How to Do Hybrid Right
2020年2月下旬,新冠疫情(以下簡稱:疫情)的影響逐漸凸顯,富士通公司全球人力資源負責人平松浩樹(音譯,Hiroki Hiramatsu)意識到,公司會受到沖擊。 By late February 2020, as?the implications?of Covid-19 were becoming clear, Hiroki Hiramatsu, the head of global HR at Fujitsu, realized that the company was in for a shock. 多年以來,富士通一直致力于建立彈性工作制度,但并沒有取得什么實質性改變。日本辦公室的大部分管理者依然看重面對面交流和長時間在辦公室加班,此外,不久之前的一項內部問卷調查結果顯示,全體員工里有74%以上的人認為辦公室是工作的最佳場所。至2020年3月中旬,富士通日本的大多數(shù)員工(8萬多人)居家辦公。但沒過多久,他們就感受到了彈性工作制的好處。根據(jù)一項后續(xù)調查,同年5月,只有15%的富士通員工認為辦公室是工作的最佳場所,30%的人說最佳場所是自己家里,還有55%的人傾向于家和辦公室的混合工作制。 For years, flexible work arrangements had been on the agenda at Fujitsu, but little had actually changed. Most managers in the Japan offices still prized face-to-face interaction and long office hours—and according to an internal survey conducted not long before, more than 74% of all employees considered the office to be the best place to work.?By the middle of March, the majority of Fujitsu’s Japan-based employees—some 80,000—were working from home. And it didn’t take long for them to appreciate the advantages of their new flexibility. By May, according to a follow-up survey, only 15% of Fujitsu employees considered the office to be the best place to work. Some 30% said the best place was their homes, and the remaining 55% favored a mix of home and office—a hybrid model. 員工逐漸適應新的日常工作方式,平松浩樹發(fā)現(xiàn),某些深遠的變化發(fā)生了?!拔覀儾粫倩氐揭郧暗哪J搅耍?020年9月時,他告訴我,“很多員工花兩小時的時間通勤,純屬浪費時間——這段時間可以用來學習和接受培訓,也可以陪伴家人。我們需要很多關于如何提升遠程工作效率的創(chuàng)想。我們開始著手進行工作生活方式的轉換?!?As employees settled into their new routines, Hiramatsu recognized that something profound was happening. “We are not going back,” he told me this past September. “The two hours many people spend commuting is wasted—we can use that time for education, training, time with our family. We need many ideas about how to make remote work effective. We are embarking on a work-life shift.” 十年來,我領導的未來工作方式聯(lián)盟(Future of Work Consortium)集合了全世界100多家公司,研究未來趨勢、尋找當下的好方法,并從新的實驗中學習。疫情以來,我們的研究重點是新冠對工作方式的重大影響。在這組研究中,我與許多企業(yè)高管進行了交流,其中許多人像平松浩樹一樣,表示自己在大家齊心協(xié)力應對疫情的努力中看到了一線希望。他們告訴我,企業(yè)以驚人的速度引入了遠程工作技術,而大部分員工不愿再恢復以往的工作方式,在這種狀況之中,他們看到了千載難逢的將工作重置為混合制的機會——倘若把握得當,混合工作制將會令我們的工作生活更有意義、有成效、敏捷且靈活。 For 10 years, I’ve led the Future of Work Consortium, which has brought together more than 100 companies from across the world to research future trends, identify current good practice, and learn from emerging experiments. Since the pandemic I’ve focused our research on the extraordinary impact that Covid-19 is having on working arrangements. As part of that effort, I’ve talked extensively to executives, many of whom, like Hiramatsu, report that they’ve detected a silver lining in our collective struggle to adapt to the pandemic. These executives told me that given the astonishing speed with which companies have adopted the technology of virtual work, and the extent to which most employees don’t want to revert to past ways of working, they’re seeing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reset work using a hybrid model—one that, if we can get it right, will allow us to make our work lives more purposeful, productive, agile, and flexible. 不過,領導者和管理者如果希望成功轉型,就需要做一些不太習慣的事情:設計混合工作制時記得關注員工個人,不要只關注制度。 If leaders and managers want to make this transition successfully, however, they’ll need to do something they’re not accustomed to doing: design hybrid work arrangements with individual human concerns in mind, not just institutional ones.
