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The Division 2 TU18.2 更新說明7月04日

2023-07-04 12:12 作者:MarcNEO18慎重特工  | 我要投稿

TU 18.2 PATCH NOTES 版本更新


  • Escalation Apparel Event is scheduled to start once the maintenance on July 4th is over

  • 7月4日維護后更新上線


  • Fixed the issue that prevented The Determined Talent and its Perfect version from triggering after restarting any mission with the Talent being active

  • 修復狙擊天賦再重新啟動時候沒能發(fā)動問題 (沒玩希望這樣理解沒措吧)

  • Fixed the issue where TODO items would show up in the game

  • 修復 假裝備 “TODO?”暗區(qū)賣假貨行為

  • Fixed the issue with The Unbreakable Talent and its Perfect version not functioning as they supposed to after being triggered once, no longer repairing the agent's armor upon breaking

  • 修復牢不可破 不能發(fā)動的問題 (也是好久沒玩這個天賦了)有緩步動物嘛?

  • Moved G28 MMR from Rifle to MMR category at the Crafting Station.

  • 修正G28制作臺上類別制作錯誤槍械

  • Fixed the issue with the Habsburg Guard Brand Set pieces and its Named items missing requirement for any "Habsburg Guard Materials" for crafting at the Crafting Station

  • 修正 制作 哈布斯堡衛(wèi)隊品牌時不需要這個品牌零件的問題

  • Fixed the issue with the reload animation for The Capacitator Exotic Assault Rifle

  • 修正奇特電容上彈視覺問題?(不懂也好久沒玩這把武器)

  • Fixed the issue that allowed deconstructing following Brand & Gear Sets’ blueprints dropping from level 4 Control Points' Supply Room caches:

  • 修正 4級控制點大空頭箱子(黃色)會開出以下品牌設(shè)計圖問題

    • Uzina Getica Brand Set

    • Brazos de Arcabuz Brand Set

    • Habsburg Guard Brand Set

    • Umbra Initiative Gear Set

    • Hotshot Gear Set

DESCENT 逃出升天/深潛


  • Fixed the issue with Nemesis spawning again after initially being killed following a player revival

  • 修復復仇女神,擊殺后復活的問題

  • Fixed the issue with Weekly Descend project that could be completed twice if the player beat the Nemesis before completing the main Descent Project, restarting the game and thus resetting the Weekly Descent Project

  • 修正每周復仇女神項目計劃,bug是每周出現(xiàn)了2次等錯誤

  • Fixed the issue with the Weekly Descent Projects resetting 8 hours earlier than the rest of the projects.

  • 修正周計劃比原定時間提前8小時的時區(qū)問題

  • Fixed the issue that caused players to remain in the group after disconnection while interacting with the menu

  • 修復進入菜單后離隊失敗等問題(沒離開隊伍的意思?)

  • Added missing names for Claire and Alexander Ortiz Robotics employees

  • 這這這 是說有個NPC沒了名字提示?這細節(jié) 牛逼

  • Fixed the issue with the Agent's arm patch being misaligned

  • 修復臂章錯誤顯示位置的問題

UI 界面

  • Fixed the issue with the "Show Mask" button not registering the "Hold" input from a controller

  • 沒理解 Sorry

  • Fixed the issue with the "Hide Signature Weapon" button not registering the "Hold" input when using a controller

  • 修復 手柄選擇隱藏特化武器顯示的問題 (希望沒理解錯)

  • Fixed the issue with the "Stop Matchmaking" button remaining inactive while matchmaking for any Bounty

  • 不理解

  • Fixed the issue with the Twinkling Lights Talent placeholder icon missing for the Oh Carol Named MR

  • 修正了圣誕歌頌沒顯示正常問題

  • Fixed the issue with the guiding marker not pointing to the Descent Entrance

  • 修正地圖指引不會指引下 下水道的問題


  • Fixed the issue with the FPS dropping down upon opening any Vanity Category in the Apparel Menu

  • 修復進入外觀菜單選擇時fps掉幀問題

  • Fixed minor clipping issue with the female agent's model left-hand sleeve

  • 修復了特工穿模的問題 (女性特工)


  • Fixed the issue with the Eva Garcia's Takeover Bounty not triggering the VO lines upon spawning the Bounty Target Boss and completing the Bounty

  • 修復了本次目標后不指引目標等問題


  • Fixed the issue with the first shutter door remaining open when the Raid Leader resets the Iron Horse Raid during the door opening sequence

  • 修復 新八 boss階段 開門重置有些導致門常駐開啟 (漏洞機制修復)


  • Added multiple localization fixes

  • TXT漢化修復

  • Fixed the issue allowing to spam other players with Invites if the host quickly press "Invite to group" repeatedly from the in-game social menu

  • 修正了如果主機在游戲社交菜單中快速重復按下“邀請加入群”,則允許向其他玩家發(fā)送邀請的問題

The Division 2 TU18.2 更新說明7月04日的評論 (共 條)

九龙坡区| 芷江| 翁源县| 新余市| 玉林市| 南投市| 昌乐县| 遂川县| 天柱县| 吉林市| 泗阳县| 天津市| 葵青区| 张北县| 文安县| 阜康市| 洪雅县| 漯河市| 邹城市| 闵行区| 平凉市| 通化市| 泊头市| 延川县| 子长县| 永川市| 梁平县| 陇南市| 炉霍县| 郓城县| 镇远县| 太保市| 灵璧县| 合川市| 江永县| 彭州市| 德安县| 乐清市| 怀仁县| 寻甸| 万荣县|