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12 Proven Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss

2023-09-20 23:23 作者:__星夜  | 我要投稿

1. Avoid fluoride氟化物

2.Avoid sulfates硫化物 (especially in your shampoo)?

3.Take onion juice,it can inhibit the forming of DHT.

dilute稀釋 it(50/50 ratio), rub it into your sculp and let it set for?

15 minutes,and then wash out your hair.(green tea can also make it)?

4.Rosemary oil迷迭香油(和米諾地爾功效差不多),rub it into your?

scalp,and leave it on for about 10---15 minutes,and take a shower

next day in the morning.So resemary oil is a potent強(qiáng)有力的

inhibitor of the 5 alpha reductase還原酶?

5.Zinc,the best food for zinc is oyster生蠔,and red meat.

6.Apple cider vinegar

7.Ketogenic diet & Fasting斷食.Trace mineral微量無機(jī)物.

8.Vitamin B : ★nutritional yeast ??

9.Cruciferous十字花科的 vegetables.

10.Selenium硒,the best food:brazil nuts & seafood & seaweed?

& sea kulp.

11. Vitamin D,reduce stress,get more sleep.


13.Biotin 維生素H-> sauerkraut泡菜????。?!

12 Proven Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss的評論 (共 條)

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