The Elements of Hybrid
具體實行起來并不容易。因為要設計合適的混合工作制,必須從時間和空間兩個維度進行考量。 Figuring out how to do this is far from straightforward. That’s because to design hybrid work properly, you have to think about it along two axes: place and time. 眼下空間維度備受關注。今年全世界有幾百萬人像富士通員工一樣,從有空間限制(在辦公室工作)的工作模式突然轉為無空間限制(在任何地方工作)的模式。相比較而言,時間維度上的轉變則沒有引起太多關注:許多人從有時間限制(與他人同步工作)的模式轉為沒有時間限制(在自己選擇的時段非同步工作)的模式。 Place is the axis that’s getting the most attention at the moment. Like Fujitsu’s employees, millions of workers around the world this year have made a sudden shift from being place-constrained (working in the office) to being place-unconstrained (working anywhere). Perhaps less noticed is the shift many have also made along the time axis, from being time-constrained (working synchronously with others) to being time-unconstrained (working asynchronously whenever they choose). 為了幫助管理者理解這個問題的二維性,我一直用一個簡單的2×2矩陣來說明(見圖表“工作的空間和時間安排”)。疫情之前,大部分公司在這兩個維度上提供的靈活性都很低,因此屬于矩陣的左下象限,員工在規(guī)定時間內在辦公室工作。一些公司開始嘗試進入右下象限,允許員工更為靈活地安排工作時間;還有一些公司嘗試左上象限,讓員工在工作地點上更靈活,大部分人時常居家辦公。很少有公司直接進入右上象限,讓員工自主安排隨時隨地辦公,亦即混合工作制。 To help managers conceptualize the two-dimensional nature of this problem, I’ve long used a simple 2×2 matrix that’s organized along those axes.?Before Covid-19, most companies offered minimal flexibility along both dimensions. This put them in the lower-left quadrant, with employees working in the office during prescribed hours. Some firms had begun to venture into the lower-right quadrant, by allowing more-flexible hours; others were experimenting in the upper-left quadrant, by offering employees more flexibility in where they work, most often from home. Very few firms, however, were moving directly into the upper-right quadrant, which represents an anywhere, anytime model of working—the hybrid model. 但這種情況正在改變。疫情之中,很多公司十分關注如何利用靈活工作制提升員工效率和滿意度。我在研究中發(fā)現(xiàn),要實現(xiàn)這一點,需要管理者從四個不同的角度思考問題:一、工作和任務;二、員工偏好;三、項目和工作流程;四、包容和公平。下面逐一闡述這四個角度。 But that’s changing. As we emerge from the pandemic, many companies have firmly set their sights on flexible working arrangements that can significantly boost productivity and employee satisfaction. Making that happen, I’ve learned in my research, will require that managers consider the challenge from four distinct perspectives: (1) jobs and tasks, (2) employee preferences, (3) projects and workflows, and (4) inclusion and fairness. Let’s look at each in turn.
[?1?] 工作和任務
[?1?] Jobs and Tasks
思考工作和任務,首先要了解驅動效率提升的關鍵因素——精力、專注、協(xié)調與合作。接下來考慮工作在時間和空間維度上的改變會如何影響這些因素。 When thinking about jobs and tasks, start by understanding the critical drivers of productivity—energy, focus, coordination, and cooperation—for each. Next, consider how those drivers will be affected by changes in working arrangements along the axes of time and place. 下面用幾類工作和任務、關鍵驅動因素及其相關的時間空間需求來具體說明: To illustrate, let’s consider a few kinds of jobs and tasks, their key drivers, and the time and place needs that each involves:
Strategic planner.?
A critical driver of productivity for this role is focus. Planners often need to work undisturbed for stretches of at least three hours in order to, for example, gather market information and develop business plans. The axis that best enables focus is time—specifically, asynchronous time. If planners are freed from the scheduled demands of others, place becomes less critical: They can perform their work either at home or in the office.
