漫畫中貝斯臨終前的這段禱告出自Nancy Wood的《War Cry on a Prayer Feather:Prose and Poetry of the Ute Indians Hardcover》一書,其中所記載的美國中西部印第安尤特族祈禱語。米二的這段翻譯非常美,現(xiàn)摘抄原文如下:
《War Cry on a Prayer Feather》——Nancy Wood Earth teach me stillness As the grasses are stilled with light。【如青草與光同在】 Earth teach me suffering As old stones suffer with memory?!救缇奘c記憶一起受難】 Earth teach me humility As blossoms are humble with beginning?!窘涛液螢橹t卑,如含苞待放時羞怯】 Earth teach me caring As the mother who secures her young?!窘涛液螢殛P(guān)懷,如護嬰之母】 Earth teach me courage As the tree which stands all alone。【教我何為勇氣,如孤立之大樹】 Earth teach me limitation As the ant who crawls on the ground?!窘涛液螢橄拗疲缗佬兄仭?br>Earth teach me freedom As the eagle who soars in the sky?!窘涛液螢樽杂?,如蒼鷹翱翔】 Earth teach me resignation As the leaves which die in the fall。【教我何為順從,如落葉飄零】 Earth teach me regeneration As the seed which rises in spring?!窘涛液螢橹厣?,如春日萌芽】 Earth teach me to forget myself As melted snow forgets its life?!窘涛彝涀约?,如冬日融雪】 Earth teach me to remember kindness As dry fields weep with rain?!窘涛液螢槿蚀龋绾档卦谟曛锌奁?/blockquote>嘿嘿嘿,米老二,想不到吧?這書我也有!
她的詩歌大多在表達了自然與人類精神之間的相互聯(lián)系。正如她所說,“We all are a part of something largely undefinable, call it God or the Great Spirit, Buddha or Allah, Krishna or Mozart. I feel connected to this mystery on rivers, in deserts, and on the sea, but mostly in the mountains.“【我們都是某些無法定義的存在的一部分,世人稱之為上帝或偉大精神,佛陀或安拉,克里希納或莫扎特。我覺得與河流、沙漠和海洋上的這個謎團有關(guān),但主要是在山上?!?958年時,南希搬到了美洲西部的科羅拉多斯普林斯,她在落基山脈找到了新的精神家園,并在陶斯普韋布洛(Taos Pueblo)目睹了以自然為中心的宗教。
在尤特人的宗教祭祀中,“藍湖(尤特語:Dzelzitis)[2]”一直充當著“圣湖”的角色,位于Sangre de Cristo山脈的冰川冰斗中,是尤特人宗教信仰和祭祀的核心區(qū)域。藍湖被視為所有生命的源泉,他們的創(chuàng)世神話聲稱人類是從藍湖(尤特語:Dzelzitis)中被神明創(chuàng)造出來的。但是這片“圣湖”卻在歷屆美國政府的巧取豪奪下被劃歸國有,尤特人始終無法完成祭祀,直到1970年尼克斯才把這片土地還給陶斯普韋布洛部落的尤特人。