2023賽季F1 Sporting Regulation(31~35)

31.1 Each Competitor will be required to carry out initial scrutineering of his cars which will commence four (4) hours prior to the start of P1 and submit the duly completed declaration no later than two (2) hours before the start of P1.
31.1 每位參賽者必須在第一次自由練習開始前4小時對其車輛進行初步檢查,并在第一次自由練習開始前2小時內提交填好的申報表格。
The declaration form template will be provided by the FIA.
31.2 Unless prior written permission has been granted by the Technical Delegate, any Competitor who do not keep to these time limits will be referred to the stewards.
31.2 除非技術代表已事先授予書面許可,任何未能遵守時間限制的參賽者將會被上報給賽事干事。
31.3 No car may take part in the Competition until the declaration described in Article 31.1 has been submitted, and the Technical Delegate has confirmed to the Competitor that he is satisfied it has been fully and correctly completed.
31.3 在第31.1條中的申報未被認可,且技術代表已向參賽者確認車輛已被完整且正確組裝前,車輛將不允許參加賽事。
31.4 Any Competitor whose car has a change of survival cell after initial scrutineering (see Article 31.1) must complete a new declaration for approval by the Technical Delegate. However, any such car may not be used until the following day.
31.4 任何在初步檢查完成后(參見第31.1條)更換單體殼的車輛的參賽者必須完成一份新的申報表,以獲得技術代表的許可。但是,任何此類車輛不允許在當天使用。
31.5 The scrutineers may:
a) Check the eligibility of a car or of a Competitor at any time during a Competition.
This includes and is not limited to; a period of up to one hour, after the covers are fitted following a qualifying session or a sprint session according to Article 40.6, and after the covers are removed before the scheduled start of the formation lap for the race according to Article 40.8, and immediately after the race.
b) Require a car to be dismantled by the Competitor to make sure that the conditions of eligibility or conformity are fully satisfied.
c) Require a Competitor to pay the reasonable expenses which exercise of the powers mentioned in this Article may entail.
d) Require a Competitor to supply them with such parts or samples as they may deem necessary.
31.6 The Race Director or the clerk of the course may require that any car involved in an accident be stopped and checked.
31.6 賽事干事及賽道管理員可以要求任何卷入事故的車輛停車接受檢查。
31.7 Checks and scrutineering shall be carried out by duly appointed officials who shall also be responsible for the operation of the parc fermé and who alone are authorised to give instructions to the Competitors.
31.7 適時指定的官員可以開始進行檢查和審查,這些官員也應該負責車檢封閉區(qū)的運作,且他們每個人都被授權允許單獨向參賽者發(fā)布指令。
31.8 The stewards will publish the findings of the scrutineers each time cars are checked during the Competition. These results will not include any specific figure except when a car is found to be in breach of the Technical Regulations.
31.8 比賽期間,每次檢查車輛時,賽事干事都會公布檢查人員的檢查結果。這些結果將不包括任何具體的數(shù)字,除非一輛車被發(fā)現(xiàn)違反了《技術規(guī)則》。
32.1 During a Championship each Competitor will be permitted to use a maximum of four (4) drivers in races.
32.1 在一個錦標賽賽季中,每位參賽者允許使用最多4位車手參加正賽。
32.2 A change of driver may be made at any time before the start of the sprint shootout at each Competition where a sprint session is scheduled, or at any time before the start of the qualifying session at each Competition where a sprint session is not scheduled, provided any change proposed after the end of initial scrutineering receives the consent of the stewards. Additional changes for reasons of force majeure will be considered separately.
32.2 在安排了沖刺賽的賽事中,可以在沖刺賽開始前的任何時間更換車手;在未安排沖刺賽的賽事中,可以在排位賽開始前的任何時間更換車手。(無論何種前提下,)更換車手的前提是在初步檢查結束后提出的任何更換建議得到賽事總監(jiān)的同意。因不可抗力原因造成的額外變更將另行考慮。
32.3 Any new driver may score points in the Championship.
32.3 任何新車手都可以在錦標賽中獲取積分。
32.4 In addition to the provisions of Article 32.1, each Competitor will be permitted to use additional drivers during P1 and P2 provided that:
32.4 除第32.1條的規(guī)定外,在滿足以下規(guī)定的前提下,每位參賽者將被允許在第一次自由練習和第二次自由練習賽中使用額外的車手:
a) The FIA are informed which cars and drivers each Competitor intends to use in each session no less than twenty-four (24) hours before the scheduled start of P1. Any changes less than two (2) hours before the scheduled start of P1 may only be made with the consent of the stewards.
b) No more than two (2) drivers are used in any one (1) session.
c) On one (1) occasion during the Championship, for each car entered for the Championship, each Competitor must use a driver who has not participated in more than two (2) Championship races in their career. Each Competitor must advise the FIA in writing seven (7) days prior to the start of the relevant Competition with the details of the driver that they will use.
d) They carry the competition number that has been allocated to them.
e) They use the power unit, RNCs and tyres which are allocated to the nominated driver.