這個職位的關鍵要素是協(xié)調。管理者要定期與團隊成員溝通,提供即時反饋。他們需要參與交談和爭論、分享最佳做法,并為團隊成員提供指導。對于這方面最重要的依然是時間,不過在這里需要的是同步的時間。如果能有同步時間,空間同樣并不特別重要:管理者和員工的協(xié)調工作可以在辦公室完成,也可以在家里通過Zoom和Microsoft Teams等平臺完成。
Team manager.?
Here the critical driver of productivity is coordination. Managers need to regularly communicate in-the-moment feedback with team members. They need to engage in conversation and debate, share best practices, and mentor and coach those on their team. The axis most likely to encourage this aspect of productivity is once again time—but in this case, the time needs to be synchronous. If that can be arranged, then place again becomes less critical: Managers and employees can do their coordination tasks together in the office or from home, on platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams.
Product innovator.?
For this role, the critical driver is cooperation. But now the important axis is place. Innovation is stimulated by face-to-face contact with colleagues, associates, and clients, who generate ideas in all sorts of ways: by brainstorming in small groups, bumping into one another in the hallways, striking up conversations between meetings, attending group sessions. This kind of cooperation is fostered most effectively in a shared location—an office or a creative hub where employees have the chance to get to know one another and socialize. To that end, cooperative tasks must be synchronous and conducted in a shared space. Looking to the future, we can expect that the development of more-sophisticated cooperative technologies will render shared physical space less of an issue.
Marketing manager.?
Productivity in this role—indeed, in most roles—requires sustained energy. Both time and place can play a role here. As we’ve learned during the pandemic, many people find being at home energizing, because they are freed from the burden of long commutes, they can take time out during the day to exercise and walk, they can eat more healthily, and they can spend more time with their families. 設計混合工作制,難點在于不僅要最大限度地發(fā)揮其益處,還要將其弊端最小化,做出權衡。居家辦公可以讓人精力充沛,但也可能令人變得孤獨,阻礙合作。同步工作有利于促進協(xié)調配合,但這種模式下的隨時溝通可能會造成干擾,影響需要專注工作的人。 The challenge in designing hybrid work arrangements is not simply to optimize the benefits but also to minimize the downsides and understand the trade-offs. Working from home can boost energy, but it can also be isolating, in a way that hinders cooperation. Working on a synchronous schedule can improve coordination, but it can also introduce constant communications and interruptions that disrupt focus. 為了應對這些潛在的負面影響,平松浩樹和他在富士通的團隊努力建立了一個空間生態(tài)系統(tǒng),組成“無界辦公室”。這些空間可以根據(jù)員工或團隊的具體驅動因素發(fā)揮不同作用:最大限度強化合作的“樞紐”、加強協(xié)調配合的“衛(wèi)星”,以及有利于保持專注的共享辦公室。 To combat these potential downsides, Hiramatsu and his team at Fujitsu have committed to creating an ecosystem of spaces that together make up what they call the borderless office. Depending on employees’ or teams’ specific drivers of productivity, these spaces can take several forms: hubs, which maximize cooperation; satellites, which facilitate coordination; and shared offices, which enable focus. 富士通的樞紐空間,專為跨職能合作和增加員工不期而遇的機會而設計。這類空間設在大城市,是令人舒適愜意的開放空間,配備了頭腦風暴、團隊建設和共同創(chuàng)造新產品所必要的先進技術。富士通員工若想與客戶或合作伙伴進行創(chuàng)意工作,就會邀請對方一起去樞紐空間。 Fujitsu’s hubs are designed with cross-functional cooperation and serendipitous encounters in mind. Located in the major cities, they are comfortable and welcoming open-plan spaces, equipped with the advanced technologies necessary for brainstorming, team building, and the cocreation of new products. When Fujitsu employees want to work creatively with customers or partners, they invite them to a hub. 衛(wèi)星空間是為了促進團隊內部或合作項目的團隊之間協(xié)調配合而設計的,包括能讓團隊在線上或線下聚集的會議室,提供安全的網絡和先進的視頻會議技術支持。這樣的機會,特別是面對面交流的機會,在一定程度上緩解了員工居家辦公的隔離感和孤獨感問題。 The company’s satellites are spaces designed to facilitate coordination within and between teams that are working on shared projects. They contain meeting spaces where teams can come together, both in person and virtually, supported by secure networks and advanced videoconferencing facilities. These opportunities for coordination, especially face-to-face, address some of the isolation and loneliness that employees may suffer when working from home. 共享辦公室占了富士通空間生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的大部分,遍布整個日本,通常在都市地區(qū)及其周邊,或是靠近郊區(qū)的電車站。這樣的空間可以供員工拜訪客戶時稍作停留,抑或作為居家辦公的替代選項。這類空間的設計理念是方便員工的安靜空間,可以最大限度地減少員工通勤時間,旨在促進專注。共享辦公室配有辦公桌椅和網絡,讓員工能夠不受干擾、獨立工作,或者參加網絡會議和網絡學習。 Shared offices, which make up most of Fujitsu’s ecosystem of spaces, are located all over Japan, often near or in urban or suburban train stations. They can be used as short stopovers when people are traveling to visit customers, or as alternatives to working at home. They are designed to function as quiet spaces that employees can easily get to, thus minimizing commuting time. The productivity aim here is focus. The shared offices are equipped with desks and internet connections, allowing employees to work independently and undisturbed or to attend online meetings or engage in online learning.
