Python代碼編寫:CSC108H Tic-Tac-Toe
Tic-tac-toe?is a two-player game that children often play to pass the time. The game is usually played using a 3-by-3 game board. Each player chooses a symbol to play with (usually an X or an O) and the goal is to be the first player to place 3 of their symbols in a straight line on the game board (either across a row on the board, down a column or along one of the two main diagonals).
In this Assignment, you are to complete some functions that make up part of a larger program for playing tic-tac-toe. In the program, game boards are not restricted to being 3-by-3, but are instead N-by-N, where N is one of the integers from 1 through 9, inclusive. Our game boards will always be square. When you have completed your functions for this Assignment, you will be able to play games of tic-tac-toe on your computer!
>>> game_won('XXX-O-O--', 'X')True>>> game_won('XOXOXOOXO', 'X')False 復制代碼
def play_tictatoe(): ?... ?hava_a_winner = game_won(game_board, player_symbol) 復制代碼
def game_won(game_board, symbol): ?... ?for col in range(1, board_size + 1): ? ?extract = tictactoe_functions.extract_line(game_board, 'dowm', col) ? ? ?if extract == winning_string: ? ? ? ?return True ?for row in range(1, board_size + 1): ? ?extract = tictactoe_functions.extract_line(game_board, 'across', row) ? ? ?if extract == winning_string: ? ? ? ?return True ?... ?return False 復制代碼