????????????? e)他們需使用分配給原車手的動力單元、限制數(shù)目組件(RNC)和輪胎。
f) They are in possession of a Super Licence or Free Practice Super Licence.
32.5 If one of the Competitor’s nominated drivers is unable to drive at some stage after the end of initial scrutineering, and the stewards consent to a change of driver, the replacement driver must use the engine, gearbox and tyres which were allocated to the original driver (see Articles 28.2, 29 and 30.5).
32.5 如果在初步檢查完成后的某個時間,參賽者的一位原車手無法駕駛賽車,且賽事干事同意更換車手時,替換車手必須使用分配給原車手的引擎、變速箱和輪胎。
33.1 The driver must drive the car alone and unaided.
33.1 車手必須獨自、不受協(xié)助地駕駛賽車。
33.2 Drivers must observe the provisions of the Code relating to driving behaviour on circuits at all times.
33.2 車手必須在任何時候都遵守《規(guī)則》中有關賽道駕駛行為的規(guī)定。
33.3 Drivers must make every reasonable effort to use the track at all times and may not leave the track without a justifiable reason.
33.3 車手必須盡所有合理努力在任何時候使用賽道,且不允許在無正當理由的情況下離開賽道范圍。
Drivers will be judged to have left the track if no part of the car remains in contact with it and, for the avoidance of doubt, any white lines defining the track edges are considered to be part of the track but the kerbs are not.
Should a car leave the track the driver may re-join, however, this may only be done when it is safe to do so and without gaining any lasting advantage. At the absolute discretion of the Race Director a driver may be given the opportunity to give back the whole of any advantage he gained by leaving the track.
33.4 At no time may a car be driven unnecessarily slowly, erratically or in a manner which could be deemed potentially dangerous to other drivers or any other person.
33.4 在任何時候,車手不得以不必要的減速、難以預測的或可能被視為對其他車手或任何其他人有潛在危險的方式駕駛賽車。
34.1 The section of track between the first safety car line and the beginning of the pit lane will be designated the “pit entry”.
34.1 賽道上從第一安全車線至維修區(qū)通道開始處的區(qū)域被定義為“維修區(qū)入口”。
34.2 The section of track between the end of the pit lane and the second safety car line will be designated the “pit exit”.
34.2 賽道上從維修區(qū)通道出口處至第二安全車線的區(qū)域被定義為“維修區(qū)出口”。
34.3 At no time may a car be reversed in the pit lane under its own power.
34.3 在任何時候,車輛都不允許依靠自身動力在維修區(qū)通道處倒車。
34.4 The pit lane will be divided into two lanes, the lane closest to the pit wall will be designated the “fast lane” and may be no more than 3.5 metres wide, the lane closest to the garages will be designated the “inner lane”.
34.4 維修區(qū)通道被分為2條車道:離維修區(qū)墻最近的車道被定義為“快車道”,且不允許寬于3.5米;離車庫最近的車道被定義為“內側車道”。
Other than when cars are at the end of the pit lane in accordance with Articles 43.3. 44.2 and 57, the inner lane is the only area where any work can be carried out on a car. However, no work may be carried out in the fast lane if it is likely to hinder other cars attempting to leave the pit lane.
34.5 The FIA will allocate garages and an area in the pit lane on an equal basis where each Competitor may work and, within each of these designated garage areas, one position where pit stops during any free practice session, qualifying session, sprint shootout, sprint session or the race may be carried out.
34.5 國際汽聯(lián)將在平等的基礎上為每位參賽者分配車庫和維修區(qū)通道的相關參賽者工作區(qū)域,在此區(qū)域中將有一個區(qū)域將被用來在任何自由練習賽、排位賽、沖刺排位賽、沖刺賽和正賽進站停車的區(qū)域。
34.6 No powered device may be used to lift any part of a car in the pit lane.
34.6 不允許使用任何主動動力設備在維修區(qū)抬起車輛的任何部件。
34.7 A speed limit of 80km/h will be imposed in the pit lane during the whole Competition. However, this limit may be amended by the Race Director following a recommendation from the Safety Delegate.