[?2?] Employee Preferences
我們以最佳狀態(tài)高效工作的能力,在很大程度上受到個人偏好的影響。因此,在設計混合制工作的時候,要考慮員工的偏好,并讓其他人理解和適應。 Our capacity to operate at peak productivity and performance varies dramatically according to our personal preferences. So in designing hybrid work, consider the preferences of your employees—and enable others to understand and accommodate those preferences. 比方說,想象一下有兩位戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃者在同一家公司,有同樣的工作,工作表現(xiàn)的關鍵驅動要素都是專注。其中的一位,這里稱他為豪爾赫,40歲,跟家人一起住在離辦公室有段距離的地方,每天通勤單程一小時。他家里的辦公室設施完備,孩子白天上學——因此,豪爾赫理所當然地覺得自己避開通勤、獨自留在家里工作效率最高。他比較喜歡每周只去辦公室一兩次與團隊會面。 Imagine, for example, two strategic planners who hold the same job at the same company, with focus as a critical driver of performance. One of them, Jorge, is 40. He and his family live some distance from his office, requiring him to commute an hour each day to and from work. He has a well-equipped home office, and his children are at school during the day—so, not surprisingly, Jorge feels he is most productive and focused when he can skip the commute and stay home alone to work. He prefers to go into the office only once or twice a week, to meet with his team. 另一個人——莉蓮的情況則截然不同。她28歲,在市中心跟其他三個人合租一個小公寓。這樣的生活環(huán)境下,她在家無法不受干擾地專心工作。為了專注,她更愿意去離住處不遠的辦公室。 Lillian’s situation is very different. She’s 28. She lives in the center of town and shares a small apartment with three other people. Because of her living situation, she can’t work for long stretches of time at home without being disturbed. To focus, she prefers to be in the office, which is not far from where she lives. 豪爾赫和莉蓮還有另一個不同之處:任職時間。這個因素也影響了兩人的偏好。豪爾赫已在公司供職八年,建立起了強有力的人脈,所以在辦公室的時間對于他的學習或發(fā)展影響不大。莉蓮則是新人,迫切希望得到指導,而想要獲得指導就需要跟其他人一起在辦公室。 Jorge and Lillian differ in another way: tenure with the company. This, too, affects their preferences. Jorge has been with the firm for eight years and has established a strong network, so time in the office is less crucial for his learning or development. Lillian, on the other hand, is new to her role and is keen to be mentored and coached, activities that demand time with others in the office. 向混合工作制轉型的公司正設法了解員工的視角。未來工作方式聯(lián)盟中的一家科技公司,還有其他許多公司,都為管理者提供簡單的診斷工具,用于更好地了解員工的個人傾向、工作環(huán)境和關鍵任務。利用這樣的工具,管理者可以了解團隊成員在什么地方最為精力充沛、家里的辦公情況好不好,以及他們對合作、協(xié)調和專注的需求。 Companies on the hybrid journey are finding ways to take their employees’ perspective. Many, like one of the technology companies in the Future of Work Consortium, are providing managers with simple diagnostic survey tools to better understand their teams’ personal preferences, work contexts, and key tasks—tools that allow them to learn, for example, where their team members feel most energized, whether they have a well-functioning home office, and what their needs are for cooperation, coordination, and focus. 挪威能源公司Equinor前不久采用了一種巧妙的方式了解員工:用問卷調查員工的偏好,總結出九種復合類型,每一種都有對應的混合工作安排指導。例如其中一種類型的描述是:“安娜”是奧斯陸的一位部門經理,已經在公司供職20年。她家里有三個青春期的孩子,上班騎自行車要走40分鐘。疫情之前,她每隔一周就在家辦公,主要是為了專心工作。但現(xiàn)在孩子們在家里上網課,她居家辦公常常受打擾。等到疫情過去、孩子回學校之后,她希望能每周居家辦公兩天,處理需要專注的工作,其余三天在辦公室與團隊成員合作。 