設的必要。? So?? 于是? How do you go on when the way is completely obstructed?? 前進的道路都徹底毀了,你還怎么向前走? Should you...? Go on?? 再者,你甚至……該向前走嗎?? Glass strikes her shoulder, shining with light.? 玻璃閃耀著光芒,沖擊著她的雙肩。 Hikari stares into its reflection.? 光凝視著玻璃反射的畫面。 So, the other girl can control light too, now.? 所以,那個女孩現(xiàn)在和她一樣,也能控制光芒了。 Well...? 那好……?

She decides to think over what she's observed once again.? 她再度企圖重新思考自己所觀測到的一切。 She recognizes that she could die here, or she could not.? 她明白自己可能會死在這里,但也可能不會。 These are the two possibilities, and knowing that, she finds herself in acceptance.? 留給她的只有這兩個可能性。知曉這一事實后,她發(fā)現(xiàn)自己逐漸認同了自己的命運。? This could be the end.? 這里確實可以是她生命的終點。? In a moment, this could all be over.? 只需剎那間的功夫,這一切就都能落幕。 And while she'd rather it not, she can't help but echo the idea: "So it goes."? 而每當她祈求這不要變成事實的時候,她卻做不了任何事。她只能重復這樣的想法:"別無他路可走。" After thought, hope, and feeling...? 在丟失了思維、希望與感官之后…… determination is the last to fade from her.? 意志是最后離開她的事物。? ----? This.? 還沒有。? This...? 還沒有……? This is not... a laying down of arms.? 還沒有……到屈服的時候。 No...? 不要……? When she pulls the shard from her hand, her eyes briefly dazzled from the white flames licking up and searing closed her wound,? 當她將先前刺入手中的碎片狠狠拔出后,燃起的純白火舌瞬間便吞噬了她的傷口,不禁使她一陣眼花目眩。 she does not press it to her neck.? 她并未將手按壓在自己的脖子上。? She would certainly prefer to live... but she would not mind.? 她顯然會寧可活下去……但她并不會介意。 She wouldn't mind, with the odds being so impossible.? 她不會介意,畢竟奇跡發(fā)生的可能性是那么渺小。? Hikari stands in the wind of blades, barely a shard in her employ.? 光直立于刀刃的狂風之中。聽從她指揮的碎片,近乎不存在。 She can't discern Tairitsu's face anymore.? 她已經無法再辨認出對立的臉。 Her domain has become pandemonium, and seeing through it is too difficult.? 她所身處的區(qū)域已經騷動不堪。若想讓視線穿透這些碎片,實在是過于艱難。?

Eventually, while trudging through the flying glass, Hikari notices that some segments of the whirlwind are reversing in fits and starts.? 最終,就在試圖緩慢穿過飛舞的玻璃時,她留意到風暴的某些部分正在整齊地逆旋。 The bizarre movement is so unnatural she genuinely wonders if the girl above her is doing it on purpose.? 這樣不自然的怪異現(xiàn)象,讓她自心底懷疑這是不是上面那女孩的有意之舉。? It's reminiscent, she thinks, of a skipping video.? 就像是正在跳幀的視頻,她如此聯(lián)想。 It isn't any better or worse than the bullet curtains she's been facing so far, but it is quite peculiar.? 盡管與自己曾遭遇的彈幕相比,這種現(xiàn)象并沒有好壞上的區(qū)別。但它的確顯得過于古怪了。? The earth quakes.? 地面猛烈震蕩起來。? She utters a "Wha...?" as she feels it.? 感覺到這一跡象知識,她脫口而出一句"什……" The earth, quaking?? 地面在……震動? Here?? 就在這兒??

It could be that the ground will break again.? 很有可能是地表將要再一次開裂。 Thinking that, Hikari shields her face and chest with her arms.? 這個念頭浮現(xiàn)的瞬間,光便用手掌擋住臉龐,順勢用手臂護住了胸前。 When nothing comes, she remains curious about the phenomenon.? 但之后并沒有任何事情發(fā)生,而她仍舊對這突發(fā)現(xiàn)象保持著十足的好奇心。? If it wasn't the girl above her, Tairitsu wouldn't have noticed it—after all, she was flying now.? 如果這不是上面那女孩的所作所為,那她也自然不會察覺到這件事——畢竟,現(xiàn)在的她仍在天上飛。? More of the blade storm is shifting and roiling in rough, rigid movements now.? 現(xiàn)在的這片刀刃風暴之中,只存在更多的碎片正以那粗糙死板的路徑呼嘯翻騰。 She decides to throw a crew of glass the other girl's way again.? 她決定再將一隊碎片擲入另外那名女孩的路徑上。 It passes easily through the waves again, but then it suddenly turns very bright and breaks away.? 那些碎片——它們輕而易舉地穿透了風暴的波浪,但卻忽然發(fā)出詭異的強光,接著便崩壞消逝。?