34.7 在整場賽事中,維修區(qū)通道都將保持80km/h的限速。但是,在安全代表的建議下,賽事總監(jiān)可以修改這個限制。
a) Any Competitor whose driver exceeds the limit during any free practice session, qualifying session, or sprint shootout will be fined €100 for each km/h above the limit, up to a maximum of €1000.
b) In accordance with Article 18.1 the stewards may impose an additional penalty if they suspect a driver was speeding in order to gain any sort of advantage.
c) During a sprint session or the race, the stewards may impose any of the penalties under Article 54.3a), 54.3b), 54.3c) or 54.3d) on any driver who exceeds the limit.
34.8 Unless a car is pushed from the grid at any time during the start procedure, cars may only be driven from the Competitors’ designated garage area to the end of the pit lane.
34.8 除非車輛在發(fā)車程序的任意時間被推離發(fā)車格,車輛只允許從參賽者指定車庫區(qū)域駛向維修區(qū)末端。
Any car(s) driven to the end of the pit lane prior to the start or re-start of a free practice session, qualifying session or sprint shootout must form up in a line in the fast lane and leave in the order they got there unless another car is unduly delayed.
34.9 With the exception of the reconnaissance laps permitted by Articles 43.2 and 44.1, any driver that is required to start the sprint session or the race from the pit lane may not drive his car from his Competitors designated garage area until the pit lane exit is closed before the scheduled start of the formation lap and must stop in a line in the fast lane.
34.9 除第43.2和44.1條中允許的偵查圈以外,任何被要求在沖刺賽或正賽中從維修區(qū)發(fā)車的車手在暖胎圈計劃開始時間前維修區(qū)出口關閉前不得駛離參賽者的指定車庫。允許駛離時,這些車輛必須在快車道中排成一排。
Under these circumstances working in the fast lane will be permitted but any such work is restricted to:
a) Starting the engine and any directly associated preparation.
b) The fitting or removal of permitted cooling and heating devices.
c) Changes made for driver comfort.
d) Changing wheels and tyres.
When cars are permitted to leave the pit lane they must do so in the order that was established under Articles 43.3 and 44.2 unless another car is unduly delayed. At all times drivers must follow the directions of the marshals.
34.10 Other than by drying or sweeping, or by laying tyre rubber when cars leave their pit stop position, Competitors may not attempt to enhance the grip of the surface in the pit lane unless a problem has been clearly identified and a solution agreed to by the Safety Delegate.
34.10 除了在賽車離開進站位置時擦干、清掃或鋪設輪胎橡膠之外,參賽者不得試圖在維修區(qū)通道上加強路面的抓地力,除非問題已經被清楚地發(fā)現(xiàn)并得到安全代表同意的解決方案。
34.11 Competitors must not paint lines on any part of the pit lane.
34.11 參賽者不得在維修區(qū)通道的任何地方涂畫標線。
34.12 Other than when detailed in Article 34.9, no equipment may be left in the fast lane.
34.12 除第34.9條所述以外,任何設備不允許遺留在快車道上。
34.13 Team personnel are only allowed in the pit lane immediately before they are required to work on a car and must withdraw as soon as the work is complete.
34.13 車隊工作人員只允許在被要求在賽車上工作時才能進入維修區(qū)通道,且必須在工作完成后立即離開。
All team personnel carrying out any work on a car in the pit lane when the car is in its pit stop position during the qualifying session, the sprint shootout, the sprint session or during a race pit stop, must be wearing helmets which meet or exceed the requirements of ECE 22.05 – European motorcycle road helmet, DOT – USA motorcycle road helmet or JIS T8133-2015, class 2 – JPN protective helmets for automobile users. The use of appropriate eye protection is compulsory.
當車輛在排位賽、沖刺排位賽、沖刺賽或正賽中停在停站位置上時,所有需在維修區(qū)通道上工作的車隊工作人員都必須佩戴符合(或超出)ECE-22.05(European motorcycle road helmet)、DOT(USA motorcycle road helmet)或JIS T8133-2015, class 2(JPN protective helmets for automobile users)標準的頭盔,且必須擁有適當?shù)难鄄糠雷o。
34.14 In all of the cases detailed in this Article 34.14, a car will be deemed to have been released either when it has been driven out of its designated garage area (when leaving from the garage) or after it has completely cleared its pit stop position following a pit stop.