Equinor, a Norwegian energy company, has recently taken an ingenious approach to understanding its employees: It surveyed them about their preferences and developed nine composite “personas,” with guidelines for hybrid work arrangements tailored to each one. One of the personas is described like this: “Anna” is a sector manager in Oslo who has been with the company for 20 years. She has three teenagers at home and a 40-minute bicycle commute into the office. Before Covid-19, she worked every other week from home, primarily to focus. But with her teenagers now doing remote schooling in the house, she is often distracted when working from home. When the pandemic is at last behind us, and her kids are back at school, she hopes to spend two days a week at home, doing focused work, and three days in the office, collaborating with her team. Equinor管理者要為團隊找到最合適的混合工作安排,比如上面這位“安娜”:她所處的環(huán)境和個人偏好會如何影響她的合作能力?推而廣之,管理者還會考慮各種類型跨團隊在線協(xié)作的影響。安全保障和運營效率方面有什么風險?改變會對合作、領導和文化產生怎樣的影響?稅收、合規(guī)和外部聲譽總體會受到怎樣的影響? As managers seek to identify the hybrid arrangements that are best for their teams, they consider, for example, how they would respond to an “Anna”: How would her circumstances and preferences affect her capacity to collaborate with others? More broadly, managers consider the implications of coordinating a variety of personas across virtual teams. What are the risks to the safety, security, and effectiveness of operations? How will changes affect collaboration, leadership, and culture? What might the overall effects be when it comes to taxes, compliance, and external reputation?
[?3?] 項目和工作流程
[?3?] Projects and Workflows
要想打造成功的混合工作制,管理者必須思考工作該如何完成。負責管理上文中的豪爾赫與莉蓮的高管不僅要考慮他們兩人各自的需求和偏好,還要協(xié)調他們和各自團隊中其他人的工作、其他部門的工作以及終端消費者。如果團隊成員都在同一時間、同一地點工作,協(xié)調相對比較簡單。但在混合工作制的時代,協(xié)調的難度大大增加。據(jù)我觀察,高管主要有兩種應對方式: To make hybrid a success, you have to consider how work gets done. An executive who manages Jorge and Lillian, the hypothetical strategic planners mentioned above, must not only consider their needs and preferences but also coordinate the work they do with that of the others on their team—and with other functions and consumers of their work. That kind of coordination was relatively straightforward when team members all worked in the same place at the same time. But in the era of hybrid work it has grown significantly more complex. I’ve observed executives tackling this in two ways. 一是大幅增加技術的使用,在員工逐漸轉為靈活工作的時候,協(xié)調他們的行動。例如Equinor員工喬納斯,他是科爾斯奈斯工廠的檢測工程師,該工廠在北海開采天然氣。疫情來臨后,工廠管理者設法讓喬納斯及其團隊在家處理部分檢測任務,為他們提供前沿的視頻和數(shù)字工具,如在工廠周圍活動、詳細記錄當下視覺資料的機器人設備,之后會將數(shù)據(jù)傳送給全體團隊成員進行分析。有了這些改變,喬納斯和團隊現(xiàn)在可以遠程進行十分高效的油田安全檢測。 One is to significantly boost the use of technology to coordinate activities as employees move to more-flexible work arrangements. Consider the case of Jonas, an Equinor employee. Jonas works as an inspection engineer in the Kollsnes plant, which processes gas from fields in the North Sea. After the pandemic hit, the plant’s managers made it possible for Jonas and his team to carry out some inspection tasks from home, by supplying them with state-of-the-art video and digital tools. These include, for example, robotic devices that move around the plant recording detailed in-the-moment visual data, which is then streamed back to all the team members for analysis. As a result of these changes, Jonas and his colleagues can now conduct very effective remote field-safety inspections. 