The shards don't break themselves... They vanish, and the space where they were looks as if it is cracked.? 碎片本身并沒有損毀……它們只是憑空消失,在原處留下了好似裂痕的空間。 Once she sees this—once she recognizes what she's seeing—everything around her enters stasis.? 而就在她目睹這一跡象后——就在她意識到自己看到了什么東西的那一瞬間——所有的事物都陷入了靜止狀態(tài)。?

In this instant, the obsidian-glass which had been flying all around her is stuck fast within reality.? 在這頃刻間,那些本圍繞著她盤旋的黑曜石玻璃也被牢牢牽制于原地。 To her, it looks absolutely beautiful.? 對她而言,這幅畫面是那么美不勝收。?

A smile crosses her lips without her wanting.? 一抹截然不受自己意愿所控的微笑,令她的嘴角微微上揚。 "How pleasant," she whispers, chuckling to herself.? "多么令人愉快啊。"她這樣低語道,咯咯地笑著。 Something so beautiful here: where she could soon find her grave.? 這里存在著某種極為美麗的事物:哪怕這里很快便會立起自己的墳墓。 It's so bizarre that it is... to laugh. So she does.? 這真是奇異到令人……發(fā)笑。她的確笑出了聲。 She makes earnest yet sad, dry laughter...? 她發(fā)出了如此真心誠意,卻這般悲傷,這般干枯的笑聲……? But as motion gradually returns to the objects around her, and to the one above...? 只是,就在周遭的場景逐漸回歸正常,流動的時間也終于回到位于上方的那名女…… Above...? 位于……上方…… The sky...?? ……天空?? A fracture splits across it.? 一道裂痕瞬間出現(xiàn)于天空之上。 It widens, carving a shape out of heaven, and that immense segment begins to plummet.? 那裂縫急劇擴寬,逐漸刻畫出宛若天堂般的輪廓。緊接著,那巨大的斷層開始下墜。 Even more bizarrely, hundreds of images flash across it, blinking rapidly from one to the next.? 更令人感到離奇的是,數百張畫面正在它的表面上流竄,接連撲閃著光輝。? The world begins to fall into strange ruin.? 整個世界都漸漸開始墮落為一片古怪的殘骸。 As Hikari bears witness to this, more satisfaction rises to her smile.? 光在將這一幕盡收眼底之際,臉上的微笑也變得更加滿足。 The storm is still slow, the image—too fantastic.? 暴風雨仍轉動得極為緩慢。這幅畫面——真的太夢幻了。? The sky—the genuine sky, not an artificial one—is falling,? 那片天空——那片貨真價實的天空,絕非人造物體——正在墜落。 stopping, and falling again, as if grand pieces of a celestial puzzle are being moved and switched by some befuddled god.? 忽然完全停止,接著再度墜落,好似一幅天文拼圖的碎片正被某位醉酒的神明肆意移動著。? And...? 并且…… watching it...? 注視著這幅景象…… her smile begins to gradually recede.? 她的微笑開始逐漸逝去。 The look in her eyes grows colder, her breath slows, and the faint glimmer of excitement provided by this cataclysmic view is snuffed out, replaced with objectivity.? 她的眼神變得冰冷,呼吸也逐漸變慢,因這種災難性的畫面而點亮的微弱激情,也終于熄滅——被客觀思緒所完全替代。 Her opinion on the disaster destroying all is delivered in a single word.? 對于這場即將毀滅萬物的災難,她只傳達出了單單一個詞語。? With a little appreciation, in a mostly hollow tone, she says, "Delightful."? 語氣中帶著一絲微弱的贊揚,更多的卻是空洞。她說道:"太美妙了。" As if the word has any meaning.? 就好像這個詞語存在任何意義。 As if the fall has any meaning. 就好像那場崩塌存在任何意義。 As if the world has any meaning. 就好像這世界存在任何意義。

Main Story|VS 7-8的評論 (共 條)

武夷山市| 开远市| 阿瓦提县| 博野县| 上饶市| 凤山市| 沁源县| 竹山县| 勐海县| 隆回县| 吕梁市| 宣恩县| 永定县| 马关县| 盐亭县| 洛南县| 贺州市| 双柏县| 酒泉市| 古浪县| 大港区| 泰兴市| 中西区| 柯坪县| 文安县| 承德市| 康定县| 崇明县| 通州区| 百色市| 甘洛县| 南雄市| 明溪县| 治县。| 故城县| 南郑县| 商城县| 昌乐县| 承德市| 育儿| 文成县|