34.14 在第34.14條所述所有情況中,當車輛駛離其參賽者指定車庫區(qū)域(在離開車庫時),或在進站完成后完全離開停站位置時,車輛將被視為已釋放。
a) Cars must not be released from a garage or pit stop position in way that could endanger pit lane personnel or another driver.
b) Competitors must provide a means of clearly establishing, when being viewed from both above and in the front of the car, when a car was released.
c) If a car is deemed to have been released in an unsafe condition during any free practice, or qualifying session or sprint shootout, the stewards may drop the driver such number of grid positions as they consider appropriate. Such penalty will be applied to the race unless the infringement has been committed during the sprint shootout, in which case the penalty will be applied to the sprint session.
d) If a car is deemed to have been released in an unsafe condition during a sprint session or a race, a penalty in accordance with Article 54.3d) will be imposed on the driver concerned. However, if the driver retires from the sprint session or the race as a result of the car being released in an unsafe condition a fine may be imposed upon the Competitor.
e) An additional penalty will be imposed on any driver who, in the opinion of the stewards, continues to drive a car knowing it to have been released in an unsafe condition.
34.15 In exceptional circumstances the Race Director may ask for the pit entry to be closed during the sprint session or the race for safety reasons.
34.15 在特殊情況下,賽事總監(jiān)可以在沖刺賽或正賽時因安全原因關閉維修區(qū)入口。
a) At such times drivers may only enter the pit lane in order for essential and entirely evident repairs to be carried out to the car.
b) A penalty in accordance with Article 54.3d) will be imposed on any driver who, in the opinion of the stewards, entered the pit lane for any other reason whilst it was closed.
35.1 After any free practice session or during the qualifying session or during the sprint shootout cars will be weighed as follows:
35.1 在任意一節(jié)自由練習賽后,或在排位賽或沖刺排位賽進行時,車輛需按以下要求進行稱重。
a) When signalled to do so the driver will proceed directly to the FIA garage and stop his engine.
b) Any driver who fails to stop when asked to do so, and then fails to bring the car back to the FIA garage, or if work is carried out on the car before it is returned to the FIA garage, will be referred to the stewards.
c) Each driver must be weighed by the Technical Delegate at the end of the last part of the qualifying session or sprint shootout in which they participated.
d) At the end of the qualifying session or the sprint shootout all cars which took part in Q3 (or SQ3) will be weighed. If a driver wishes to leave his car before it is weighed, he must ask the Technical Delegate to weigh him in order that this weight may be added to that of the car.
e) If a car stops on the circuit during the qualifying session or the sprint shootout and the driver leaves the car, he must go to the FIA garage immediately on his return to the pit lane in order for his weight to be established.
35.2 After the sprint session or the race any classified car may be weighed. If a driver wishes to leave his car before it is weighed, he must ask the Technical Delegate to weigh him in order that this weight may be added to that of the car.
35.2 在沖刺賽或正賽結束后所有計入排名的賽車都將被稱重。如果一名車手想在稱重前離開車輛,他必須請技術代表稱他的重量,以便將這個重量加到賽車的重量上。
35.3 The relevant car may be disqualified should its weight be less than that specified in Article 4.1 of the Technical Regulations when weighed in accordance with Articles 35.1 or 35.2, save where the deficiency in weight results from the accidental loss of a component of the car.
35.3 按照第35.1條或35.2條稱重時,如果該車的重量低于《技術規(guī)則》第4.1條規(guī)定的重量,則該車將被取消資格,但由于車身部件的意外損失而造成重量不足的除外。
35.4 No substance may be added to, placed on, or removed from a car after it has been selected for weighing or has finished the sprint session or the race or during the weighing procedure. (Except by a scrutineer when acting in his official capacity).
35.4 在選定稱重或完成沖刺排位賽或比賽后,或在稱重過程中,不得向車內添加、放置或取出任何物質。(監(jiān)察員以官方身份行事時除外)。
35.5 In the event of any breach of these provisions for the weighing of cars the stewards may drop the driver such number of grid positions as they consider appropriate or disqualify him from the sprint session or the race.
35.5 如果車手違反了賽車稱重的規(guī)定,賽事干事可以在他們認為適當?shù)那闆r下施加發(fā)車位處罰,或者取消比賽資格。