富士通的管理者利用一系列數(shù)字工具,對團隊成員的工作類型進行分類和總結,并據(jù)此在時間和空間層面嘗試新的配置。這令他們能夠更好地評估個人和團隊工作負擔,分析遠程工作條件,確認工作計劃。團隊領導者還可以通過研究詳細的移動狀況信息、考察空間利用率和人員密度數(shù)據(jù),理解員工的工作模式。憑借這些,富士通管理者能夠妥善安排工作流程和項目。 Managers at Fujitsu, for their part, use a range of digital tools to categorize and visualize the types of work their teams are performing as they experiment with new arrangements on the axes of time and place. That, in turn, has enabled them to better assess individual and team workloads, analyze remote working conditions, and confirm work projections. Team leaders are also able to understand employee working patterns by studying detailed movement data and examining space utilization and floor density data. This allows Fujitsu managers to design the right arrangements for their workflows and projects. 其他公司把握住現(xiàn)在這個機會重新設想工作流程。新的混合工作制不應當像數(shù)十年前企業(yè)剛剛開始自動化工作的時候那樣,照搬原有的陋習。許多公司并沒有利用新技術重新設計工作流程,只是把新技術硬套到原本的流程上,無意間使得原本的缺陷、特性和權宜之計全都保留下來。直到幾年以后,經歷過許多輪艱難的流程重塑,公司才會真正開始充分利用新技術。 Other companies are using this moment as an opportunity to reimagine workflows. New hybrid arrangements should never replicate existing bad practices—as was the case when companies began automating work processes, decades ago. Instead of redesigning their workflows to take advantage of what the new technologies made possible, many companies simply layered them onto existing processes, inadvertently replicating their flaws, idiosyncrasies, and workarounds. It often was only years later, after many painful rounds of reengineering, that companies really began making the most of those new technologies. 設計混合工作制的公司,必須努力在第一時間確定合適的工作流程。我們未來工作方式聯(lián)盟所屬的一家零售銀行,領導者分析和重新設想工作流程的方式是提出下面三個重要問題: Companies designing hybrid arrangements need to work hard to get workflows right the first time. Leaders at one of the retail banks in our Future of Work Consortium analyzed and reimagined workflows by asking three crucial questions: 有沒有冗余的團隊任務?該銀行高管在思考這個問題的時候意識到,新的混合工作模式中保留了太多傳統(tǒng)會議。他們取消了部分會議,代之以其他非共時活動(如狀態(tài)更新),使得工作效率大幅度提升。
Are any team tasks redundant?
?When executives at the bank asked themselves that question, they realized that in their new hybrid model they had retained too many traditional meetings. By eliminating some and making others (such as status updates) asynchronous, they boosted productivity. 有沒有可以自動化或分配給團隊以外其他人的任務?該銀行高管意識到,很多新的混合制流程里都有這樣的任務,比如為新的高凈值客戶開設賬戶,疫情之前大家都覺得需要面對面的會議和客戶簽名,而現(xiàn)在的流程令銀行經理和客戶都感受到了遠程開戶的便利和價值。
Can any tasks be automated or reassigned to people outside the team?
?In many new hybrid arrangements, the bank executives realized, the simple answer was yes. Take the process for opening an account with a new high-net-worth customer. Before Covid-19, everybody assumed that this required face-to-face meetings and client signatures. But now, thanks to the redesigned process introduced during the pandemic, bank managers and customers alike recognize the ease and value of remote sign-up. 能否重新設想辦公場所的目的?這個問題的答案也是肯定的。為了讓混合工作模式順利進行,該銀行高管決定調整目前辦公室的格局,鼓勵員工合作和創(chuàng)新,并加大了對遠程辦公工具的投資,讓員工能夠居家高效辦公與合作。
Can we reimagine a new purpose for our place of work?
?Here, too, the answer turned out to be yes. To make their hybrid model work successfully, the bank executives decided to reconfigure their existing office space in ways that would encourage cooperation and creativity, and they invested more in tools to enable people to work effectively and collaboratively at home.
[?4?] 包容和公平
[?4?] Inclusion and Fairness
建立新的混合工作流程時,要特別注意包容和公平性的問題。這一點至關重要。研究表明,工作中的不公平感,會損害效率、引起職業(yè)倦怠、阻礙合作,并導致員工留職率下降。 As you develop new hybrid practices and processes, pay particular attention to questions of inclusion and fairness. This is vitally important. Research tells us that feelings of unfairness in the workplace can hurt productivity, increase burnout, reduce collaboration, and decrease retention. 過去公司嘗試靈活工作制,通常是讓管理者自行臨時安排。于是,不同部門和團隊的靈活自由程度各自迥異,最終不可避免地招致對不公平的指控。當然,許多員工的工作依賴于特定時間和場所,采用混合工作制難以發(fā)揮最佳效果,乃至根本無法實現(xiàn)混合工作制。這部分員工也常常感到自己獲得的待遇不公。 In the past, when companies began experimenting with flexible approaches to work, they typically allowed individual managers to drive the process on an ad hoc basis. As a result, different departments and teams were afforded varying degrees of flexibility and freedom, which inevitably gave rise to accusations of unfairness. And many employees, of course, had time- and place-dependent jobs that made hybrid arrangements either impossible or far from optimal. They often felt treated unfairly. 英國保險公司(Brit Insurance)在包容和公平方面的工作令人欽佩。公司CEO馬修·維爾松(Matthew Wilson)和首席投入官洛蘭·丹尼(Lorraine Denny)在2020年年初開始設計和實行新的工作方式,做出了一個大膽的決定。他們沒有找經常參與流程設計的人,而是從美國、百慕大和倫敦辦公室隨機選出了10%的員工(從前臺工作人員到高級業(yè)務員)一同參與設計。 Brit Insurance has done admirable work on inclusion and fairness. As the company’s CEO, Matthew Wilson, and its chief engagement officer, Lorraine Denny, began the design and implementation of new ways of working, early in 2020, they made a bold choice. Rather than involving “the usual suspects” in the design process, they randomly chose employees from offices in the United States, Bermuda, and London—amounting to 10% of the workforce, from receptionists to senior underwriters—to participate. 之后的六個月里,這些部門、職級和年齡層各不相同的員工組成六人一組的團隊,進行線上合作。首先用診斷工具分析和分享自己的工作能力和傾向,然后參加一系列學習模塊,深入學習如何合作以更好地滿足他人需求乃至公司整體的需求。最后有為期半天的“黑客馬拉松”,讓每個團隊提出創(chuàng)意并向CEO介紹,成果匯總成《英國保險合作手冊》(Brit Playbook),其中的新方法現(xiàn)在在全公司推廣。 During the following six months, teams of six employees—each drawn from multiple divisions, levels, and generational cohorts—worked together virtually across Brit Insurance. They began with diagnostic tools that helped them profile and share their own working capabilities and preferences. Then they embarked on a series of learning modules designed to create deeper insights into how they could work together to better serve one another’s needs and those of the company as a whole. Finally, they engaged in a half-day virtual “hackathon,” during which they came up with ideas and pitched them to the CEO. The result was what they called the Brit Playbook, which described some of the new ways they would now all work together. 瑞典跨國公司愛立信(Ericsson)副總裁兼人才管理負責人塞利娜·米爾斯坦(Selina Millstam)前不久開展了一項與此相似的包容性方面的工作。她與高管團隊決定,每一項新的工作安排都必須植根于公司文化,而公司文化的重要內容是“能夠暢所欲言的環(huán)境”“同理心”和“協(xié)調合作”。 Selina Millstam, the vice president and head of talent management at Ericsson, a Swedish multinational, recently conducted a similarly inclusive effort. Every new work arrangement, she and the executive team decided, would have to be rooted in the company culture, important aspects of which were “a speak-up environment,” “empathy,” and “cooperation and collaboration.” 為了確保這幾點,去年米爾斯坦及其團隊讓員工訪問開放72小時的網絡論壇發(fā)言,由主持團隊提供支持并在結束后分析討論串。2020年4月末的一個論壇發(fā)揮了重要的作用,讓愛立信員工有平臺討論疫情中的混合工作制可能對公司文化產生的影響。來自132個國家的超過1.7萬人參與了這場線上討論。參與者留言約2.8萬,提到疫情中的遠程工作有哪些難題(如缺乏社交)和益處(如干擾減少、工作效率提升)。 To ensure that this would be the case, Millstam and her team last year engaged employees in “jams” that were conducted virtually during a 72-hour period and supported by a team of facilitators, who subsequently analyzed the conversational threads. One of these jams, launched in late April 2020, played a crucial role in giving Ericsson employees a platform to talk about how hybrid ways of working during the pandemic might affect the company culture. More than 17,000 people from 132 countries participated in this virtual conversation. Participants made some 28,000 comments, addressing how working during the pandemic had created both challenges (such as lack of social contact) and benefits (such as increased productivity through reduced distraction). 這類論壇幫助愛立信高層領導者更加細致地了解了員工關心的問題,在設計混合工作模式時加以考慮。領導者認識到,變化勢必激起不公平的感覺,解決問題的最佳方式是盡力讓更多的員工參與設計過程。要傾聽員工的聲音,并讓他們傾聽彼此,明白相關決策并非管理者個人的心血來潮。 This jam and others like it helped Ericsson’s senior leaders develop a more nuanced understanding of the issues and priorities they need to take into account as they design hybrid work arrangements. Change, they realized, is bound to create feelings of unfairness and inequity, and the best way to address that problem is to ensure that as many employees as possible are involved in the design process. They need to have their voices heard, to hear from others, and to know that the changes being made are not just the result of individual managers’ whims and sensibilities. 你要如何推動自己的公司轉向隨時隨地辦公的模式?首先確定關鍵職位和任務,確定每一類職位相關的影響要素,并思考有利于這些要素的安排。讓員工參與設計,運用調查問卷、性格偏好分類和采訪,了解員工真正想要和需要的東西。不同公司的狀況相差很大,不能偷懶。要拓寬思路,發(fā)揮創(chuàng)意,注意不要重復目前工作模式中沒有效率的因素。要廣泛溝通,在每一個階段讓每個人都明白混合工作制對工作效率有益無害。為領導者提供管理混合工作制團隊的培訓,為合作工具投資,幫助團隊統(tǒng)一工作日程。 So how can you propel your firm toward an anywhere, anytime model? Start by identifying key jobs and tasks, determine what the drivers of productivity and performance are for each, and think about the arrangements that would serve them best. Engage employees in the process, using a combination of surveys, personas, and interviews to understand what they really want and need. This will differ significantly from company to company, so don’t take shortcuts. Think expansively and creatively, with an eye toward eliminating duplication and unproductive elements in your current work arrangements. Communicate broadly so that at every stage of your journey everybody understands how hybrid arrangements will enhance rather than deplete their productivity. Train leaders in the management of hybrid teams, and invest in the tools of coordination that will help your teams align their schedules. 最后,想一想新的混合工作模式究竟有沒有凸顯公司的價值觀和文化。仔細評估:你做出的所有變化,有沒有為能讓公司的每一個人都覺得有吸引力、公平、鼓舞人心且有意義的未來打好基礎? Finally, ask yourself whether your new hybrid arrangements, whatever they are, accentuate your company’s values and support its culture. Carefully and thoughtfully take stock: In the changes you’ve made, have you created a foundation for the future that everybody in the company will find engaging, fair, inspiring, and meaningful? 林達·格拉頓是倫敦商學院管理實踐教授、未來工作方式研究咨詢公司HSM創(chuàng)始人。她與安德魯·斯科特(Andrew J. Scott)合作了最新著作《新的長壽:如何在變化的世界蓬勃發(fā)展》(The New Long Life: A Framework for Flourishing in a Changing World)。 林達·格拉頓(Lynda Gratton)| 文 蔣薈蓉 | 譯??時青靖 | 校??鈕鍵軍 | 編輯